Archive for the ‘mine fields as instruments of diplomacy’ Category

Truck stop pizza mogul Herman Cain’s subliminal call for plantation uprising

October 26, 2011

God has always felt that there is something not quite right about truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain, but He hasn’t quite been able to put his finger on it.

In a shocking “campaign” video, his first, truck stop pizza mogul Herman Cain finally reveals his Demonically Inspired Plans.

Everybody who has seen this video comes away deeply disturbed, but are not at all certain what message truck stop Pizza Mogul is trying to convey.

“Mark Block here.  Since January I’ve had the privilege of being the chief of staff to Herman Cain.  And the Chief Operating Officer of the Friends of Herman Cain.  Tomorrow is one day closer to the White House.  I really believe  that Herman Cain will put United back in the United States of America.  And if I didn’t believe that I wouldn’t be here.   We’ve run a campaign like nobody has ever seen.  But then, America has never seen a candidate like Herman Cain.  We need you to get involved because together we can do this, we can take this country back. ”

(puffs on cigaratee….music begins as Jezebel sings….”I am America, One Voice, United We Stand, I am America, One Hope, to Heal our Land!”…. image of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain gives the camera a slow demonic smile)

Here is the literal translation of the message, in which I used the Yahoo! Babal generator to translate it to Chinese, then to Russian, then to Dutch and then back to English.

“The block-system of the sign here. Of I’ – GO January; because ve have a privilege commander victoriously give the Herman. Because Herman triumphant friend’ the maintenance s takes away critical party. There will be tomorrow to the White House of approximately one day. Because I believe that Herman invest victoriously really in the V.S. you will link. And, as I didn’ t believes I wouldn’ t here. We’ As nobody she saw, then ve critical were conduct a campaign. Of the other side, but the V.S. opinions victoriously never consider as Herman because of selected that. We you must include, because we can make this together, we can this country approve.”

These words taken together with the other imagery in the video..the Jezebel music, the burning cigarette, the untrustworthy grinning negro, provide us a message that is clearly obvious:  Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is a messenger sent here by an ancient extrasolar civilization intending to achieve World Domination.

Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is calling about his Sleeper Agents (who are the roaming packs of mexican rape squads currently populating our Sanctuary Cities) to initiate their Alien Impregnation Campaign in which his species will deposit eggs via ocular copulation with both male and female human subjects.

They transfer their eggs into us humans by staring into our eyeballs and then grinning at us!! Following an appropriate gestation period in which their progeny grow and develop inside our brains, they will enter the world via explosive parturition in which the host organism (you and me) dies.

At the present time, there is no way of knowing who among us represent their species, other than truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain.  Until further notice, Do NOT Look into the eyeballs of grinning negroes or any mexicans, grinning or otherewise!



Truck Stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain sounds familiar

October 16, 2011

Truck Stop Pizza Mogul Hermain Cain chuckles when thinking how gullible Conservative Christian voters must be to buy into his failed immigration solutions

Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain now says he wants to build an electric border fence.

Where have we heard that before?

This is just more proof that Conservative Christian voters should be suspicious of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain. Who, in addition to his Heritage Problem, looks more and more like a  Complete Lightweight on the Cultural Miscegenation crisis brought about by the Kenyan Usurper and his “Open Arms, Open Border” program.

Because Anybody who has thought for a second about the roaming packs of mexican rape squad crisis would realize bullets and electric fences alone simply are not enough.  These are nothing but the tired solutions that have been offered time and again by a parade of “establishment” politicians, none of them who have done anything about the immigration problem.

Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is saying these things because he thinks that is all Conservative Christian voters need to hear to get their votes.

But true Conservative Christian voters with Constitutional Conservative proclivities know we also need the following: an effective mine field deterrent, a Scientifically designed machine gun turret program, vicious border dogs, an anchor baby capture and release system modeled on best practices of deer herd management.  We know we must also deploy moats where applicable and swamps where practical and venomous snake pits where feasible.  We need to deploy the latest in sonic-based weaponry to protect our East and West Beaches from the waves of islamofascists crashing the shores.  Overhead, we cannot rest until we’ve installed a seamless web of steel and laser beams to trap Intruders from the skies!

What we don’t need are more bullets.  We got us plenty of bullets.

What we need is a comprehensive Arpaioization of our borders, north and south, east and west, overhead and subterranean.

And we need a Conservative Christian Presidential Candidate who has the single-minded Will to achieve this:  Rep Tom Tancredo!

Great Moments in Deficit Reduction: Moving from an all-volunteer to an all-slave armed forces

November 6, 2010

Illegal mexican bandito immigrant smiles eagerly after being offered an opportunity to wage war against muslims

With their out-of-control spending, the demonrats have destroyed our Christian Way of Life.  Fortunately, we have just elected a Christian Conservative Congress in a nick of time, and the Salvation of our Dominion remains a possibility.

The first objective of these Sacred Congressmen is to achieve a balanced budget by enacting massive economy-stimulating tax cuts.  They will also need to make some very difficult budget cutting decisions.  The Christian Conservative Congress also needs to deal with the illegal immigrant menace that has polluted our Great Nation and threatens the sanctity of our Chaste Women Resources.

In my Holy Night Time Visions last night, God has informed me that He has just come up with a Perfect Solution: An All-Slave army.

Currently, the military personnel costs to our Dominion Taxpayers are over $250 billion dollars annually.  Beyond the obvious fact that Dominion Taxpayers know how to spend their own personal $250 billion dollars far better than the govt, what are we taxpayers actually getting for that expense?  Well, since we are only killing ~2000 muslims each year, each dead muslim is costing us anywhere between $50-$100 million.

To reduce the per muslim killed cost, we can either start killing more muslims (which is obviously what we all would prefer to achieve) or we can reduce our personnel costs.

Or we can do both, which is the beauty of God’s Slave Army Initiative!

So God proposes that we round up all the illegal aliens and make them our soldiers.  This would allow us to cut back dramatically on the personnel costs of keeping US Christian American soldiers in harms way and on the Department of Defense payroll, and allow them to retire and return to their loving, supportive Christian families with whom they can finish their lives sharing a peaceful and dignified agrarian existence to heal the wounds caused by the horrific muslim atrocities they witnessed in wartime.

The illegal immigrants who replace our Christian American Soldiers will be instructed on how to kill muslims, but will not be paid for their services because they are foreign criminals without Constitutional Rights and therefore have NO LIBERTIES to be deprived of.  Including the right to being paid a wage for their soldiering. And they will not mind not being paid for their services because they are motivated far more by mayhem and carnage than by economic aspirations.

But, and here is the beauty of God’s Plan, rather than running about our streets in roaming packs terrorizing peaceful Americans and eroding Our Christian Culture, they will be shipped over and let loose in muslim lands to practice their blood thirsty ways.  They will show no mercy BECAUSE their Souls are dark, empty wastelands bereft of any human decency, and will therefore prove to be far more effective muslim-killing machines than our great US Christian Soldiers, who as I already mentioned, are pretty darn good at $100 million per sheik head.

You might be asking, “But Rev Hipple, what will we do with all these illegal immigrant conscripts when the war is over?”

What a stupid question!  If our Conservative Christian Congress is who we think we elected, the War againsts muslims will never end!  And if they don’t understand that, we will keep on electing Conservative Christian Congresses until we get one that never ends the war.  Obviously!

This is a win-win-win net-net situation and I urge you to prayerfully ask God to show His new Christian Congress the Way.


I voted. Barely.

November 3, 2010

New Black Panthers cordon off entry to polling station in Georgia, while threatening to beat and rape anyone who attempts to cross.

I voted.

I voted even though I put my life in danger by breaking through a cabal of militant SEIU welfare addicts, Black Panther negro thugs, a zany pack of leftwing euroenvironmentaloids screatching about something or other,  a bunch of shiftless illegal immigrants who smelled suspiciously muslim, and a gaggle of disease-infested “men” I can only presume were members of some twisted gay-homosexual cult demanding sickening rights to fornicate out in the wide open nature!

I got pictures of all of it.  The terror we experienced as we voted was unspeakable!  The degree of voter intimidation would impress Hugo Chavez and any socialistic muslim fascist stalinist dictator throughout the world!

But once I got in there I went in there and did a good ol’ fashion foot stomp on the demonrats who have destroyed our Christian Culture and stolen the future of our grandchildren and Driven our Constitution and unbalanced budget off a cliff, and who seek to enslave our women and children in their despicable demagogic brand of atheism and demon altar-worship.

My only remaining concern was how all of the polling station workers seemed to be obviously trucked in off the immigrant welfare rolls, wearing the hijab and other death cult baubles, almost certainly foreshadowing the fraudulent vote counting sure to come.

If this election does not go PRECISELY as predicted by Fair and Balanced FOX News, we’ll know why.

I voted.  And I survived.  Barely.  And I got pictures.  Lot’s of pictures.

All Praise to God for delivering me Intact from this horrific mayhem and for delivering our Country Gov Rep Tom Tancredo, who will gain invaluable experience ruling Colorado with an iron fist before his ascension to the White House in 2012!!!

How to spot a muslim

October 26, 2010

Muslim dressed in traditional muslim warrior garb

As I’m sure you all know, the intergoogles are all atwitter lately over how a  socialist marxist radio station that exists only to serve as the propaganda arm of the elitist demoncrat party (NPR)  yet depends 100% upon govt handouts for its operations has just FIRED an extremely reasonable (although racially flawed) member of the commentariat.

This persecuted commentarian was fired merely because he expressed a completely rational fear of being on a jet airliner plane when it is boarded by muslims flouting their muslimhoodedness by wearing traditional muslim clothing, smack in the faces of horrified Chrisitians and other innocent potential terror victims.

Commentariate Member and mexican/negro half breed Juan Williams, who plays a Reasonable Conservative Christian on the NPR, while at the same time playing a Persecuted liberal Token Negro (Teagro) on the Fair and Balanced FOX News, expressed these extremely thoughtful remarks in an interview:

But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Of course he gets nervous!  Muslim is more like a death cult than like a religion.  Muslims who expect to “meet Allah” at any second wear traditional muslim garb because they mistakenly think that will purify their souls and don’t realize that the only pathway to a Purified Soul is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Still, how would you feel if a member of a known death cult stepped onto an air jet liner moments before the door is closed, it pushes back from the gate and begins to taxi down the runway.  Typically, they closes their eyes and then begin to quietly whisper chants, asking their Demon to strengthen them before they push the button and blow up the whole lot!   It is perfectly natural to panic if you ever find yourself in such a situation.

But, unfortunately, things are much worse than this.  We now know that homicidal muslims  camouflage themselves in all manner of “normal” looking attire underneath their suicide vests, so as to blend in and not be noticed.

Fortunately, Conservative Christians throughout the intergoogles are now publishing helpful field guides that can be used to spot muslims.  We must all remain on high alert for these criminals, and continue to Pray for the Deliverance of Rep Tom Tancredo as our Elected President, who will protect us from muslims by slamming the borders tighter than a hermetically sealed pickled yam jar!

Dream Act Banditos: Obamas mercenary protectorate guard

September 23, 2010

An obviously gay homosexual Swiss Guardsman use demonic magic and subversive mind control methods to subdue and destroy papal enemies

As if stealing from playbooks written by Marx, Lenin and Hitler weren’t enough, it looks like the kenyan konstitutional usurper is going to steal another play, but this time from the  playbook of the papist’s pope.

What the illegitimate president Obama hopes to achieve through this theft is a template to create a military vanguard for his own personal use, the equivalent of a Hugo Chavezian protectorate!  An American band of mercenaries modeled upon “The Swiss Guard” who are beholden to Obama’s every whim and desire and evil machination.

Most Christians are not aware that the Chief Idolator, the pope, surrounds himself with a cult of elitist homosexual euro/demon-ninja concubines called “The Swiss Guard.”   “The Swiss Guard” are mercenaries, which proves to us their gay homosexual proclivities, who are handsomely compensated to protect the pope.

They do so by deploying a variety of cunning defensive and offensive capabilities, ranging from mastery of pagan hand-to-hand combat, to expertise in high caliber weapons marksmenship and mine field deployment, to cyberwarfare and an array of demonic-based mind-control tactics.

You might ask yourself, “All I did was ask the intergoogle to tell me about the DREAM Act, what does this have to do with the DREAM Act?”

The DREAM Act is a piece of hobama legislation principally designed to pander to the coloreds vote, especially the light brown coloreds, and to drive a wedge between them and common sense Christian American voters.  This is because the DREAM Act as a paved road towards US citizenship for illegal mexicans who have infiltrated our borders. Rather than round them up and ship them back in cattle cars to their own burn God Foresaken land, Obama plans to pass out US Citizenship to these criminals like Christmas Candy, which will make them his lifelong voters.

That is what they want you to believe.

What is hidden in the fine print is this: The DREAM Act will pass out a US American Citizenship Card willy nilly to any Juan, Pedro or Ricardo that wanders along, just as if they were free passes to the FFA carcass hog contest.  And the more evil and nefarious and criminally-minded Juan, Pedro or Ricardo, the better.

Because all that Juan, Pedro and Ricardo have to agree to do is to sign on to serve four year hitches as highly-paid mercenaries, loyal only to the usurper who is now occupying the White House, and to no other person or entity.  In exchange for citizenship, they agree to be programmed to bid his every wish and desire, from late night runs to round up K-street tramps and wenches for impromptu West Wing orgy festivals, to conducting cross-Potomac raids on the Pentagon, to engage in search and destroy skirmishes against our brave Armed Forces stationed there.

Obama will also order these Dream Act Banditos to round up and imprison those he suspects of seditious acts including all Christians, all Conservatives, and anybody known to be or to have supported Republican or Republican Tea PartyCandidates in deed or in thought.

The only way we can stop this from happening is to prevent the DREAM Act from becoming law, which means we MUST elect a Conservative Christian Congress, as they are the only people willing to stand up to the kenyan usurper and his nigerian cronies.

Just a Quick thought: Can Slavery solve our immigration crisis?

September 14, 2010

Screen depictions such as this of hard working, self-motivated slaves overstate their work ethic. Especially for mexicans.

The more I pray to God for Guidance about it, the more convinced I become that reinstituting slavery for mexicans can be the most effective deterrent weapon we have in our anti-immigration crisis arsenal.

Perhaps a better weapon than the effective border dog and border mine field programs instituted under the loving presidency of Gov Pres George W Bush.

You see, I have repeatedly asked the intergoogles the following question, and have yet to get an answer because there probably ain’t none:

What is the name of a single negro buck who snuck across our borders and into Our Dominion prior to when the 13th Amendment was passed?

Besides our Beautiful White Christian Women, the only thing that attracts the mexican to Our Dominion is compensated work. But nobody except God and I are thinking about what would happen if we didn’t compensate them?  Because they are lazy and shiftless, they certainly wouldn’t work as hard.

If we ever want this festering flood to ever stop, then what we need is for our government to get off the backs of the Free Enterprisers  and allow them to use mexican slaves in their small businesses as they see fit.

It seems to me that all we need is the political will to enslave illegal aliens.  Fortunately, we have several emerging leaders sweeping into government office who are sympathetic to they idea of using an effective slavery deterrent in the War on our Borders and that day is coming soon!

Would Jesus amend His Constitution?

August 16, 2010

Look very carefully to see photographic proof that Jesus inspired Our Founders and directed their pens

Serious Constitutional scholars, at least the only ones people should listen to, no longer debate the concept that the US Constitution is a living, breathing document Inspired by the Hand of God and his Son, baby Jesus.  These scholars now agree that our United States Dominion is a Christian nation because our Constitution was, if not written by God word for word, then certainly dictated by Him.  Are we a Christian Nation?  [looks cross-eyed] What a stupid question!

One doesn’t even need prayerful answers to that one.  Just look at world history in any book, even Secular Elitist world history and it will be as obvious as daylight:

At the time of our Founding, the rest of the world, Europe in particular, was sliding into the dark abyss in which it rests today, a cabal of socialist, communist-inspired governments ruled by atheist nazis and lice-infested royal families who ruthlessly taxed their subjects to redistribute their wealth to the poor, the lazy and the useless cripples of their society.  As such, it had become clear to Jesus that the Times called for a new safe haven for His people, who were being oppressed by the Shackles of Taxation.

Checking off his options by Looking towards other continents, He saw that Africa was not much different than it is today, populated by degenerate tribes of primitive negroes in the south, while roaming packs of cagey muslim thieves owned its north.  He saw Asia as a land infested with wild-eyed, incoherent nomadic mongols, whereas South America was crawling with peoples (I hesitate to call them even that, more like animals) of bizarre pagan cults who were so drug-addled from sucking on the leaves of toxic indigenous plants that they didn’t even realize they were naked all the time!  Since it was well known that Australia was no different then what it is today, a penal colony of euro-rapists, thieves, murderers and more horrifically even debt-welchers, Jesus didn’t even glance there when thinking about where to set up His Dominion.  Finally, he did not look to Antarctica, because at the time it was not clear Antarctica was even a continent.  Even to Jesus.

Thus, with essentially His only option remaining, He sought out Our Shores, its Good Christian People, and the brilliant Founding Fathers within to create a Christian Nation, His Kingdom upon His earth!

These are indisputable historical facts.

The question therefore always arises, “If Jesus wrote the Constitution, and the Constitution is His Words, and since His Words are immutable, than why in the blaze would He ever allow it to be Amended?”

Christians always get confused about this and ask, “Rev Hipple, why do we not treat the Constitution like we treat the Bible, as the Word of God, immutable, fixed for all eternity and inviolate?”

The best answer I can give to that is Jesus inspired Our Founders, and dictated certain sections of the Constitution so the Founders could write them down, but not all the words in the Constitution is the Word of God, per se.  Even though it is pretty darn close to it. So close, in fact, that Woe upon the sinner who does not consider the Constitution Sacred Text!

Still, Jesus let some of the words in the Constitution be Human Founding Father words rather than His words.  I believe the reason is that Jesus foresaw extremely serious problems and issues that our Founders could not fix at the time of our Constitutional Convention due to the political climate of the time.   This was complicated by the Fact that there was no other place in which to set up His Dominion.

Although all of the Founders were Christian, a few of them proved to be Faithless, with secular liberal tendencies and homosexual leanings.  Jesus knew what was in their Dark hearts.  Remember also, the atheistic euroenvironmentaloid culture had become extremely hostile ground for Christians, so Jesus was anxious to start up a New Dominion quickly, before it was too late, but not get blamed for it if it failed, which would tarnish His Omnipotent image.  I mean, Jesus knew even back than just how untrustworthy liberals and homos could be.  He placed His Faith and Trust in our Conservative Founding Fathers, like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and others knowing that they would see to His plan.

Jesus, in His Infinite Wisdom, saw the early Problems of our Nation as issues that could not be solved quickly enough.  They were not so serious as to destroy us at the outset, but He also could see that they would fester and boil throughout the early history of our Dominion and potentially destroy us and His Dominion from within if there were not a mechanism to one day address these issues.

And therefore, He empowered us with the Miraculous gift of Constitutional Amendments to repair these dark and foreboding problems at a point in time when we were best prepared to do so.   There is no debate whatsoever that the most divisive problem that Our Founders left for a later day was the corrosive effects on Her people of allowing the production, distribution and consumption of alcohol and other intoxicating beverages.  But Jesus foresaw that His people would eventually muster the political will to deal with that issue, and thus we have the 18th Amendment to the Constitution which made Sacred not only His Day, but every other day, too.

Today, we have arrived at the darkest Day in our Dominion’s history since before Prohibition.  Our Great Nation is being destroyed not from within, but by an illegitimate, unconstitutional “leader” who is NOT A NATURAL US Citizen, whose main support, whose only support, comes not from the Citizens of the United States, but from millions of millions of illegal immigrants who were paid handsomely to vote fraudulently in the last election, and who operates with the financial backing of rich arab sheiks who are hell bent on world islamic hegemony.

So I ask you, at this point in history would Jesus amend His Constitution?

Is that some sort of stupid question?

Of course Jesus would amend His Constitution.  The only serious question remaining in this Darkest Moment in our History is what amendments to the Constitution would Jesus NOT amend to put an end to our Constitutional Crisis??  Trust me, the 14th Amendment is not our only problem right now.  Not by a long shot.  Jesus sees problems that need amendments to address several of our amendments including but not limited to the 1st, 4th, 5th-8th, 10, 13th-16th, 21st and 24th Amendments.

Jesus wants you to vote for Rep Tom Tancredo to be our next President so that Rep Tom will call a new Constitutional Convention to pass multiple amendments to the amendments and to get this finished with all due haste by not inviting no blame liberals.

Is Michelle Obama still looking for a man?

August 15, 2010

You would think so, by the way she dresses like a tramp.

A negro pastor talks to that woman, heart to heart:

muslim plan: destroy our economy one intersection at a time

August 15, 2010

Six times a day trade and commerce in NYC come to a standstill as muslims spill out of their mosques to the streets

With their last words, the muslims who took down the World Trade Center vowing to destroy American enterprise and ingenuity, jealous of our Freedom and that We are God’s Chosen Nation and that we are an Unprecedented Economic Might.

Obviously, that mission failed because since 9/11 and up until the government was taken over by the nigerian prince and his kabal of kenyan kaliphates , the United States enjoyed unprecedented economic growth mostly as a result from trickle down effects of government investment in two extremely popular Wars Against Muslims.  Also, we have killed thousands of muslims in those wars–not enough–but a good start, for sure.  So it would seem that the WTC Conspiracy to Destroy our Sacred Way of Life was an abject failure.

Still, the muslims don’t give up.  And one doesn’t expect some backwater species who has lived like prehistoric animals for centuries and centuries to ever give up.  Largely due to their unquenchable will for destruction and because of our porous borders and because of the limp-wristed immigration policies, the muslims keep coming.  The Obama administration has basically opened the door to muslims and welcomed them with open arms.  As a result, they have flooded across our borders unchecked in unprecedented numbers.  And because of this, they are opening up new mosques faster than McDonalds can cook cheeseburgers.

And with this, their new plan to destroy our economy has come into focus.  They intend to buy properties to build mosques in busy cities using US government-backed loans supplemented with proceeds from terrorist organizations.  Next, six times a day, they plan to flood out of the mosques and in a profane act of idolatry, prostrate themselves towards the tomb of the false prophet of mecca right smack in the middle of the nearest intersection.  Obama has issued orders that police cannot stop these ‘prayer’ events because, “they are Constitutionally-protected acts of worship.” (Clearly, Obama was absent on the day at Law School that they required the students to actually read the Constitution.)  Of course, the net effect of these prayer-immitation demonstrations is to cause massive gridlock, completely disrupting all trade and commerce.  Six times a day.

As a result,  businesses will close, and their employees laid off, which will disproportionately affect Christian workers because no good American business would ever hire muslims, typically.

What is particularly sad is that the nigerian prince Obama and his kabal of kenyan kronies, is defending the practices of these muslims as a religious exercise protected by the 1st amendment, when, in fact, the authors of the 1st amendment only concerned themselves with providing unfettered freedom of religion to Christians and could never have conceived of the possibility that peoples of other religions, especially muslims and jews, would ever have been allowed into Her borders.

It will come to pass that about the only trade that one will be able to conduct in a major city is to purchase a falafel sandwich from a–you guessed it–government-licensed muslim food cart vendor.

Before long, the takeover of our Nation will be complete, and we will be renamed as the United Brotherhood of Muslim States in America.

None of this would have happened had Rep Tom Tancredo been elected President in 2008 in accordance to God’s PLAN.   Rep Tom Tancredo’s antiimmigration policies would have turned all the muslims and mexicans away at our gates.  He would have also inacted sweeping reforms in all municipal food cart vending licence regulations.  Finally, Rep Tom Tancredo would have enacted some sweeping Constitutional Amendment Reforms, including restrictions on muslim prayer practices, to more clearly spellout what Our Founders obviously had in mind when they wrote the burn document in the first place.

In the meantime, lets view the current muslim gridlock crisis as a learning opportunity.  The next time somebody like myself communicates to you God’s PLAN, perhaps you’ll take it more seriously?