Archive for the ‘Fun times at Abu Ghraib’ Category

2012 is a Referendum on our Christian Conservative Heritage

September 21, 2011

If the 2008 presidential election taught us anything, it is that we cannot drop our guard and allow our Constitution to be hijacked by stealth candidates for Foreign Interests on or near a large continent that is south of Europe and begins with the letter A.

We obviously don’t want to replace the arrogant Nuambian Prince currently occupying OUR White House with more of the same.

This specific concern renders implausible the election of certain candidates who do not rise to meet the standards of our Heritage Test.  Among such individuals are Pizza Mogul Herman Cain, a likeable, well-groomed negro who enunciates his words nicely.

Let me be perfectly clear.  Second only to Rep Tom Tancredo, Pizza Mogul Herman Cain’s anti-muslim credentials are unrivaled.  He is an Outstanding Christian Conservative in this regard who I am certain would attack the immigration problem and the immigrants it attracts with the sort of heartless devastation the issue merits.  I think we could trust him to roll back every progressive reform ever enacted by Congress in its recorded history.


Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is shown in the image in this interblog.

Look at this picture prayerfully and ask yourself whether you can honestly say this individual passes the Heritage Test.

(Hint: There is nothing wrong with your monitor’s color settings)

Death threats force Jesus to cancel Last Supper

February 7, 2011

Liberal Elitists seek to Crucify xGov Mother Sarah Palin

No!  Of course this did not happen.  You have to be pretty stupid to think The Bible has an error!

But that is the first thought that comes to my mind when I hear that xGov Mother Sarah Palin is forced to cancel yet another public appearance when threats of a highly credible nature are made upon her life.

In this instance, she has been forced to cancel an important charity fundraising event for Our Troops, who are sacrificing so much for our Dominion while deployed in harms way, fighting to preserve our way of life from the savage threats of muslims.  The least we could do to thank them for their sacrifice is to hold a Charity Fundraiser in their honor, and raise money in their names.  But threats from violent liberals and democratic party operatives and their mainstream media collaborators make this too dangerous of an event for her to attend.  And who benefits from the cancellation of this benefit?  The terrorists. Coincidence?

But, one does wonder does he not?  The often violent disrespect shown to xGov Mother Sarah Palin by a loose cabal of elite liberal mobsters suggests that Jesus very well might have canceled the Last Supper had he been subjected to their cynical brand of democratic party partisianship mind control that xGov Mother Sarah Palin endures on a daily basis.

As  history proves, and as verified by authentic Biblical Witnesses,  Jesus did not cancel the Last Supper.  We’ll never know whether he failed to act on good advice or bad, but we do know that as a direct consequence of holding His Last Supper, He was bushwhacked by a traitorous apostle. We now know that Judas was a greedy and despicable  Jew/Arab hybrid in possession of an  unquenchable thirst for power and a weakness for the Roman Denarius.  As a result of the Judasian Betrayal, Jesus ended up sacrificing His Body to a rendition and torture of such a horrible nature, we dare not even use such methods on terrorists we have captured in the recent muslim wars, even though they fully deserve it.

To be sure, because Jesus failed to cancel the Last Supper, the Sins of Christians are now purged of all Godly memory, and the Chosen among us are invited to walk in the bosom of God in Heaven for an eternity, after this meaningless corporeal existence of ours has ended.

The Christian Soul would have met a very different fate over the last 2000 year had Jesus instead been alerted to the same sorts of threats xGovMother Sarah Palin gets on a daily basis.  The prophesies would have gone unfulfilled, and we would have had to wait for another Messiah, and probably not a one as handsome as was Jesus the Christ owing to the miscegenation of Galilee since His time!

Fortunately, xGov Mother Sarah Palin escapes the fate of Jesus because she has a number of early warning detection systems that alert her to the threats lobbed at her from demon-inspired Obama-backing secularists.  She uses the intertwitter, Fair and Balanced Fox News, the interUTubes, her Facebookalytes, and so on to alert her when it is unsafe to render speeches.  Jesus’ fate was sealed because he did not have these tools.

When she cancels her speaking engagements, xGov Mother Sarah Palin does so only because Her time of the Ultimate Sacrifice is not upon us. Until that time comes, perhaps at some point after Trig is weaned from her bosom, a time which is between her and God, she (along with Rep Tom Tancredo) will remain His greatest gift to us, just as His Son Jesus was in His Greatest Gift to Us back in the Day.


November 1, 2010

Not that he needed xGov Mother xMama Grizz Sarah Palin’s vote of robocall confidence, but this should just about sew it up!

You betcha Rep Tom Tancredo will be tough on illegal immigration!!!

Repealing 13th Amendment best possible solution for the immigration Crisis

August 17, 2010

When it comes to the illegal immigration crisis, Jesus is the final judge, jury and executioner

There has been much talk lately amongst Conservative Christian political leaders about the need to slightly modify what were the Founding Father’s intentions when crafting the 14th Amendment of our Sacred Constitution.

The 14th amendment currently gives the Sacred Right of American Citizenship to little mexican anchor babies.  Quickly, the swelled up mexican doe leaps across our border just in time to drop the baby (“hop and drop” to proclaim citizenship for their entire extended family.

I think we can all agree that no Founding Father worthy of that title and of reasonable mind or character would ever intend to give mexicans citizenship.  Indeed, mexicans were the sworn enemies of our Founding Fathers, who fought two bloody wars–The Spanish American War and the Mexican War–to make sure they stayed in their own burn countries and away from our borders.

So it is clear and nobody would argue that we need to simply repeal the 14th Amendment by a simple vote of acclamation and do so with very little additional discussion, which is unnecessary.  After that, the only people who will be granted citizenship will be American children, and the occasional brown skinned collaborator who earns it for helping us in our ongoing War against islam.

But will repealing the 14th Amendment do as much good as we hope?  That sounds like a stupid question, but it actually isn’t.   A repeal of the 14th Amendment will stop illegal fetal immigration, but it will not stop illegal immigration by the mexicans who are already across our borders and roaming about in our neighborhoods after dark, seeking  to steal our Women’s flowers and our yardwork equipment from our garages and sheds, and who are abusing our precious Healthcare Resources.

But there is a Repeal Solution that might just work against these savages.  We can repeal the 13th Amendment, which was heartlessly imposed upon the entire country after the War of Northern Aggression.  The 13th Amendment is the simplist and most simpleminded Amendment of our Constitution.  It simply outlaws slavery.  The amendment is so short, it is clear that the Founders were not at all enthusiastic about it.  Therefore, it is fair and reasonable to conclude that the Founders intended for the 13th Amendment not to pass, or if it did pass, not to be affirmed.  Or if it was affirmed, not to survive repeal initiatives.  Clearly, therefore, from this careful reading of history, in outlawing slavery, the Founders did not intend to outlaw slavery.

How can repealing the 13th Amendment solve our illegal immigration crisis?  That is a pretty stupid question.  The answer should be obvious.

Right now, the illegal mexicans have nothing to motivate them to return to their own burn country because the Federal government refuses to do its job of rounding them up and deporting them.

If Conservatives had them rounded up in a Legal Citizens Initiative, which is wholly in our rights, and then packed up on rail cars and shipped back across the border, then the lamestream media would have a field day taking pictures and producing videos with their hands reaching out and begging for food and water.  The net result is it would make us, the ones who are trying to save this Country as opposed to the libs who are tearing it apart, look like the bad guys.

Conservatives like myself don’t normally care one burn about political correctedness, but such newsreel would be pretty bad political correctedness publicity for us.

But if we repealed the outlawing of slavery, then anybody could take a slave whenever and whereever they wanted.  Quietly.  Man by man.

For example, you could drive down to the Home Depot, pretend you got a big job for them and pick up a whole truck full of them.  In fact, they’ll be jumping into your truck and you’ll have a hard time  not taking too many.

Once you get them to your home, you can make them your slaves and do all the hard work they’d normally do for you, but for free.  You could put them all in the shed at night and lock it up.  And then have them work for you the next day, and again and again and again.  Just like we used to do it in the old days.

Eventually they’ll figure it out and realize they are slaves.  If they escape, they’ll get picked up by other Americans, who will make them there slaves, too.

Before you know it, they’ll be too afraid to loiter about the Home Depot begging for work for fear of becoming a slave.  Eventually, they’ll get the message and before you know it again, they’ll be sneaking back across their border at night on their way home, trying to escape detection by Our Border Security teams, who would turn them into slaves if they caught them hopping the fences to the south.

Word will get back to all the mexican bucks back in mexico that American is not the Land of Opportunity for mexicans, that they will lose their freedoms and whatnot if they came here.

That would instantly solve the illegal immigration crisis.

I have plenty of commentators who come to this award winning interblog to tell me my ideas are stupid.  Do you think this one is stupid, too?

Well if you want permission to say that my idea is stupid, first  provide the name of one African negro who voluntarily came to the United States of America  prior to when the 13th Amendment was passed.

Just one name.

If Doe tags work for deer they can work for Anchor Babies!

August 13, 2010

Principles of deer herd management should be applied to the Anchor Baby Crisis

Not to sound like some uppity elitist game mangment warden, but you can put me square in the camp of folk who are greatful for Wild Life Mangment practices that cull the deer herd by taking out some female does.   I have a lot of friends who don’t like it when they can’t bag a buck.  And I’d rather get one with a rack myself.

But even they got to admit that taking out the does has made it more fun to hunt the bucks, because taking out the does is keeping the entire deer population down lower, leaving more food for the  bucks who get a lot bigger and a big buck is a better looking buck on the tailgate!

I got to thinking about this when the other day God asked me to go to the intertubes where he had just inspired the lamestream media to finally publish some new information on the Anchor Baby Crisis.

To make a long story short, pregnant mexican females are NOT crossing the border illegally just before spitting out a new baby like we all thought they was doing, but are mostly slipping into our Dominion as unpregnant mexicans.  Then, they get to copulating and get pregnant once they are secretly in Our Dominion and then evading law enforcement just long enough to spit out an anchor baby!!  And they are outproducing White Christian Americans  at an alarming rate!

What does this have to do with the new methods of Wild Life Mangment that are designed to keep deer populations at a healthy low level?

Are you a stupid for asking such an obvious question?

First, what it says is that My Proposals to improve border sharpshooter training so they recognize the pregnant ones may help stem the flood a little bit, but it is probably NOT a good solution for the Anchor Baby Crisis. This DOES NOT mean I am backing off from the Border Sharpshooter Training initiative.  I’m just saying we need to add a new wrinkle to the solution.

Second, it means that if we are going to effectively cull the mexican herd that is already here violating  Our laws, stealing Our precious tax dollar resources, and using Our healthcare, then we need to initiate an Effective Mexican Herd Management initiative that involves selectively culling the female mexican from United States lands.

This may mean that we might have fewer resources to keep pressure on lowering the mexican buck population, and the roaming packs of mexican rape squads that ensue, but we can get back to them later.

It is time to start approaching the illegal mexican population as if it is a wild animal herd!  If we apply PROVEN methods of Wild Life mangment to the mexican does and bucks who are already across our border, then we might have a chance at dealing with the Anchor Baby Crisis.

A simple proposal to stop islamo-fascist acts of air sky extremism

January 10, 2010

Shocking evidence of muslims hired to be TSA agents!!!

The Christmas Day terrorism event proves two things: 1) Hussein Obama is completely out of his league in terms of protecting or Dominion from evil-doers, 2) Nobody would have attacked the United States if the Tancredo/Palin Administration were in Charge, and 3) Muslims continue their unbroken string of being the only “people” throughout the history of flight committing air sky atrocities and acts of islamofascist airplane terror.

Despite all evidence to the contraryflying in commercial airliners has become the most dangerous mode of transportation imaginable for American Citizens, all because of these false-prophet-worshiping  freaks.   So dangerous, in fact, that even Prayer to God is now thought to be of little use to prevent calamity and disaster on an unimaginable scale.

Government bureaucrats and their liberal coddlers are now debating what measures can be taken to shore up the woefully inadequate safeguards.  Rather than allowing Christian’s to bear arms on their flights and thereby protecting themselves from jihadi militants who seek to destroy the Religion of God and all of us who Believe in Him, liberals are wringing their hands wondering if they would violate the rules of political correctness by actually putting muslims on notice that they ARE NOT WELCOME ON OUR JETLINERS!

Therefore, I offer a truely common sense solution.  Below is a convenient list of names of people who, when they show up at an airport to take a flight, can either be offered a refund for their ticket and directions to the nearest bus station, or they can be issued a boarding pass immediately after receiving a complementary but thorough full cavity search by an ENGLISH speaking CHRISTIAN TSA agent:

Abbas, Abd al-Haqq, Abd-al-Allah, Abd-al-Ati, Abd-al-Aziz, Abd-al-Fattah, Abd-al-Hadi Abd-al-Hakim Abd-al-Halim Abd-al-Hamid Abd-al-Jawwad Abd-al-Karim Abd-al-Latif Abd-al-Malik Abd-al-Mu’ti Abd-al-Qadir Abd-al-Rahim Abd-al-Rahman Abd-al-Raziq Abd-al-Razzaq Abd-al-Salam Abd-al-Wahab Abdullah Abir Abu Firuz Abu Zeid Abu-Bakr Adil Adnan AhmadAla Ahmed Akram Al Nedjari Al-Afdil Al-Kamil Al-Nasr Ali Amal Amin Amir Amjad Amr Anwar As’ad Ashraf Asim Aslam/n Atif Ayman Ayub Aziz Azizah Azizudeen Badr Baha Bahjat Bakr Basim Bouid Dawud Diya Fadi Fadil Fadl Fahd Faiz Fakhr-al-din Fakhri Farag Faraj Farid Faruq Fathi Fawzi Fayiz Faysal Fihr Fikri Fu’ad Ghalib Ghassan Ghayth Habib Hadi Hafiz Hakim Hamdi Hamet Hamid Hamza Hani Harith Hasan Hashim Hasim Hatim Haytham Hikmat Hisein Hisham Hosni Husam Husayn Huseyn Husni Hussain Ibrahim Ihab Ihsan Imam Isam Ishaq Ismail Ismat Izz-al-Din Jabir Jabr Jafar Jalal Jamal Jamil Jawdat Jhanda Jinan Kamal Kamil Karam Karim Khalid Khalifa Khalil Khayrat Khayri Ma’mun Mahir Mahmud Majdi Majid Makram Malik Mamduh Manal Manar Mangal Mansur Mas’ud Mazin Mu’tasim Mu’tazz Mubarak Muhammad Muhannad Muhsin Mukhtar Mun’im Munir Mus’ad Musa Mushtaq Mustafa Muzzammil Na’il Na’im Nabil Nadim Nadir Nahim Naji Najib Nasir Nasr Nizar Nur Qasim Qusay Ra’d Ra’fat Ra’uf Radwan Rafiq Raghid Raisul Rajab Ramadan Rashad Rashid Rida Rushdi Sa’d Sa’id Sabir Sabri Sadiq Sajid Sakhr Salah Salih Salim Salman Sami Samir Sarwat Sayyid Selim Sha’ban Shadi Shafiq Shakir Sharif Shukri Suhayl Sulayman Taha Tahir Talal Tamir Tariq Tawfiq Omar Osama Osman Uthman Wa’il Wagih Wahib Wajih Walid Wasim Ya’qub Yahya Yasin Yasir Yusri Yusuf Zahir Zaid Zaki Zayd Ziyad A’isha Abir Abla Afaf Afra Ahlam Aisha Alya Am(i)na Amal Amani Amira Arub Arwa Asma Awatif Ayda Aziza Azza Badr Bahiga Bahija Bahiyya Basimah Basma Budur Busayna Buthayna Dalal Dalia Dima Du’a Duha Fadia Fadila Fakhriyya Fardoos Farida Faridah Fatima Fathiyya Fatin Fawziya Fayruz Fayza Fidda Fikriyya Fizza Ghada Ghadir Ghufran Habiba Hadil Hadya Hafsa Hagir Hajar Hala Hana Hanan Haniyya Hayfa Hiba Hikmat Hind Huda Ibtisam Ihab Ihsan Iman Inam Inas Ismat Isra Itidal Jalila Jamal Jamila Jathibiyya Jawahir Jinan Karam Karima Khadija Khalida Khayriyya Lamya Lawahiz Layla Lina Lubna Lujayn Madiha Maha Mahasin Majida Malak Malikah Manal Manar Marwa Maryam Maysa Mayy Mirvat Muhayya Muhsina Muna Munira Na’ila Na’ima Nabila Nada Nadira Nadra Nadya Nagat Nagiba Nagla Nagwa Nahida Nahla Najah Najat Najiba Najila Najwa Nawal Ni’mat Nibal Nihad Nihal Nuha Nur Nura Rabab Radwa Raga Raghda Raja Rajya Rana Randa Ranya Rashida Rawiya Rida Rim Ruqayya Sabah Safa Safinaz Safiyya Sahar Salha Saliha Salma Salwa Samar Samiha Samira Samya Sana Saniyya Sara Sarab Sawsan Shadya Shafiqa Shahira Shahrazad Shahrizad Sharifa Shatha Shukriya Siham Sonya Su’ad Suha Suhad Suhair Surayya Taghrid Tahiyya Tarub Thana Thara Thheiba Thuhayba Thurayya Um-Kalthum Umayma Umniya Uzma Wafa Wahiba Widad Yasmin Yusra Yusriyya Zahrah Zakiya Zaynab Zuhair

How to spot a homosexual

October 19, 2009

The depravity of the homosexual stalker depicted in living color.  I’ll pray for the brown-stained soul of that once innocent boy.

Missionary Work in China remains Challenging

January 15, 2009


Missionary in China trying to win a reluctant convert

Doing missionary work is not a Dominionist’s cup of tea.  I mean, what is the point?  Since other countries are not Chosen, there really is nobody to save in China or Africa or wherever.  If God wanted those people to Live in Eternal Comfort with him, He would have started out by making them Americans.

Still, Dominionists have obligations of  strong Christian identity.  Though we may not support the mission of Christian missionaries, we certainly do support the Christian brothers and sisters who are missionaries.

Most Dominionists would be surprised by the challenges involved, because some Foreigners have no interest whatsoever in converting to Christianity and are difficult to convince of the Eternal Truthfulness of Jesus.

I was searching the intergoogles today for evidence, and came across this picture of a Christian missionary trying to convince a woman in a blue jacket of Jesus’ Loving Word.

I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have to deal with pagan-like people on a daily basis.

Prayer Request for Judge Askew

January 15, 2009

visitation_prisonersGod our Holy and Sacred Father, please move the Spirit of your servant in this Dominion, Judge Wilford B. Askew, tonight. Perhaps even give him a Holy Night Time Visitation, so that, during the court session tomorrow at which Judge Wilford B. Askew will proside over, he will see Your Good Works in brother Rev. Paul T. Hipple, and become imbued with the Spirit of Passionate Foregiveness.

Then, he can deliver brother Rev. Paul T. Hipple from his oppressive chains of obligations, including probation and community services associated with his wholly misguided, unfair, and unjustified conviction of unlawful iimprisonment in the third degree, particularly seeing as how the diabolical prosecutor suppressed testimony rendered in a secret meeting at the Cracker Barrel restaurant next to the interestate in which the sound- minded victim, plied with nothing but Coca-Cola, confessed without coercion into a secret microphone hidden in the Rev. Paul T. Hipples shirt pocket, that it was a wholly consensual explicit act.

Largely because of this grevious prosecutorial misconduct, our Brother the Rev. Paul T. Hipple received an unjust conviction and sentance and as such, has suffered unChristian persecution of a Christian that rivals any Christian persecution of recorded or remembered History.

Lord, Our Father of Father’s, Please show mercy on our Brother Rev. Paul T. Hipple, whose flock is growing all across the intergoogles, as you showed mercy on your Only Son, who was horribly renditioned and tortured by the mainstream Jewish elite of his age, but in doing so somehow still managed to save all the Chosen Souls of your eternal Kingdom.

Antiabortionist Capt. POW Sen. John McCain to lead National Day of Economic Mourning

September 25, 2008

"I'd definitely hit that!!"  Capt. POW. Sen. McCain discussing newly hired (legal) home maid in Senate lunchroom during much needed break from tense, world saving negotiations.

"I'd hit it!" John McCain discussing newly hired house maid during break in key Senate economic deliberations.

In conservative (Christian) Republican circles, the selfless decision by Jesus the Christ to accept Torture and Rendition on the Holy Cross, is widely regarded as 2nd only to Capt. POW Sen. John McCain’s time spent in a North Vietnamese prison, as the single bravest act of Loving Christian Behavior in the History of Humanity.

Today, through the Miracle of Divine Night Time Visions, we learn that Capt. POW Sen. John McCain has outdone even himself, not to mention Jesus the Christ, by announcing his decision to suspend his righteous campaign for the Presidency of our Dominion. Except for lunch and bathroom breaks, He will use all of his free time during this suspension working to save, once again, All of Humanity, especially our God-fearing American Way of Life.

The candidate for the Negro Party, muslim Hussein Obama, his opponent in the race, will selfishly continue his own campaign, and pretend that the United States of America Dominion is not under grave and imminent threat.