Archive for the ‘The Persecution of Lou Dobbs’ Category


November 1, 2010

Not that he needed xGov Mother xMama Grizz Sarah Palin’s vote of robocall confidence, but this should just about sew it up!

You betcha Rep Tom Tancredo will be tough on illegal immigration!!!

Dream Act Banditos: Obamas mercenary protectorate guard

September 23, 2010

An obviously gay homosexual Swiss Guardsman use demonic magic and subversive mind control methods to subdue and destroy papal enemies

As if stealing from playbooks written by Marx, Lenin and Hitler weren’t enough, it looks like the kenyan konstitutional usurper is going to steal another play, but this time from the  playbook of the papist’s pope.

What the illegitimate president Obama hopes to achieve through this theft is a template to create a military vanguard for his own personal use, the equivalent of a Hugo Chavezian protectorate!  An American band of mercenaries modeled upon “The Swiss Guard” who are beholden to Obama’s every whim and desire and evil machination.

Most Christians are not aware that the Chief Idolator, the pope, surrounds himself with a cult of elitist homosexual euro/demon-ninja concubines called “The Swiss Guard.”   “The Swiss Guard” are mercenaries, which proves to us their gay homosexual proclivities, who are handsomely compensated to protect the pope.

They do so by deploying a variety of cunning defensive and offensive capabilities, ranging from mastery of pagan hand-to-hand combat, to expertise in high caliber weapons marksmenship and mine field deployment, to cyberwarfare and an array of demonic-based mind-control tactics.

You might ask yourself, “All I did was ask the intergoogle to tell me about the DREAM Act, what does this have to do with the DREAM Act?”

The DREAM Act is a piece of hobama legislation principally designed to pander to the coloreds vote, especially the light brown coloreds, and to drive a wedge between them and common sense Christian American voters.  This is because the DREAM Act as a paved road towards US citizenship for illegal mexicans who have infiltrated our borders. Rather than round them up and ship them back in cattle cars to their own burn God Foresaken land, Obama plans to pass out US Citizenship to these criminals like Christmas Candy, which will make them his lifelong voters.

That is what they want you to believe.

What is hidden in the fine print is this: The DREAM Act will pass out a US American Citizenship Card willy nilly to any Juan, Pedro or Ricardo that wanders along, just as if they were free passes to the FFA carcass hog contest.  And the more evil and nefarious and criminally-minded Juan, Pedro or Ricardo, the better.

Because all that Juan, Pedro and Ricardo have to agree to do is to sign on to serve four year hitches as highly-paid mercenaries, loyal only to the usurper who is now occupying the White House, and to no other person or entity.  In exchange for citizenship, they agree to be programmed to bid his every wish and desire, from late night runs to round up K-street tramps and wenches for impromptu West Wing orgy festivals, to conducting cross-Potomac raids on the Pentagon, to engage in search and destroy skirmishes against our brave Armed Forces stationed there.

Obama will also order these Dream Act Banditos to round up and imprison those he suspects of seditious acts including all Christians, all Conservatives, and anybody known to be or to have supported Republican or Republican Tea PartyCandidates in deed or in thought.

The only way we can stop this from happening is to prevent the DREAM Act from becoming law, which means we MUST elect a Conservative Christian Congress, as they are the only people willing to stand up to the kenyan usurper and his nigerian cronies.

muslim plan: destroy our economy one intersection at a time

August 15, 2010

Six times a day trade and commerce in NYC come to a standstill as muslims spill out of their mosques to the streets

With their last words, the muslims who took down the World Trade Center vowing to destroy American enterprise and ingenuity, jealous of our Freedom and that We are God’s Chosen Nation and that we are an Unprecedented Economic Might.

Obviously, that mission failed because since 9/11 and up until the government was taken over by the nigerian prince and his kabal of kenyan kaliphates , the United States enjoyed unprecedented economic growth mostly as a result from trickle down effects of government investment in two extremely popular Wars Against Muslims.  Also, we have killed thousands of muslims in those wars–not enough–but a good start, for sure.  So it would seem that the WTC Conspiracy to Destroy our Sacred Way of Life was an abject failure.

Still, the muslims don’t give up.  And one doesn’t expect some backwater species who has lived like prehistoric animals for centuries and centuries to ever give up.  Largely due to their unquenchable will for destruction and because of our porous borders and because of the limp-wristed immigration policies, the muslims keep coming.  The Obama administration has basically opened the door to muslims and welcomed them with open arms.  As a result, they have flooded across our borders unchecked in unprecedented numbers.  And because of this, they are opening up new mosques faster than McDonalds can cook cheeseburgers.

And with this, their new plan to destroy our economy has come into focus.  They intend to buy properties to build mosques in busy cities using US government-backed loans supplemented with proceeds from terrorist organizations.  Next, six times a day, they plan to flood out of the mosques and in a profane act of idolatry, prostrate themselves towards the tomb of the false prophet of mecca right smack in the middle of the nearest intersection.  Obama has issued orders that police cannot stop these ‘prayer’ events because, “they are Constitutionally-protected acts of worship.” (Clearly, Obama was absent on the day at Law School that they required the students to actually read the Constitution.)  Of course, the net effect of these prayer-immitation demonstrations is to cause massive gridlock, completely disrupting all trade and commerce.  Six times a day.

As a result,  businesses will close, and their employees laid off, which will disproportionately affect Christian workers because no good American business would ever hire muslims, typically.

What is particularly sad is that the nigerian prince Obama and his kabal of kenyan kronies, is defending the practices of these muslims as a religious exercise protected by the 1st amendment, when, in fact, the authors of the 1st amendment only concerned themselves with providing unfettered freedom of religion to Christians and could never have conceived of the possibility that peoples of other religions, especially muslims and jews, would ever have been allowed into Her borders.

It will come to pass that about the only trade that one will be able to conduct in a major city is to purchase a falafel sandwich from a–you guessed it–government-licensed muslim food cart vendor.

Before long, the takeover of our Nation will be complete, and we will be renamed as the United Brotherhood of Muslim States in America.

None of this would have happened had Rep Tom Tancredo been elected President in 2008 in accordance to God’s PLAN.   Rep Tom Tancredo’s antiimmigration policies would have turned all the muslims and mexicans away at our gates.  He would have also inacted sweeping reforms in all municipal food cart vending licence regulations.  Finally, Rep Tom Tancredo would have enacted some sweeping Constitutional Amendment Reforms, including restrictions on muslim prayer practices, to more clearly spellout what Our Founders obviously had in mind when they wrote the burn document in the first place.

In the meantime, lets view the current muslim gridlock crisis as a learning opportunity.  The next time somebody like myself communicates to you God’s PLAN, perhaps you’ll take it more seriously?

Time to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of the United States!!!

July 16, 2010

Dominionists have never understood why the 9th largest Body of Water on God’s planet is called the Gulf of Mexico.  It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Almost all of the water in the Gulf of Mexico flows in from the United States, not from Mexico and not from any of those pathetic malaria-infested central american caliphates that are run by pox-marked despots.  And almost all of the land that borders the gulf is United States of America land.

And who is cleaning up the a gigantic oils spill that spilled in INTERNATIONAL WATERS and is NOT our responsibility??  You guessed it, the United of America.

So, lets go ahead and call a spade a spade and call the Gulf of United States by a name that makes a LOT more common sense than what it is currently being called.

Lou Dobbs leaves CNN to prepare for Tancredo/Palin cabinet position

November 12, 2009


Lou Dobbs billboard at US border scares mexicans to stay the hell home

The liberal mainstream media is just making things up again.  As we all know, Lou Dobbs, who has been bravely reporting on the growing mexican menace from behind enemy lines at the Communist News Network studies, finally had enough and walked away from his job.

Today, CNN affiliates are reporting a big fat lie that Lou Dobbs is

actually named Luis Miguel Salvador Aguila Dominguez, who for the last 48 years had been living illegally in the United States under the name Lou Dobbs.

And they are claiming he is being deported!!  This is NOT TRUE.

Lou Dobbs is an American Hero who understands immigration issues almost as well as Rep Tom Tancredo.   I can assure you that I have no love for CNN.  But I have personally gone to the Home of Lou Dobbs, knocked on its door, and shook the hand of Lou Dobbs, thanking him personally for truthfully describing the mexican issue in clear, economic principles.  It was Lou Dobbs who has made it clear for 5 years that mexico has no business in being in NAFTA because it exports only dangerous drugs, rapists, tortillas, and filthy short people that nobody can burn understand.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lou Dobbs is jooish, God would reserve a special place for him in Heaven.  However, Rep Tom Tancredo has a special place for Lou Dobbs in his administration, and plans to about Lou Dobbs to his cabinet as Director of Border Operations Secretary.

Don’t listen to the lies of leftist Gotcha reporters and cynical pajama-wearing interblog pundits.  They aren’t the real Americans like you and me.  Lou Dobbs left his job because he needs more time to work on the tyranny in the Whitehouse WHILE stopping the unchecked flow of brown mexicans across our southern borders.