Archive for the ‘mimicry’ Category


November 1, 2010

Not that he needed xGov Mother xMama Grizz Sarah Palin’s vote of robocall confidence, but this should just about sew it up!

You betcha Rep Tom Tancredo will be tough on illegal immigration!!!

Press Release: Dominionists For Tancredo Drop Endorsement of Gov Mother Sarah Palin

September 9, 2010

Little Christian boys and girls everywhere are crying, fearing nobody can protect them now that Gov Mother "Mama Griz" Sarah Palin has appeased the islamacists.

In response to a Her recent interFacebook Press Release in which she expresses deep sympathy for the feelings of terror-loving islamacists, Dominionists for Tancredo/Palin 2012, 2016 at the latest hereby prayfully issues an Interblog Press Release declaring forthwith that Dominionists for Trancredo/Palin 2012, 2016 at the latest can no longer support, enourage, endorse, sustain, sanction, ratify, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, affirm, back up, plunk for, countenance, defend,  stand behind, stump for, sustain, certify, commend, champion, warrant, underwrite, give the green light to, or most significantly, bless the Candidacy of Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin.

In her interFacebook press release, Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin acknowledges that Pentacostal Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove Church and Youth Outreach Ctr of Gainesville FL has the constitutional right to burn as many dang korans as he sees fit to get across His point that mooselums are not welcome on this planet.  But she then goes on to mercilessly persecute this Fine Servant of a Christian God as “insensitive”  and acting to show mooselums an “unnecessary provocation”.

Unnecessary?!  Unnecessary!!?  Hello!!  With the 9/11 holiday just around the corner and what with all of the celebrations that go along with it, these words by Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin raise serious doubst that she has actually been living on the same planet with the rest of us in this Christian Nation.  Maybe, it pains me to speculate, as libs have been warning us for a long time, just maybe remote Alaska is too far removed from mainstream US of A thinking on domestic terror and foreign terror issues and the root threats to our Christian Culture?

Is Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin saying that the destruction of the WTC by the islamacists horde nothing but an “unnecessary provocation”?  Is is merely “insensitive” that these people will now build a mooselum Victory mosque/bath house RIGHT ON TOP of this holy site of carnage all the while flaunting our own Beloved Constitution and an activist judiciary in front of our faces?  Apparently, Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin has lost the ability to distinguish between something that is a bald faced act of war and something that is merely insensitive.

The 9/11 attacks by the islamofascist stormtroopers were a nucleating moment for our Sarcred Christian culture of victimization.  For years and years we had been persecuted and humiliated by elements within our own society.  We had tried to warn people that our Christian Culture had been eroded from the fringes by atheistic secularists that force fed us satanic dogmas such as evolution, marxism and Keynesian socialistic elitism, while tearing down our Sacred icons including but not limited to displays of the 10 Commandments, Christmas manger scenes, and Holy Crosses, and even Jesus bumper stickers, just to name a few. But our warnings fell on deaf ears that grew more and more deaf as more liberal demoncrats took the reigns of Our Power from us.

Add to this the fact that American Christians have been mocked and humiliated for centuries by a inbred government culture of activist judges and demoncratic traitors and IRS-backed thiefs and homosexual exhibitionists.  As if all of these threats weren’t challenging enough, we have also had to repeatedly stand against an educational system hijacked by so-called ‘educated’ liberal elitists and an ACLU-backed culture of ivory tower exceptionalism, all of whom threaten the sanctity of the Constitution as an immutable document inspired by the Words of a Christian God.

But it finally took the 9/11 attacks to open the eyes of our Nation, which led to truthful speculation that God participated in the calamity in part due to outrage over the rapid gains in the homosexual culture that was sweeping our nation.   Therefore, we celebrate the 9/11 attacks as a Sacred Time because it unified Our Minds and shifted our focus to a common enemy….islam and the billions of islamofascists who pray to a violent false prophet and who don’t value their lives or families the way we Christians do.

The appeasement of Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin threatens to roll back all of the gains we  made under Gen Pres George W Bush in terms of spreading Christian liberties throughout the world, yes, sometimes with the use of overwhelming and unmatched military power.  Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin appeasement weakens these gains, and our Defenses and emboldens our enemies to attack us again and again.

At a point in time such as this, our Border Security cannot be less than extremely tight.  Because you can count on the islamoterrorists to probe for weaknesses and attempt to conduct more missions of air sky extremeism.

At a point in time such as this, when a kenyan kaliphate has kaptured the Executive Branch of Government and is prepared to consolidate his control over our Armed Forces before declaring martial law using garrisons secretly staging in Manitoba, perhaps as early as this weekend, this capitulation of Gov Mother “Mama Griz” Sarah Palin is the last thing we need.

I call for Fair and Balanced Fox News to drop her from their broadcasts as she represents an imminent real and dangerous threat to our National Security.  I call upon  the TSA and CIA to carefully monitor her travel activities and to conduct thorough, full body cavity searches each time she enters our Air Sky system.

She is NOT the Mama Griz we had prayed for God to deliver us.  Gov Jan Brewer, who is not kowtowing to threats and intimidation by the US Government, might be a better mama griz.  We should look into that.

Is Michelle Obama still looking for a man?

August 15, 2010

You would think so, by the way she dresses like a tramp.

A negro pastor talks to that woman, heart to heart:

Why is there an antiChrist but no antiMuhammed?

December 17, 2009

Hussein Obama, a muslim, is the antichrist of Christianity

When ever I get to preaching to the Youth Group from Daniel or Revelations, I oftentimes get this question: “Reverend Hipple, do those muslims have an antimuhammed the way we Christians have an antiChrist?”

The answer I always give is, “Son, why don’t just you and I go down to the basement rooms where we can be alone and I’ll explain why an antiMuhammed don’t make no burn sense.”

Jesus is the Handsome, peace-loving Messiah that God gives His people as a Gift of Love.  He is the Word of God, and who is beautiful and calm in all He is.  Jesus is Heaven on this earth.  Unimaginable beauty and the epitome of Love.

Therefore, the antichrist would have to be the polar opposite of Jesus.  And what is the polar opposite of Jesus?  Death, despair, destruction and an otherwise hollow existence bereft of any meaning or significance.

Sounds a lot like liberals and roaming packs of mexican rape squads, but it really is the Demon, isn’t it?  Exactly.

The antichrist is the Demon.  The antichrist is deceptive and tries to shave, dress and put on appearences as if he is the Chosen Son,  but The Elect among us can spot the Demon from a mile away.

In contrast,we know that the muslim religion is a false religion.  It is a religion of violence, destruction and world hegemony and unimaginable acts of desecration, perversion and perversity.  It is a religion that is bereft of any love or beauty whatsoever.

The first question I’d ask you is what purpose would be served by a religion that is already violent needing a violent antichrist?

And supposing it did, then it would have to be the polar opposite of everything that religion represents, and then what is the epitome of the polar opposite of this sort of depravity?

The Christian God, of course!

And is God the muslim antichrist?

What sort of stupid question is that!  Obviously, not.


I went to a Christmas Concert and a burn jewish holiday broke out

December 16, 2009

Horrific Christian Persecution never seems to Stop

Last night I went all the way up to the big city to see a show that was advertised as a Christmas Concert.  I was, of course, expecting to hear songs celebrating the Miracle birth of the Beautiful Baby Jesus Boy, and how the evil darkness of the world will Tremble with Great Fear when He comes again.

But about half way into the concert, the burn choir started to sing hanaka songs!!!

What made this sacrilege even more shocking, the concert was being sung in a Christian Church!

While the choir sang jewish, which made them sound like they had marbles in their cheeks, you could just feel the acid tears of Baby Jesus flowing down His plump cheeks and it became too much to bear.

So naturally, I got up out of my pew decrying the sacrilege, and promptly went to the back of the church where I demanded not only a full refund, but also financial remuneration for my travel expenses and my lost time.  These people who ran this choir, one of who I am certain was jewish, refused to pay me back, and one thing led to another, before I knew it I was escorted out of the Church by an extremely large and hostile negro man threatening to call the police unless I quieted down.

I would gladly get me a lawyer who is expert in false advertising if I could find one to take the case.  Unfortunately, there is no doubt in my mind that the burn Choir who put on this program under COMPLETELY FALSE pretenses will be defended by the government-backed ACLU. Most lawyers are too intimidated to fight the ACLU and won’t even accept a healthy retainer just to look into its merits.

Christ suffered unspeakable rendition and torture for our Sins.  But He only had to fight off the jews and the romans.  To right this horrific wrong I would have to fight the ACLU and the jewish liberal elitist establishment.  I try hard to live my life like Christ Jesus, and I know my God would never ask me to suffer anything worse than what His Son suffered.

Therefore, I won’t press charges or fight the ACLU because it would be a far worse experience than getting crucified for all of past, present and future Sins of Humanity.  I would simply advise that if you are going to a Christmas Concert this year, you might want to inquire about what songs are on the program, and don’t assume that just because it is performed in a Christian Church that it will be Sanctified music.  I would especially advise you to avoid Catholic Churches in particular.  Your sneaky papist is shiftier than a snake on hot coals.

Hobama’s 4th Reich will end no better than Hitler’s 3rd and well before Beethoven’s 5th

October 21, 2009


Jesus casually lends Gen George W. Bush His Aura of Invincibility

As any Christian who has purposefully persecuted themselves to detect antiChristian trends by wallowing in the leftwing interblogosphere well knows, Leftists are persistently wrong.

They couldn’t be more wrong than they are about everything from Religion & God, to embracing the Demonic gay homosexual agenda to excessive taxation and the brutality of deficit spending and the public option giveaway to the growing illegal alien menace.  Good Grief!!  The list of their weaknesses never ends.

So add this misconception to the list:  Elitists are now claiming that the revolution has been finalized and that the Democrat party emits the same Holy Aura of Invincibility that Republicans emit under the Heroic Gen George W. Bush:

The Aura of Invincibility is on the other foot.  God has abandoned the Republicans,  for good, and has given His Aura to the Democrat so that they can restore order.

I have a message for you leftwing cultists: Don’t kid yourselves. The team of Tancredo/Palin 2012 will prove a formidable obstacle to the continuation of your 4th Reich of Democratic Treachery.  God will Install them into the White House, where Rep Tom Tancredo will run point on the smoldering illegal immigration crisis while Governor Mother Sarah Palin will play a matronly, subservient role and take control over all domestic affairs, including repealing death panel reform, enforcing Constitutional imperatives to keep God front and center in the Schools and the State and conducting a thorough Guantanamoification of the Islamofascist Congress and all College and University professors.

And if the rumors I’m hearing are correct, it is possible that Tancredo/Palin will merge forces with Dr. Rep Ron Paul (who will oversee International & Treasury Affairs, and Obstetrics/Infanticide operations) to secure the support of his delusional but gifted followers.  By the Grace of God this Hobama era error will be short-lived and prove little more than a dark historical footnote to be omitted from the schoolbooks of the future. Amen.

JMO, but worth a lot more than you paid for it.

Obama wastes taxpayer dollars to install White House basketball court

October 12, 2009

We have uncovered fresh utubercle video evidence that  Spearchucker Sheik President Sen Nobelist Barry Soeterror Hussien Obama has no interest in restoring fiscal sanity to the White House, the House of Representatives, or any other House for that matter.  Watch the deeply disturbing video below which documents the new, state of the art $56.8 billion Negro-only basketball court that Obama has had built in the White House basement.

Vote for Rev Paul T Hipple for Antarctic Winter Interblogger!!!!

July 20, 2009

God touches Antarctica in mysterious ways

God touches Antarctica in mysterious ways

Brothers and Sisters, God spoke to me in my night time Visions last night to say that He has nominated me to run for the Antarctic Guest Blogger position.  But I need your help.

Please vote for me early and often

Here is my campaign speech:

What Antarctica needs right now is Intense Christian prayer

Too often, we in the Christian Coalition–including Governor Mother Sarah Palin and myself–are persecuted for our Environmental beliefs.  Liberal atheists spread rumors that we are environmentally insensitive.  But there are few things Christians enjoy more than looking at environmentally devasted areas like the Antarctica and praying to God for something better.  In this way, Christians serve as Protectors of he Environment and Agents of Change.

In the month that I’ll spend in Antarctica, I will conduct a world wide interblog Prayer Festival, leading Christians to repudiate Sin and the Sinners who Sin, begging God to reward our prayers by converting Antarctica from the frozen, barren landscape it is, into the tropical paradise God wants it to become. We will thank Him for his Gift of Global Warming, and ask that He continue with his higher sunspot activity program until such time as succulant plants overwhelm the Antarctica continent and dinosaurs return.

We will also pray that Her borders be opened at last, so that the precious energy resources trapped under its harsh landscape can flow north into America where it is so desperately needed.  Finally, we will pray that established Penguin communities throughout Antarctica once again respect anti-miscegenation laws, especially those outlawing homo behavior and sodomy amongst them, as recently happened (not surprisingly) in the San Francisco Zoo.

God gave Americans a beautiful gift in the Antarctic environment, which we should subdue according to His will.  What we need at this tipping point in history is someone like myself, an Experienced Pastor, who can Hear what God wants first hand (through the miracle of night time visions) and lead a Prayer Charge so that God realizes Americans are grateful for His continents, even the barren ones.

God bless you and thank you for voting for me and for Rep Tom Tancredo in 2008 2012.

Brake Check: Curing the homo doesn’t cure the homo of sin

July 17, 2009

Jesus weeping tears of caked blood because of homo problem

Jesus weeping tears of caked blood because of homo problem

Homosexuality is shameful

-Romans 1:27

The intergoogles are  atwitter over breathtaking news from  elite liberal scientists who claim to have observed that God cured homo in a penguin housed in a San Francisco zoo.  The observation proves with great certainty, at least in penguins, that the homo is a choice and not a biological imperative.

By extension, this finding argues that the homo could be just as curable in humans, even though almost all  human homos claim that they are powerless to resist homo, that it is not a choice but something born within them.  Setting aside the fact that it is ALWAYS a choice to embrace evil, for the sake of argument let’s assume they truly are born with homo and that it can be cured.

We are also born with original sin, and it is only through God’s merciful forgiveness and the Blood of His Renditioned & Tortured Christ child, that some of us are Saved from the Hellfire.

However, To be born with both original sin AND the homo presents an insurmountable Salavation Challenge.  Simply put, Christ simply did not bleed enough blood to save both original sinners and the original sinners who have the homo.  Even if they are cured of the latter.  Cured or not, having the homo is just too severe of an evil sin to be overcome.

Therefore, Saved Christians who hold the hand of God do not have to be worried that they will have to spend an Eternity holding hands with former homos, even they are cured ones.

We encourage all Christians to convince those who are afflicted with the homo to seek treatment and cure.  However, we strongly recommend that you do not give False Hope for Eternal Salvation to such individuals.

(ex)Gov Mother Sarah Palin endorsed by mainstream interblog media

July 16, 2009

Palin standing tall addressing militant muslims

Palin standing tall addressing militant muslims

Governor Mother Sarah Palin’s decision to join Rep Tom Tancredo on the 2012 Dominionist ticket has already received a crucial endorsement from  mainstream Alasksan political activists/interbloggers:

I say, yes.  Do it Sarah Palin!  Your country needs you to form a third party.

This key endorsement– surprisingly from elite leftwing media cultists–so early in the game proves that Governor Mother Sarah Palin has the sort of widespread appeal that can bring America and her Christian people together.

This endorsement also represents a capitulation by the mainstream media, who have been attacking Governor Mother Sarah Palin viciously in attempts to victimize her and her children.  They now recognize that if Governor Mother Sarah Palin will stand firm against them, and she will stand as firm against muslims and other outside special interests who seek to destroy His Dominion.

The #1 platform position of the Tancredo/Palin 2012 ticket, which is to replace the flow of brown illegal aliens across our borders with liquid brown Alaskan energy, seems to resonate.  It has the widespread appeal to draw support across the gaping political divides seperating our Great Nation.   This opens the door to the possibility that Governor Mother Sarah Palin and Rep Tom Tancredo can lead the country in a new direction, returning it to the old ways that God intended when He first dictated our Constitutional form of government to the founding fathers, all of whom, btw, were Christians.

Just one year ago, lacking a crucial endorsement from God because he was not Rep Tom Tancredo, POW Capt Sen John McCain failed to defeat illegal Muslim Immigrant Sen Barry Soeterro Obama as President and has all but quit politics.

Without any question, unlike POW Capt Sen John McCain, Governor Mother Sarah Palin is no quitter who can lead the Nation into a new old era.