Archive for the ‘boots on the ground’ Category

Is using a teleprompter the last straw for truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain?

October 31, 2011

Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain seen recently consorting with a teleprompter, raising serious questions about his commitment to Conservative Christian values

Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain, who can’t seem to shake suspicions that he is an agent for a possible extrasolar alien life form intent upon seeking galactic hegemony, is the subject of some more new and damaging revelations this morning.

One of which is so shocking, and I will get to it last, its very nature renders his continued candidacy for President of Our Dominion in serious jeopardy.

One new issue of no great concern are reports that he was previously sued by a couple of his bitches former aides for sexual harassment during his highly successful tenure as a Washington DC fast food industry lobbyist and insider.

But experts agree that this should not hurt his candidacy because of the well-known proclivity of subordinate women in the workplace, especially in sanctuary cities like the nation’s capital, to incite Male Urgings by dressing like tramps and Jezebels so they can creat false and trumped up Charges for Profit.

How to spot these women is pretty easy.  They are well known for their inability to provide acceptable relations to their men at home, and frequently come from a culture of govt entitlement dependency, making them unreliable and untrustworthy witnesses in the extreme, no matter if they win their cases or not.

In second minor issue, we here at Dominionists for Tancredo, despite hours spent in deep Prayerful Diligence seeking Guidance from Our Lord, have not yet been able to Ascertain whether it is true that truck stop Pizza Mogul has sired a White child out of wedlock, as shocking widely circulated rumors seem to indicate.  So we will not comment on those rumors here, at this time, until we get more facts and additional Prayerful Guidance from Jesus.

Additionally, Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain has also recently confused Conservative Christian Voters by first claiming, then denying he ever claimed that as President he would promote the death of  little unborn baby boys and girls under certain Politically Correct circumstances, such is in cases of rape and incest.

Presumably after a Prayerful Moment with God and his staff, truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain has backtracked on this issue.  Irrespective,  he now holds a position that is perfectly coherent with Conservative Christian values, which is that God wants all of his babies to be born and has a Special Purpose for each.

For example, maybe God gives little unborn babies to rape and incest victims so that these ladies can experience the Joy of Sacred Forgiveness? Their babies need fathers in their lives, so God guides these woman to open their hearts to their attackers to create with them a stable, loving Christian home as a heterosexual  Husband and Wife.   Most pro-Abortionists simply fail to see this Wisdom.

In yet a third controversy, those of us who monitor the Conservative Christian credentials of our Candidates were recently forced to demand that truck stop Pizza Mogul retract his mistaken admonition that smoking cigarettes is not cool, after the Political Correctness Police controversy enveloped him upon release of his Award-Winning Campaign Ad.

We now know that the coolest thing in All of Creation is to be a Free American, one who enjoys ALL of our God-Given Jeffersonian Constitutional Rights and Freedoms.

We celebrate Cool American Freedoms in many ways, such as smoking as many cigarettes as we wish, wherever we wish; by carrying concealed handguns and shooting them how and when and at whom we please; by riding our motorcycles without helmets and driving our pickup trucks without seat belts; and finally, by mounting our women without condoms using whatever orifice is convenient in the moment.

It is not a flip-flop if you are tricked into saying you made a mistake by saying something you know your constituency doesn’t believe.  Conservative Christians have forgiven this transgression because truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain blurted out his unfortunately misguided admonition against smoking while trapped in a diabolical act of “Gotcha Journalism” treachery committed by a well-known MSM/liberal TV personality who for decades has been suspected of taking bribes to serve as a front line propagandist for the democrat Party.

But don’t get me wrong, we are NOT defending truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain.  We at Dominionists for Tancredo have made no secret of our skepticism over not only the candidacy of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain (and all other candidates other than Rep Tom Tancredo), but even over his relationship to the Human Species.   We have never trusted that negro and in all probability we never will trust him.

In my Night Time visions last night, God instructed me to ask the google this morning about truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain’s use of certain visual aids during his speechifying.  What I awoke to find was more shocking and deeply disturbing than anything I have ever seen before or since.

What I found was clear and unequivocal evidence that truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain speechifies with the use of teleprompters!

Of all of his problems and controversies, this one will be his undoing.  Truck stop Pizza Mogul would have a good chance of wiggling himself out of any number of controversies.  He could survive, for example, proposing to raise taxes on the job creators, to increase the budget for the EPA, to enact new regulations designed to strangle our businesses, and so on.

But it should be clear to everybody by now that what this Dominion most does not need is another 4 years of yet another Uppity politician  who cannot speak for himself and can only get by from reading the words that others have written for him.

We KNOW Barry Soeterro Hussein Obama is FAKE not only because nobody credible will stand up and claim they saw his birth, and because of his use of a teleprompter to arrogantly spout the lies of his cabal of Sorosian handlers.

These days, if you want the Conservative Christian voter to vote for someone else, the best thing you can do is use a teleprompter.

What Soul Food Pizza could do for truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain

October 6, 2011

Selling Soul Food Pizza could help truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain win the negro vote

The candidacy of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is gaining renewed energy because of his recent promises to deliver all  “but the hopelessly brainwashed” negro voter to support Conservative Christian Republican candidates.

This brazen political promise raises a couple of important questions.

First, are there even any negroes out there who have not been hopelessly brainwashed by generations of cradle to grave govt handouts from socialistic democrat administrations?

Second, even if a few conservative Christian negroes actually do exist, does truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain have a record he can point to that demonstrates his attempts to cultivate the favor of his fellow negroes?

For example, has truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain ever sold pizzas with toppings that might attract negro customers?  One would suspect the negro, whether brainwashed or Conservative Christian, would find it difficult to resist pizza topped with delicious items like fried okra, collared greens, fried chicken, turnips or chitlins.

If truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain has any chance of winning the White House, he needs to corner the market on the negro vote because he is going to have a hard time with the Heritage vote. Selling  soul food pizza is the sort of innovative campaign strategy that can earn him the hearts and minds and stomachs and votes of the brainwashed American negro.

And what is even better, this will break their vicious cycle of govt entitlement because truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain will be selling his soul food pizza for profit!  He is too much of a committed Christian Conservative to even think about giving it away.

Time for an all volunteer govt workforce, like our Army

March 14, 2011

Volunteer police searching anchor baby nests for illegal immigrants

As a Christian Nation, we are exhausted by the idea of govt workers living the high life on the taxpayer dole.  We are tired of having tax dollars extracted from OUR incomes to pay the excessive salaries and union pensions of govt workers, especially the hordes of amoral Godless liberal school teachers spouting as fact tenuous theories of evilution and the Demon’s numerology.  Other govt workers are just as bad, but teachers, because of their liberal proclivities, are the absolute worst offenders.

We are tired of paying the pensions of these people, who end their days on this earth living high on the hog, a lifetime of receiving compensation from OUR tax dollars for doing nothing but providing useless govt service.

But there is a solution, a solution that I have arrived at prayerfully, by opening my heart to hear the Word of God through the miracle of the Holy Night Time Visions that He visits upon me.

We need to remake the govt workforce in much the same way we remade the United States of America Armed Forces in the wake of the democrat capitulation the the communists in Vietnam.

The All Volunteer US Armed Forces has been an unquestioned success.  We have an abundance of patriots who would gladly volunteer to join the govt workforce, much the same way we’ve easily been able to attract volunteers to fight our wars against the muslims and hispanic speaking peoples throughout the world who seek to do us harm.

The use of an all volunteer govt workforce will dramatically lower the costs of govt operations, much the same way it has reduced the cost of waging wars, thereby allowing us to wage war whenever and where ever necessary.

There will be modest costs associated with an all volunteer govt workforce.  We will have to equip the volunteers with uniforms, much the same way we give uniforms to our all volunteer Armed soldiers.  But unlike for the latter, we won’t have to give govt workers field rifles and other expensive weapons.

Mostly, we need to change our culture of volunteerism, to get people thinking that it would be a privilege to volunteer to work for our govt, much the same way as it is a privilege to kill muslims and other evil-doers, by volunteering to serve in our Armed Forces.

If we had an army of volunteer govt workers to rival our Army of Volunteer Christian Soldiers, we’d have a much more efficient govt that operates at only a fraction of the cost it takes to pay govt workers.


Death threats force Jesus to cancel Last Supper

February 7, 2011

Liberal Elitists seek to Crucify xGov Mother Sarah Palin

No!  Of course this did not happen.  You have to be pretty stupid to think The Bible has an error!

But that is the first thought that comes to my mind when I hear that xGov Mother Sarah Palin is forced to cancel yet another public appearance when threats of a highly credible nature are made upon her life.

In this instance, she has been forced to cancel an important charity fundraising event for Our Troops, who are sacrificing so much for our Dominion while deployed in harms way, fighting to preserve our way of life from the savage threats of muslims.  The least we could do to thank them for their sacrifice is to hold a Charity Fundraiser in their honor, and raise money in their names.  But threats from violent liberals and democratic party operatives and their mainstream media collaborators make this too dangerous of an event for her to attend.  And who benefits from the cancellation of this benefit?  The terrorists. Coincidence?

But, one does wonder does he not?  The often violent disrespect shown to xGov Mother Sarah Palin by a loose cabal of elite liberal mobsters suggests that Jesus very well might have canceled the Last Supper had he been subjected to their cynical brand of democratic party partisianship mind control that xGov Mother Sarah Palin endures on a daily basis.

As  history proves, and as verified by authentic Biblical Witnesses,  Jesus did not cancel the Last Supper.  We’ll never know whether he failed to act on good advice or bad, but we do know that as a direct consequence of holding His Last Supper, He was bushwhacked by a traitorous apostle. We now know that Judas was a greedy and despicable  Jew/Arab hybrid in possession of an  unquenchable thirst for power and a weakness for the Roman Denarius.  As a result of the Judasian Betrayal, Jesus ended up sacrificing His Body to a rendition and torture of such a horrible nature, we dare not even use such methods on terrorists we have captured in the recent muslim wars, even though they fully deserve it.

To be sure, because Jesus failed to cancel the Last Supper, the Sins of Christians are now purged of all Godly memory, and the Chosen among us are invited to walk in the bosom of God in Heaven for an eternity, after this meaningless corporeal existence of ours has ended.

The Christian Soul would have met a very different fate over the last 2000 year had Jesus instead been alerted to the same sorts of threats xGovMother Sarah Palin gets on a daily basis.  The prophesies would have gone unfulfilled, and we would have had to wait for another Messiah, and probably not a one as handsome as was Jesus the Christ owing to the miscegenation of Galilee since His time!

Fortunately, xGov Mother Sarah Palin escapes the fate of Jesus because she has a number of early warning detection systems that alert her to the threats lobbed at her from demon-inspired Obama-backing secularists.  She uses the intertwitter, Fair and Balanced Fox News, the interUTubes, her Facebookalytes, and so on to alert her when it is unsafe to render speeches.  Jesus’ fate was sealed because he did not have these tools.

When she cancels her speaking engagements, xGov Mother Sarah Palin does so only because Her time of the Ultimate Sacrifice is not upon us. Until that time comes, perhaps at some point after Trig is weaned from her bosom, a time which is between her and God, she (along with Rep Tom Tancredo) will remain His greatest gift to us, just as His Son Jesus was in His Greatest Gift to Us back in the Day.

I voted. Barely.

November 3, 2010

New Black Panthers cordon off entry to polling station in Georgia, while threatening to beat and rape anyone who attempts to cross.

I voted.

I voted even though I put my life in danger by breaking through a cabal of militant SEIU welfare addicts, Black Panther negro thugs, a zany pack of leftwing euroenvironmentaloids screatching about something or other,  a bunch of shiftless illegal immigrants who smelled suspiciously muslim, and a gaggle of disease-infested “men” I can only presume were members of some twisted gay-homosexual cult demanding sickening rights to fornicate out in the wide open nature!

I got pictures of all of it.  The terror we experienced as we voted was unspeakable!  The degree of voter intimidation would impress Hugo Chavez and any socialistic muslim fascist stalinist dictator throughout the world!

But once I got in there I went in there and did a good ol’ fashion foot stomp on the demonrats who have destroyed our Christian Culture and stolen the future of our grandchildren and Driven our Constitution and unbalanced budget off a cliff, and who seek to enslave our women and children in their despicable demagogic brand of atheism and demon altar-worship.

My only remaining concern was how all of the polling station workers seemed to be obviously trucked in off the immigrant welfare rolls, wearing the hijab and other death cult baubles, almost certainly foreshadowing the fraudulent vote counting sure to come.

If this election does not go PRECISELY as predicted by Fair and Balanced FOX News, we’ll know why.

I voted.  And I survived.  Barely.  And I got pictures.  Lot’s of pictures.

All Praise to God for delivering me Intact from this horrific mayhem and for delivering our Country Gov Rep Tom Tancredo, who will gain invaluable experience ruling Colorado with an iron fist before his ascension to the White House in 2012!!!

What to accomplish in 1st 100 Days of Christian Conservative Congressional Mandate

November 2, 2010

Christians quietly gather to celebrate the Fall of Tyranny on the night of Nov 2, 2010 AD

  • No Compromises!
  • Preserve our Constitution by Rolling Back all Constitutional Amendments that are inconsistent with Jeffersonian Constitutionalism
  • Finish Southern border fortifications and initiate Effective Mine Field Deterrent program; send shots across the bow of all Canadian ships to remind them we have NOT forgotten about them, too.
  • Authorize the gitmoization of Enemies of the State, beginning with recently deposed democrat congress critters, and anybody affiliated with or suspected affiliators of MSNBC
  • Put the “J” back in Jesus by deporting all individuals who pronounce their name as, “Hey!  Zeus!!”
  • (Pass a Constitutional Amendment outlawing the use of any language other than American English in commerce and in schools)
  • Rehabilitate Gov Rep Tom Tancredo
  • Stop ALL wasteful govt spending
  • Impeach!!!
  • Round up, inter and deport ALL Illegal Aliens, including Anchor babies and let their govt, the UN, deal with the legal repercussions
  • No Compromises!!
  • Criminalize gay homosexuality
  • Stop all govt activity until Price Water House & Cooper can complete a full audit of every last govt program
  • Marbleize and then Enshrine the Bush Tax Cuts!
  • President Gov Ronald Reagan!!!
  • Spread shoot-to-kill orders throughout our borders and in all immigration services outposts
  • Accept islam as a Public Health Problem:  Establish the Muslim-Free Zone/Death Cult Control program based upon scientifically established immunization “herd protection” principles
  • Operate a limited, one time only “Amnesty for Libs” campaign—ha!ha! j/k!  lol!! rickrolled!!!!
  • Close all Universities and public radio stations that slurp from the troth of public govt handout welfare!
  • Immediately Unseparate the separation of Church and state to allow Common Sense prayers in schools!
  • Roll back tariffs on lubricants!
  • Have this ALL accomplished in time for the next Birthday of Little Baby Jesus
  • Outlaw evolution in all forms and disguises
  • Establish the Department of Social Media and install as its first Secretary xGov Mother Sarah Palin
  • Force Immigration Compliance by ending all Federal Tax subsidies paid out to sanctuary cities
  • Apply a full out nuclear-tipped missle surgical assault to end the Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction program once and for all
  • Enforce Constitutional provisions that require Presidents of the USA to be Natural Born Citizens
  • Impeach!!!!!

Dream Act Banditos: Obamas mercenary protectorate guard

September 23, 2010

An obviously gay homosexual Swiss Guardsman use demonic magic and subversive mind control methods to subdue and destroy papal enemies

As if stealing from playbooks written by Marx, Lenin and Hitler weren’t enough, it looks like the kenyan konstitutional usurper is going to steal another play, but this time from the  playbook of the papist’s pope.

What the illegitimate president Obama hopes to achieve through this theft is a template to create a military vanguard for his own personal use, the equivalent of a Hugo Chavezian protectorate!  An American band of mercenaries modeled upon “The Swiss Guard” who are beholden to Obama’s every whim and desire and evil machination.

Most Christians are not aware that the Chief Idolator, the pope, surrounds himself with a cult of elitist homosexual euro/demon-ninja concubines called “The Swiss Guard.”   “The Swiss Guard” are mercenaries, which proves to us their gay homosexual proclivities, who are handsomely compensated to protect the pope.

They do so by deploying a variety of cunning defensive and offensive capabilities, ranging from mastery of pagan hand-to-hand combat, to expertise in high caliber weapons marksmenship and mine field deployment, to cyberwarfare and an array of demonic-based mind-control tactics.

You might ask yourself, “All I did was ask the intergoogle to tell me about the DREAM Act, what does this have to do with the DREAM Act?”

The DREAM Act is a piece of hobama legislation principally designed to pander to the coloreds vote, especially the light brown coloreds, and to drive a wedge between them and common sense Christian American voters.  This is because the DREAM Act as a paved road towards US citizenship for illegal mexicans who have infiltrated our borders. Rather than round them up and ship them back in cattle cars to their own burn God Foresaken land, Obama plans to pass out US Citizenship to these criminals like Christmas Candy, which will make them his lifelong voters.

That is what they want you to believe.

What is hidden in the fine print is this: The DREAM Act will pass out a US American Citizenship Card willy nilly to any Juan, Pedro or Ricardo that wanders along, just as if they were free passes to the FFA carcass hog contest.  And the more evil and nefarious and criminally-minded Juan, Pedro or Ricardo, the better.

Because all that Juan, Pedro and Ricardo have to agree to do is to sign on to serve four year hitches as highly-paid mercenaries, loyal only to the usurper who is now occupying the White House, and to no other person or entity.  In exchange for citizenship, they agree to be programmed to bid his every wish and desire, from late night runs to round up K-street tramps and wenches for impromptu West Wing orgy festivals, to conducting cross-Potomac raids on the Pentagon, to engage in search and destroy skirmishes against our brave Armed Forces stationed there.

Obama will also order these Dream Act Banditos to round up and imprison those he suspects of seditious acts including all Christians, all Conservatives, and anybody known to be or to have supported Republican or Republican Tea PartyCandidates in deed or in thought.

The only way we can stop this from happening is to prevent the DREAM Act from becoming law, which means we MUST elect a Conservative Christian Congress, as they are the only people willing to stand up to the kenyan usurper and his nigerian cronies.

If Doe tags work for deer they can work for Anchor Babies!

August 13, 2010

Principles of deer herd management should be applied to the Anchor Baby Crisis

Not to sound like some uppity elitist game mangment warden, but you can put me square in the camp of folk who are greatful for Wild Life Mangment practices that cull the deer herd by taking out some female does.   I have a lot of friends who don’t like it when they can’t bag a buck.  And I’d rather get one with a rack myself.

But even they got to admit that taking out the does has made it more fun to hunt the bucks, because taking out the does is keeping the entire deer population down lower, leaving more food for the  bucks who get a lot bigger and a big buck is a better looking buck on the tailgate!

I got to thinking about this when the other day God asked me to go to the intertubes where he had just inspired the lamestream media to finally publish some new information on the Anchor Baby Crisis.

To make a long story short, pregnant mexican females are NOT crossing the border illegally just before spitting out a new baby like we all thought they was doing, but are mostly slipping into our Dominion as unpregnant mexicans.  Then, they get to copulating and get pregnant once they are secretly in Our Dominion and then evading law enforcement just long enough to spit out an anchor baby!!  And they are outproducing White Christian Americans  at an alarming rate!

What does this have to do with the new methods of Wild Life Mangment that are designed to keep deer populations at a healthy low level?

Are you a stupid for asking such an obvious question?

First, what it says is that My Proposals to improve border sharpshooter training so they recognize the pregnant ones may help stem the flood a little bit, but it is probably NOT a good solution for the Anchor Baby Crisis. This DOES NOT mean I am backing off from the Border Sharpshooter Training initiative.  I’m just saying we need to add a new wrinkle to the solution.

Second, it means that if we are going to effectively cull the mexican herd that is already here violating  Our laws, stealing Our precious tax dollar resources, and using Our healthcare, then we need to initiate an Effective Mexican Herd Management initiative that involves selectively culling the female mexican from United States lands.

This may mean that we might have fewer resources to keep pressure on lowering the mexican buck population, and the roaming packs of mexican rape squads that ensue, but we can get back to them later.

It is time to start approaching the illegal mexican population as if it is a wild animal herd!  If we apply PROVEN methods of Wild Life mangment to the mexican does and bucks who are already across our border, then we might have a chance at dealing with the Anchor Baby Crisis.

Time to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of the United States!!!

July 16, 2010

Dominionists have never understood why the 9th largest Body of Water on God’s planet is called the Gulf of Mexico.  It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Almost all of the water in the Gulf of Mexico flows in from the United States, not from Mexico and not from any of those pathetic malaria-infested central american caliphates that are run by pox-marked despots.  And almost all of the land that borders the gulf is United States of America land.

And who is cleaning up the a gigantic oils spill that spilled in INTERNATIONAL WATERS and is NOT our responsibility??  You guessed it, the United of America.

So, lets go ahead and call a spade a spade and call the Gulf of United States by a name that makes a LOT more common sense than what it is currently being called.

Lou Dobbs leaves CNN to prepare for Tancredo/Palin cabinet position

November 12, 2009


Lou Dobbs billboard at US border scares mexicans to stay the hell home

The liberal mainstream media is just making things up again.  As we all know, Lou Dobbs, who has been bravely reporting on the growing mexican menace from behind enemy lines at the Communist News Network studies, finally had enough and walked away from his job.

Today, CNN affiliates are reporting a big fat lie that Lou Dobbs is

actually named Luis Miguel Salvador Aguila Dominguez, who for the last 48 years had been living illegally in the United States under the name Lou Dobbs.

And they are claiming he is being deported!!  This is NOT TRUE.

Lou Dobbs is an American Hero who understands immigration issues almost as well as Rep Tom Tancredo.   I can assure you that I have no love for CNN.  But I have personally gone to the Home of Lou Dobbs, knocked on its door, and shook the hand of Lou Dobbs, thanking him personally for truthfully describing the mexican issue in clear, economic principles.  It was Lou Dobbs who has made it clear for 5 years that mexico has no business in being in NAFTA because it exports only dangerous drugs, rapists, tortillas, and filthy short people that nobody can burn understand.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lou Dobbs is jooish, God would reserve a special place for him in Heaven.  However, Rep Tom Tancredo has a special place for Lou Dobbs in his administration, and plans to about Lou Dobbs to his cabinet as Director of Border Operations Secretary.

Don’t listen to the lies of leftist Gotcha reporters and cynical pajama-wearing interblog pundits.  They aren’t the real Americans like you and me.  Lou Dobbs left his job because he needs more time to work on the tyranny in the Whitehouse WHILE stopping the unchecked flow of brown mexicans across our southern borders.