Archive for the ‘Blogroll’ Category

2012 is a Referendum on our Christian Conservative Heritage

September 21, 2011

If the 2008 presidential election taught us anything, it is that we cannot drop our guard and allow our Constitution to be hijacked by stealth candidates for Foreign Interests on or near a large continent that is south of Europe and begins with the letter A.

We obviously don’t want to replace the arrogant Nuambian Prince currently occupying OUR White House with more of the same.

This specific concern renders implausible the election of certain candidates who do not rise to meet the standards of our Heritage Test.  Among such individuals are Pizza Mogul Herman Cain, a likeable, well-groomed negro who enunciates his words nicely.

Let me be perfectly clear.  Second only to Rep Tom Tancredo, Pizza Mogul Herman Cain’s anti-muslim credentials are unrivaled.  He is an Outstanding Christian Conservative in this regard who I am certain would attack the immigration problem and the immigrants it attracts with the sort of heartless devastation the issue merits.  I think we could trust him to roll back every progressive reform ever enacted by Congress in its recorded history.


Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is shown in the image in this interblog.

Look at this picture prayerfully and ask yourself whether you can honestly say this individual passes the Heritage Test.

(Hint: There is nothing wrong with your monitor’s color settings)

Death threats force Jesus to cancel Last Supper

February 7, 2011

Liberal Elitists seek to Crucify xGov Mother Sarah Palin

No!  Of course this did not happen.  You have to be pretty stupid to think The Bible has an error!

But that is the first thought that comes to my mind when I hear that xGov Mother Sarah Palin is forced to cancel yet another public appearance when threats of a highly credible nature are made upon her life.

In this instance, she has been forced to cancel an important charity fundraising event for Our Troops, who are sacrificing so much for our Dominion while deployed in harms way, fighting to preserve our way of life from the savage threats of muslims.  The least we could do to thank them for their sacrifice is to hold a Charity Fundraiser in their honor, and raise money in their names.  But threats from violent liberals and democratic party operatives and their mainstream media collaborators make this too dangerous of an event for her to attend.  And who benefits from the cancellation of this benefit?  The terrorists. Coincidence?

But, one does wonder does he not?  The often violent disrespect shown to xGov Mother Sarah Palin by a loose cabal of elite liberal mobsters suggests that Jesus very well might have canceled the Last Supper had he been subjected to their cynical brand of democratic party partisianship mind control that xGov Mother Sarah Palin endures on a daily basis.

As  history proves, and as verified by authentic Biblical Witnesses,  Jesus did not cancel the Last Supper.  We’ll never know whether he failed to act on good advice or bad, but we do know that as a direct consequence of holding His Last Supper, He was bushwhacked by a traitorous apostle. We now know that Judas was a greedy and despicable  Jew/Arab hybrid in possession of an  unquenchable thirst for power and a weakness for the Roman Denarius.  As a result of the Judasian Betrayal, Jesus ended up sacrificing His Body to a rendition and torture of such a horrible nature, we dare not even use such methods on terrorists we have captured in the recent muslim wars, even though they fully deserve it.

To be sure, because Jesus failed to cancel the Last Supper, the Sins of Christians are now purged of all Godly memory, and the Chosen among us are invited to walk in the bosom of God in Heaven for an eternity, after this meaningless corporeal existence of ours has ended.

The Christian Soul would have met a very different fate over the last 2000 year had Jesus instead been alerted to the same sorts of threats xGovMother Sarah Palin gets on a daily basis.  The prophesies would have gone unfulfilled, and we would have had to wait for another Messiah, and probably not a one as handsome as was Jesus the Christ owing to the miscegenation of Galilee since His time!

Fortunately, xGov Mother Sarah Palin escapes the fate of Jesus because she has a number of early warning detection systems that alert her to the threats lobbed at her from demon-inspired Obama-backing secularists.  She uses the intertwitter, Fair and Balanced Fox News, the interUTubes, her Facebookalytes, and so on to alert her when it is unsafe to render speeches.  Jesus’ fate was sealed because he did not have these tools.

When she cancels her speaking engagements, xGov Mother Sarah Palin does so only because Her time of the Ultimate Sacrifice is not upon us. Until that time comes, perhaps at some point after Trig is weaned from her bosom, a time which is between her and God, she (along with Rep Tom Tancredo) will remain His greatest gift to us, just as His Son Jesus was in His Greatest Gift to Us back in the Day.

muslim plan: destroy our economy one intersection at a time

August 15, 2010

Six times a day trade and commerce in NYC come to a standstill as muslims spill out of their mosques to the streets

With their last words, the muslims who took down the World Trade Center vowing to destroy American enterprise and ingenuity, jealous of our Freedom and that We are God’s Chosen Nation and that we are an Unprecedented Economic Might.

Obviously, that mission failed because since 9/11 and up until the government was taken over by the nigerian prince and his kabal of kenyan kaliphates , the United States enjoyed unprecedented economic growth mostly as a result from trickle down effects of government investment in two extremely popular Wars Against Muslims.  Also, we have killed thousands of muslims in those wars–not enough–but a good start, for sure.  So it would seem that the WTC Conspiracy to Destroy our Sacred Way of Life was an abject failure.

Still, the muslims don’t give up.  And one doesn’t expect some backwater species who has lived like prehistoric animals for centuries and centuries to ever give up.  Largely due to their unquenchable will for destruction and because of our porous borders and because of the limp-wristed immigration policies, the muslims keep coming.  The Obama administration has basically opened the door to muslims and welcomed them with open arms.  As a result, they have flooded across our borders unchecked in unprecedented numbers.  And because of this, they are opening up new mosques faster than McDonalds can cook cheeseburgers.

And with this, their new plan to destroy our economy has come into focus.  They intend to buy properties to build mosques in busy cities using US government-backed loans supplemented with proceeds from terrorist organizations.  Next, six times a day, they plan to flood out of the mosques and in a profane act of idolatry, prostrate themselves towards the tomb of the false prophet of mecca right smack in the middle of the nearest intersection.  Obama has issued orders that police cannot stop these ‘prayer’ events because, “they are Constitutionally-protected acts of worship.” (Clearly, Obama was absent on the day at Law School that they required the students to actually read the Constitution.)  Of course, the net effect of these prayer-immitation demonstrations is to cause massive gridlock, completely disrupting all trade and commerce.  Six times a day.

As a result,  businesses will close, and their employees laid off, which will disproportionately affect Christian workers because no good American business would ever hire muslims, typically.

What is particularly sad is that the nigerian prince Obama and his kabal of kenyan kronies, is defending the practices of these muslims as a religious exercise protected by the 1st amendment, when, in fact, the authors of the 1st amendment only concerned themselves with providing unfettered freedom of religion to Christians and could never have conceived of the possibility that peoples of other religions, especially muslims and jews, would ever have been allowed into Her borders.

It will come to pass that about the only trade that one will be able to conduct in a major city is to purchase a falafel sandwich from a–you guessed it–government-licensed muslim food cart vendor.

Before long, the takeover of our Nation will be complete, and we will be renamed as the United Brotherhood of Muslim States in America.

None of this would have happened had Rep Tom Tancredo been elected President in 2008 in accordance to God’s PLAN.   Rep Tom Tancredo’s antiimmigration policies would have turned all the muslims and mexicans away at our gates.  He would have also inacted sweeping reforms in all municipal food cart vending licence regulations.  Finally, Rep Tom Tancredo would have enacted some sweeping Constitutional Amendment Reforms, including restrictions on muslim prayer practices, to more clearly spellout what Our Founders obviously had in mind when they wrote the burn document in the first place.

In the meantime, lets view the current muslim gridlock crisis as a learning opportunity.  The next time somebody like myself communicates to you God’s PLAN, perhaps you’ll take it more seriously?

Obamacare is a ruse entirely designed to steal your guns

October 15, 2009

The Love of Jesus and Gun Ownership is the bedrock of Christian Faith

The Love of Jesus and Gun Ownership is the bedrock of Christian Faith

Rather than defend himself with his weapons, Jesus chose to be renditioned and tortured under conditions so horrific they would be unsuitable for extracting intelligence from terrorist muslims.  Jesus died upon the Holy Cross for one reason: so that we could enjoy our 2nd Amendment Rights to Hold, Bear and, if necessary, shoot our Arms at muslims and other immigrants who are here in America to destroy our Christian Way of Life.

Now, our Constitutional Right to Armed Self Defense is  threatened as never before.  Hussein Obama and his jooish democrat Congressional puppets  have inserted language into the health care reform bill that will make it impossible for American Christians to simultaneously own firearms and enjoy access to the Best Medical System in the world.  They will be forced to choose one or the other.  This comes from an independent analysis of the Baucus Health care Reform bill by a non-partisan, completely objective watchdog think tank based up there somewhere.  Loyal interblog readers will know that I am not one to recklessly cite think tank output, seeing as how most of it carries a profoundly disturbing liberal bias.

Provisions in the Baucus health care bill call for the assessment of punitive, enormous taxes for individuals engaged in deadly lifestyle choices.  The bill goes on to define deadly lifestyle choices as 1) gun ownership, 2) living in a negro neighborhood.

Instructively, there is no mention whatsoever of the gay homosexual as one who leads a deadly lifestyle, providing all the proof one needs that the Baucus Health Care Bill was crafted by the cartel of hollywood-liberal-homosexual-elitists.

Although I am all for the disarmament of the negro, this provision clearly endangers law-abiding Christian gun lovers and will prevent them from adequately defending themselves from assaults by elements of the atheist conspiracy during Wednesday and Sunday worship services

This bill needs to be stopped or else you will be handing over your weapons to Obama.  Christians without weapons will be unable to defend themselves, their farm animals & equipment & dogs, their wives, their children or their property.

Obama wastes taxpayer dollars to install White House basketball court

October 12, 2009

We have uncovered fresh utubercle video evidence that  Spearchucker Sheik President Sen Nobelist Barry Soeterror Hussien Obama has no interest in restoring fiscal sanity to the White House, the House of Representatives, or any other House for that matter.  Watch the deeply disturbing video below which documents the new, state of the art $56.8 billion Negro-only basketball court that Obama has had built in the White House basement.

One Nation Under God

October 6, 2009

Jesus laughs at Hussain Obama's useless liberal agenda

Jesus laughs at Hussain Obama's useless liberal agenda

Finally, the mainstream artist industry is beginning to recognize that this Great Nation of ours Belongs to Christ!!!

I urge Dominionists everywhere to click on the interlink above and to study and disseminate this wonderful work of art, which is so rich in symbolism, that it needs explanatory paragraphs to get across the points it makes.

For example, the you can read about all the enemies of our Constitution, including activist Supreme Court judge weeping in shame, the smug, Evolution-loving, liberal humanist God-less college professor, and family physicians lining up to get fat at the Public Option health care reform troth, and so forth

Note to immigrants: You are NOT welcome in this Country, even if you do accept Lord Jesus the Savior as your God.  JMO

Dominionists are not opposed to health care reform

August 7, 2009

We would like to offer ourselves as an alternative to the GOP, which seems to have taken its eye off the main problem facing our country. The GOP are now obsessed with stopping Obamacare, and with it the forced euthanasia of the infirm, crippled, and defective. Truth is, and any farmer will tell you the same thing, all herds need some culling now and again.
Dominionists are prepared to offer the democrat congress a compromise: we will legalize it so as Americans can buy healthcare in Canada, Europe and China. In return, we’ll simply ask for a more effective border security program, including mine fields, attack dogs, and fully armed machine gun turrets. In this way, we can keep the roaming packs of mexican rape squads our of our hospital emergency rooms, where they lie bleeding our economy of Her precious economic resources.

Vote for Rev Paul T Hipple for Antarctic Winter Interblogger!!!!

July 20, 2009

God touches Antarctica in mysterious ways

God touches Antarctica in mysterious ways

Brothers and Sisters, God spoke to me in my night time Visions last night to say that He has nominated me to run for the Antarctic Guest Blogger position.  But I need your help.

Please vote for me early and often

Here is my campaign speech:

What Antarctica needs right now is Intense Christian prayer

Too often, we in the Christian Coalition–including Governor Mother Sarah Palin and myself–are persecuted for our Environmental beliefs.  Liberal atheists spread rumors that we are environmentally insensitive.  But there are few things Christians enjoy more than looking at environmentally devasted areas like the Antarctica and praying to God for something better.  In this way, Christians serve as Protectors of he Environment and Agents of Change.

In the month that I’ll spend in Antarctica, I will conduct a world wide interblog Prayer Festival, leading Christians to repudiate Sin and the Sinners who Sin, begging God to reward our prayers by converting Antarctica from the frozen, barren landscape it is, into the tropical paradise God wants it to become. We will thank Him for his Gift of Global Warming, and ask that He continue with his higher sunspot activity program until such time as succulant plants overwhelm the Antarctica continent and dinosaurs return.

We will also pray that Her borders be opened at last, so that the precious energy resources trapped under its harsh landscape can flow north into America where it is so desperately needed.  Finally, we will pray that established Penguin communities throughout Antarctica once again respect anti-miscegenation laws, especially those outlawing homo behavior and sodomy amongst them, as recently happened (not surprisingly) in the San Francisco Zoo.

God gave Americans a beautiful gift in the Antarctic environment, which we should subdue according to His will.  What we need at this tipping point in history is someone like myself, an Experienced Pastor, who can Hear what God wants first hand (through the miracle of night time visions) and lead a Prayer Charge so that God realizes Americans are grateful for His continents, even the barren ones.

God bless you and thank you for voting for me and for Rep Tom Tancredo in 2008 2012.

Tancredo-Palin to head 2012 Dominionist ticket?

July 6, 2009

Through the miracle of Night Time Visions, God reveals to me that Rep. Tom Tancredo and Governor Mother Sarah Palin will lead the Dominionist Party ticket for  2012 , and take back the Whitehouse for the sorts of American Citizens who belong there in the first place.  Let’s just say it isn’t named the Negrohouse, and leave that particular matter well enough alone.

Governor Mother Sarah Palin will be the V.P. candidate, owing to her lovely, natural God-Given  subserviant womanness, whereas Rep. Tom Tancredo will be in charge,  as God intends.

God has appeared to  Governor Mother Sarah Palin and asked her to step down from her role as Governor of Alaska in order to prayerfully prepare herself to save the United States of America Dominion from the great harm that flows across her borders.  Unfortunately, we live in a time where roaming packs of mexican rape squads spill across our borders, without a single pipeline supplying Her with God-given Alaskan energy.

This must not stand.

God asked Governor Mother Sarah Palin to run as a Dominionist rather than on the GOP ticket because the GOP are persecuting her almost as bad as David Letterman and the rest of the MSM in cahoots with him.  The dark-sided blogosphere has posted horrible, disturbing images of Governor Mother Sarah Palin’s birth defected children, even though these images were intended for private family use.  Clearly, mainstream American’s are persecuting Governor Mother Sarah Palin so bad they no longer deserver to have her work as Alaska’s Governor.

Their actions have made her our leading Christian Victim, which places her in a perfect position to run as God’s leading candidate for the Whitehouse in 2012!!!

In this Act, God has also abandoned the GOP because God has a policy not to consort with loser political parties that are so bad, they can’t even beat a negro candidate who consorts with terror-loving terrorists.

No matter what we call it, torture can change hearts of evildoers

January 19, 2009

42-15819098It is hard to resist sarcasm.  With our US  government now transitioning from one based upon Christian Principles to one based on the Quran, it seems to have become fashionable lately to rename ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ as torture.

We must accept the fact that what is sure to follow this revision of terms is Persecution of the good Christians working for the Bush administration, because nobody who has been accused of practicing enhanced interrogation techniques will ever be convicted of war crimes.

Fine, let’s call it torture and let’s accept that Christians, like Jesus Christ before them, will be unjustly brought to trial and face death for their acts of torture.  When this happens, let us Prayerfully give thanks, taking solace in how it reminds us that persecution is precisely what defines Christians as a great Religious Movement.

Even so, the elect can take further solace in knowing the convicted are saved and at Peace with God.  If the US detention facility official who is conducting torture does  not enjoy torturing the terrorist prisoner, it is completely illogical to think that he is engaged in anything other than the routine extraction of intelligence information from heartless, bloodthirsty murderers.

The fact of the matter is,  we are compelled by our Christian Faith to perform whatever uncomfortable acts are necessary to prevent islamojihadists from committing mass murder.  And if Good Christians are brought to trial and persecuted simply because they sought to uncover these muslim deceptions, we must accept that as God’s Will.

And through all of this, let’s not forget that torture does work.  The liberal mainstream media would have you believe that it doesn’t.  But of course, they have that wrong, too.

For an excellent example, look no further than to the case of  Sayed Imam Al-Sharif, ak Dr. Fadl.   As we all know, before now, no muslim has ever repudiated the terrorist acts of al-Qaeda and for this reason, we now clearly understand that Islam is not a peace loving religion.  However, none other than the ideological founder of Islamic Jihad,  after being tortured as a prisoner of  the Egyptian authorities for over a decade, Dr. Fadl finally broke, repudiating his islamofascist legacy:

In a prison cell south of Cairo a repentant Egyptian terrorist leader is putting the finishing touches to a remarkable recantation that undermines the Muslim theological basis for violent jihad and is set to generate furious controversy among former comrades still fighting with al-Qaida.

Of course, this common criminal doesn’t believe a word of it, and would gladly go back to slaughtering Christians if given the chance.  But that isn’t the point.  My point is this repudiation of violent islamic extremeism would not have been possible without God’s magnificant instrument of torture! Now, for the first time, we have real hope Obama bin Laden will fear what has happened to his colleague, heed the words of this torture victim, lay down his arms, and surrender peaceflly to the nearest authorities.

The next time someone trys to tell you torture is useless, tell them about how a bloodthirsty jihadist in prison called Dr. Fadl,  somewhere around or near the Nile River,  is suddenly singing peace and love like a purple martin sitting on a 20 foot pole.