Archive for the ‘Antarctic conspiracty’ Category

The Holy Bible: Jesus’ Birth Certificate is NO FAKE

April 27, 2011

God wrote Jesus' birth certificate in the bible so that we are assured He is our Savior and not a forgery

On a day when the Kenyan Pretender, once again, attempts to famfoozle the gullible mainstream media with his obviously and completely transparent forgery of his “full birth certificate” we are reminded of a time not too long ago.

In that time, God sent to His green and blue and brown earth His Only Son, Jesus the Christ.  Jesus was sent to die following a horrific rendition and torture so that our Souls will find Eternal Peace with Him.

In His time, as today, there was never any doubt as to the Provenance of this Child, this Boy, this wonderous Gift from God.

And the reason for that is because God took His time to carefully dictate His Birth not only to the Apostles of Christ, His eartly witnesses, but also to the Prophets.

The Birth Certificate of Jesus is no less an authority than the Scripture and the Gospel of the Holy Bible.

I just find it Ironic that this arrogant negro, this Obama fellow…a man who claims to have the powers of God, who falsely claims to know the mind of God, and who wrongly claims that Jesus walks with him.  A man who didains Real Americans with every core of his being.  A man who bears false witness not only to Christianity but probably also to his pagan islamism religion, a man who can’t even produce a legally certified document that unequivocally attests to his earthly origins!

And we have the Real Jesus as a living example as to how to attest a live birth properly.  Do those people really take us as complete fools?

Dream Act Banditos: Obamas mercenary protectorate guard

September 23, 2010

An obviously gay homosexual Swiss Guardsman use demonic magic and subversive mind control methods to subdue and destroy papal enemies

As if stealing from playbooks written by Marx, Lenin and Hitler weren’t enough, it looks like the kenyan konstitutional usurper is going to steal another play, but this time from the  playbook of the papist’s pope.

What the illegitimate president Obama hopes to achieve through this theft is a template to create a military vanguard for his own personal use, the equivalent of a Hugo Chavezian protectorate!  An American band of mercenaries modeled upon “The Swiss Guard” who are beholden to Obama’s every whim and desire and evil machination.

Most Christians are not aware that the Chief Idolator, the pope, surrounds himself with a cult of elitist homosexual euro/demon-ninja concubines called “The Swiss Guard.”   “The Swiss Guard” are mercenaries, which proves to us their gay homosexual proclivities, who are handsomely compensated to protect the pope.

They do so by deploying a variety of cunning defensive and offensive capabilities, ranging from mastery of pagan hand-to-hand combat, to expertise in high caliber weapons marksmenship and mine field deployment, to cyberwarfare and an array of demonic-based mind-control tactics.

You might ask yourself, “All I did was ask the intergoogle to tell me about the DREAM Act, what does this have to do with the DREAM Act?”

The DREAM Act is a piece of hobama legislation principally designed to pander to the coloreds vote, especially the light brown coloreds, and to drive a wedge between them and common sense Christian American voters.  This is because the DREAM Act as a paved road towards US citizenship for illegal mexicans who have infiltrated our borders. Rather than round them up and ship them back in cattle cars to their own burn God Foresaken land, Obama plans to pass out US Citizenship to these criminals like Christmas Candy, which will make them his lifelong voters.

That is what they want you to believe.

What is hidden in the fine print is this: The DREAM Act will pass out a US American Citizenship Card willy nilly to any Juan, Pedro or Ricardo that wanders along, just as if they were free passes to the FFA carcass hog contest.  And the more evil and nefarious and criminally-minded Juan, Pedro or Ricardo, the better.

Because all that Juan, Pedro and Ricardo have to agree to do is to sign on to serve four year hitches as highly-paid mercenaries, loyal only to the usurper who is now occupying the White House, and to no other person or entity.  In exchange for citizenship, they agree to be programmed to bid his every wish and desire, from late night runs to round up K-street tramps and wenches for impromptu West Wing orgy festivals, to conducting cross-Potomac raids on the Pentagon, to engage in search and destroy skirmishes against our brave Armed Forces stationed there.

Obama will also order these Dream Act Banditos to round up and imprison those he suspects of seditious acts including all Christians, all Conservatives, and anybody known to be or to have supported Republican or Republican Tea PartyCandidates in deed or in thought.

The only way we can stop this from happening is to prevent the DREAM Act from becoming law, which means we MUST elect a Conservative Christian Congress, as they are the only people willing to stand up to the kenyan usurper and his nigerian cronies.

Would Jesus amend His Constitution?

August 16, 2010

Look very carefully to see photographic proof that Jesus inspired Our Founders and directed their pens

Serious Constitutional scholars, at least the only ones people should listen to, no longer debate the concept that the US Constitution is a living, breathing document Inspired by the Hand of God and his Son, baby Jesus.  These scholars now agree that our United States Dominion is a Christian nation because our Constitution was, if not written by God word for word, then certainly dictated by Him.  Are we a Christian Nation?  [looks cross-eyed] What a stupid question!

One doesn’t even need prayerful answers to that one.  Just look at world history in any book, even Secular Elitist world history and it will be as obvious as daylight:

At the time of our Founding, the rest of the world, Europe in particular, was sliding into the dark abyss in which it rests today, a cabal of socialist, communist-inspired governments ruled by atheist nazis and lice-infested royal families who ruthlessly taxed their subjects to redistribute their wealth to the poor, the lazy and the useless cripples of their society.  As such, it had become clear to Jesus that the Times called for a new safe haven for His people, who were being oppressed by the Shackles of Taxation.

Checking off his options by Looking towards other continents, He saw that Africa was not much different than it is today, populated by degenerate tribes of primitive negroes in the south, while roaming packs of cagey muslim thieves owned its north.  He saw Asia as a land infested with wild-eyed, incoherent nomadic mongols, whereas South America was crawling with peoples (I hesitate to call them even that, more like animals) of bizarre pagan cults who were so drug-addled from sucking on the leaves of toxic indigenous plants that they didn’t even realize they were naked all the time!  Since it was well known that Australia was no different then what it is today, a penal colony of euro-rapists, thieves, murderers and more horrifically even debt-welchers, Jesus didn’t even glance there when thinking about where to set up His Dominion.  Finally, he did not look to Antarctica, because at the time it was not clear Antarctica was even a continent.  Even to Jesus.

Thus, with essentially His only option remaining, He sought out Our Shores, its Good Christian People, and the brilliant Founding Fathers within to create a Christian Nation, His Kingdom upon His earth!

These are indisputable historical facts.

The question therefore always arises, “If Jesus wrote the Constitution, and the Constitution is His Words, and since His Words are immutable, than why in the blaze would He ever allow it to be Amended?”

Christians always get confused about this and ask, “Rev Hipple, why do we not treat the Constitution like we treat the Bible, as the Word of God, immutable, fixed for all eternity and inviolate?”

The best answer I can give to that is Jesus inspired Our Founders, and dictated certain sections of the Constitution so the Founders could write them down, but not all the words in the Constitution is the Word of God, per se.  Even though it is pretty darn close to it. So close, in fact, that Woe upon the sinner who does not consider the Constitution Sacred Text!

Still, Jesus let some of the words in the Constitution be Human Founding Father words rather than His words.  I believe the reason is that Jesus foresaw extremely serious problems and issues that our Founders could not fix at the time of our Constitutional Convention due to the political climate of the time.   This was complicated by the Fact that there was no other place in which to set up His Dominion.

Although all of the Founders were Christian, a few of them proved to be Faithless, with secular liberal tendencies and homosexual leanings.  Jesus knew what was in their Dark hearts.  Remember also, the atheistic euroenvironmentaloid culture had become extremely hostile ground for Christians, so Jesus was anxious to start up a New Dominion quickly, before it was too late, but not get blamed for it if it failed, which would tarnish His Omnipotent image.  I mean, Jesus knew even back than just how untrustworthy liberals and homos could be.  He placed His Faith and Trust in our Conservative Founding Fathers, like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and others knowing that they would see to His plan.

Jesus, in His Infinite Wisdom, saw the early Problems of our Nation as issues that could not be solved quickly enough.  They were not so serious as to destroy us at the outset, but He also could see that they would fester and boil throughout the early history of our Dominion and potentially destroy us and His Dominion from within if there were not a mechanism to one day address these issues.

And therefore, He empowered us with the Miraculous gift of Constitutional Amendments to repair these dark and foreboding problems at a point in time when we were best prepared to do so.   There is no debate whatsoever that the most divisive problem that Our Founders left for a later day was the corrosive effects on Her people of allowing the production, distribution and consumption of alcohol and other intoxicating beverages.  But Jesus foresaw that His people would eventually muster the political will to deal with that issue, and thus we have the 18th Amendment to the Constitution which made Sacred not only His Day, but every other day, too.

Today, we have arrived at the darkest Day in our Dominion’s history since before Prohibition.  Our Great Nation is being destroyed not from within, but by an illegitimate, unconstitutional “leader” who is NOT A NATURAL US Citizen, whose main support, whose only support, comes not from the Citizens of the United States, but from millions of millions of illegal immigrants who were paid handsomely to vote fraudulently in the last election, and who operates with the financial backing of rich arab sheiks who are hell bent on world islamic hegemony.

So I ask you, at this point in history would Jesus amend His Constitution?

Is that some sort of stupid question?

Of course Jesus would amend His Constitution.  The only serious question remaining in this Darkest Moment in our History is what amendments to the Constitution would Jesus NOT amend to put an end to our Constitutional Crisis??  Trust me, the 14th Amendment is not our only problem right now.  Not by a long shot.  Jesus sees problems that need amendments to address several of our amendments including but not limited to the 1st, 4th, 5th-8th, 10, 13th-16th, 21st and 24th Amendments.

Jesus wants you to vote for Rep Tom Tancredo to be our next President so that Rep Tom will call a new Constitutional Convention to pass multiple amendments to the amendments and to get this finished with all due haste by not inviting no blame liberals.

Why is there an antiChrist but no antiMuhammed?

December 17, 2009

Hussein Obama, a muslim, is the antichrist of Christianity

When ever I get to preaching to the Youth Group from Daniel or Revelations, I oftentimes get this question: “Reverend Hipple, do those muslims have an antimuhammed the way we Christians have an antiChrist?”

The answer I always give is, “Son, why don’t just you and I go down to the basement rooms where we can be alone and I’ll explain why an antiMuhammed don’t make no burn sense.”

Jesus is the Handsome, peace-loving Messiah that God gives His people as a Gift of Love.  He is the Word of God, and who is beautiful and calm in all He is.  Jesus is Heaven on this earth.  Unimaginable beauty and the epitome of Love.

Therefore, the antichrist would have to be the polar opposite of Jesus.  And what is the polar opposite of Jesus?  Death, despair, destruction and an otherwise hollow existence bereft of any meaning or significance.

Sounds a lot like liberals and roaming packs of mexican rape squads, but it really is the Demon, isn’t it?  Exactly.

The antichrist is the Demon.  The antichrist is deceptive and tries to shave, dress and put on appearences as if he is the Chosen Son,  but The Elect among us can spot the Demon from a mile away.

In contrast,we know that the muslim religion is a false religion.  It is a religion of violence, destruction and world hegemony and unimaginable acts of desecration, perversion and perversity.  It is a religion that is bereft of any love or beauty whatsoever.

The first question I’d ask you is what purpose would be served by a religion that is already violent needing a violent antichrist?

And supposing it did, then it would have to be the polar opposite of everything that religion represents, and then what is the epitome of the polar opposite of this sort of depravity?

The Christian God, of course!

And is God the muslim antichrist?

What sort of stupid question is that!  Obviously, not.


Lou Dobbs leaves CNN to prepare for Tancredo/Palin cabinet position

November 12, 2009


Lou Dobbs billboard at US border scares mexicans to stay the hell home

The liberal mainstream media is just making things up again.  As we all know, Lou Dobbs, who has been bravely reporting on the growing mexican menace from behind enemy lines at the Communist News Network studies, finally had enough and walked away from his job.

Today, CNN affiliates are reporting a big fat lie that Lou Dobbs is

actually named Luis Miguel Salvador Aguila Dominguez, who for the last 48 years had been living illegally in the United States under the name Lou Dobbs.

And they are claiming he is being deported!!  This is NOT TRUE.

Lou Dobbs is an American Hero who understands immigration issues almost as well as Rep Tom Tancredo.   I can assure you that I have no love for CNN.  But I have personally gone to the Home of Lou Dobbs, knocked on its door, and shook the hand of Lou Dobbs, thanking him personally for truthfully describing the mexican issue in clear, economic principles.  It was Lou Dobbs who has made it clear for 5 years that mexico has no business in being in NAFTA because it exports only dangerous drugs, rapists, tortillas, and filthy short people that nobody can burn understand.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lou Dobbs is jooish, God would reserve a special place for him in Heaven.  However, Rep Tom Tancredo has a special place for Lou Dobbs in his administration, and plans to about Lou Dobbs to his cabinet as Director of Border Operations Secretary.

Don’t listen to the lies of leftist Gotcha reporters and cynical pajama-wearing interblog pundits.  They aren’t the real Americans like you and me.  Lou Dobbs left his job because he needs more time to work on the tyranny in the Whitehouse WHILE stopping the unchecked flow of brown mexicans across our southern borders.

Republican Snowe: Traitor or just the Devil’s spawn?

October 14, 2009

We’ll find out soon enough.

The other day, Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine broke ranks with Republicans and voted to pass the socialist Obamacare agenda, and with it, the largest government handout ever to lazy, shiftless negroes and the roaming packs of mexican rape squads who flow unchecked across our borders.

Wicked Witch of the West or Olympia Snowe?

Wicked Witch of the West or Olympia Snowe?

Olympia Snow or Wicked Witch of the West?

Olympia Snow or Wicked Witch of the West?

A careful intergooglerogatory of pictures and images conducted on this woman raises a very important question:  Is Olympia Snowe the Wicked Witch of the West, or were they just separated at birth?

As everybody knows, the Demon’s Witch is ice cold solid but she will melt if she comes into contact with liquid water or rock salt.

As such, I’m happy to report that conservative colleagues at Red State.Com are conducting a test.  If I understand this test, they ask all of us to send Sen. and suspected Witch Olympia Snowe a bag of rock salt.  Since Sen and Suspected Witch Snowe lives in Maine, which is frozen, the rock salt will melt her and it will also melt all the snow and ice around her, thus getting Senator and Suspected Witch Snowe wet with water, thus causing her to melt even faster.  Which will prove that she is a Witch AND which will take this RINO and enemy of God’s Dominion out from the Senate, stopping her from doing any more damage to this great country of ours.

Obama wastes taxpayer dollars to install White House basketball court

October 12, 2009

We have uncovered fresh utubercle video evidence that  Spearchucker Sheik President Sen Nobelist Barry Soeterror Hussien Obama has no interest in restoring fiscal sanity to the White House, the House of Representatives, or any other House for that matter.  Watch the deeply disturbing video below which documents the new, state of the art $56.8 billion Negro-only basketball court that Obama has had built in the White House basement.

One Nation Under God

October 6, 2009

Jesus laughs at Hussain Obama's useless liberal agenda

Jesus laughs at Hussain Obama's useless liberal agenda

Finally, the mainstream artist industry is beginning to recognize that this Great Nation of ours Belongs to Christ!!!

I urge Dominionists everywhere to click on the interlink above and to study and disseminate this wonderful work of art, which is so rich in symbolism, that it needs explanatory paragraphs to get across the points it makes.

For example, the you can read about all the enemies of our Constitution, including activist Supreme Court judge weeping in shame, the smug, Evolution-loving, liberal humanist God-less college professor, and family physicians lining up to get fat at the Public Option health care reform troth, and so forth

Note to immigrants: You are NOT welcome in this Country, even if you do accept Lord Jesus the Savior as your God.  JMO

Dominionists are not opposed to health care reform

August 7, 2009

We would like to offer ourselves as an alternative to the GOP, which seems to have taken its eye off the main problem facing our country. The GOP are now obsessed with stopping Obamacare, and with it the forced euthanasia of the infirm, crippled, and defective. Truth is, and any farmer will tell you the same thing, all herds need some culling now and again.
Dominionists are prepared to offer the democrat congress a compromise: we will legalize it so as Americans can buy healthcare in Canada, Europe and China. In return, we’ll simply ask for a more effective border security program, including mine fields, attack dogs, and fully armed machine gun turrets. In this way, we can keep the roaming packs of mexican rape squads our of our hospital emergency rooms, where they lie bleeding our economy of Her precious economic resources.

Barry Soetorro using code words to trigger race riots

July 23, 2009

raceriotIn his televised speeches last evening, the muslim immigrant pretender to the American Presidency, Sheikh Barry Soeterro,aka Hussein Obama, criticized the Cambridge MA police for their arrest of a buck negro, who they had arrested for burglarizing a home in a upper class white neighborhood.

In my town, if the sheriff finds a negro  roaming a white neighborhood, he puts an end to it right there.   By doing so, the sheriff is simply using our precious tax dollars the way we see fit.  If our sheriff finds a negro IN a home in the white neighborhood,  quite frankly, that negro is lucky to survive with his life.  That is simply the way it has always been.  Over the years, both the sheriff and the negroes have come to accept that this is the nature of our co-existence.

But on National TV, before an assemblage of the liberal elite mainstream media, President Sheikh Barry Soeterro called the arresting Cambridge City Police Officer a “stupid” for arresting the negro in that house.

Historically, here in the south, when a negro leader such as a minister or a teacher calls the sheriff or his deputies a ‘stupid’, we’ve come to learn that this is a secret code that negro leaders use to provoke their folk to  “assemble your molotov cocktails, grab some stones and bricks of throwable quality, and get prepared to  desecrate the white women folk and go about on a looting rampage downtown .  The rioting will commence at sundown.”

This is also the way it has always been.

Of course, the main stream liberal media, who have long ignored the devious character of the negro, have no idea what this man’s statements on the tv’s last night means.   Worse, they have no interest whatsoever calling experts such as my self to testify to this prognostication and provocation.

Does anybody still believe this man was legally elected to be our President?  Does anybody still believe this man is not dangerous and doesn’t seek to destroy our Christian-based Constitutional form of government?

If not, what further proof do you need?  The proof exists, you just have to believe in it.