Archive for the ‘false prophets-muslim’ Category

On the persecution of Dr. Rep Ron Paul

December 24, 2011

Is Dr. Rep Ron Pauls handgun position in full Communion with Conservative Christian teaching?

The lib MSM is aroaring with persecution of Dr. Rep Ron Paul for words he allegedly did not say several years ago when he was almost a teen ager.

First, although it pains me to say so, in all honesty if you look at some of these words, Dr Rep Ron Paul definitely was more right then he is wrong.

For example, in talking about the gay disease Dr Rep Ron Paul decried the cult of hyper-promiscuous sodomy in San Francisco bath houses in the early 1980’s, forcing God’s Hand to rain the AIDS plague down upon homos and various homo sympathizers.

And it is difficult to quibble with Dr Rep Ron Paul’s words, which he allegedly did not say, that most race riots typically end on the day govt welfare checks are distributed.  This is just a widely known FACT.

And few would not agree with him that it matters little whether the WTC bombings was carried out by Jew State operatives or by islamofascist jihadi muzzies, especially given the compelling evidence that these peoples are indistinguishable genetically and therefore are not separate species.  I mean, if our Great Dominion is destroyed will it really matter if it was the jews or the muzzies who tore it down?

So, we see here a typical lib MSM ploy of persecuting Conservatives for THINGS THEY GET RIGHT while leaving off the hook the democrat big tent of socialists, communists, darwinists, papists, welfare cheats, atheists, lesbohomo’s, illegal immigrant coddlers, educated elitists, liberal fascists and govt handout addicts who’d rather lay back and watch or Dominion become crippled rather than fight our enemies.

No, the problem with Dr Rep Ron Paul is not his alleged miscegenation beliefs, which in fact are in full communion with Mainstream Conservative Christianism.

No, the problem with Dr Rep Ron Paul is that he is the leader of a Eurocentric dominated Cult seeking to 1) replace the Dollar with the euro, 2) Purchase Manitoba, 3) Use Manitoba as a base of operations for conducting cross border raids into the Dakotas, which happen to be the banking capital of our Great Dominion. He is therefore NOT IN COMMUNION with our job creators.

In Short, Dominionists are aghast not at Dr Rep Ron Paul’s words about negroes and jews and muzzies, but by his fake meakness which which hides his pernicious agenda to have the Dominion of the United States absorbed by the cult of atheo-euroism.

We also vehemently disagree with his peaceful stance on the War on Muslims, and suspect but have not confirmed that that the suicidal muzzie jihadists are actually mercenary soldiers operating at the behest of european govts.  Which makes Dr Rep Ron Paul an alleged unwitting tool of al-Qaeda and other islamofascist liberals.

Are Conservative Christian Republicans making a mistake by coddling the negro voter?

October 28, 2011

Democrat party terrorists subdue a frightened negro who futilely screams out for Conservative Christian Republicans to save him, but none are any where near.

In my Night Time Vision revelations last night, God asked me to write some caution words about the ongoing Conservative Christian campaign designed to create a wedge between the democrat apparatchik and the negro voter, who has been brainwashed to vote for democrats since the days of our Founding Fathers.

As His interblog emissary, God has reveled to me that great danger lurks by bringing the negro voter into the Conservative Christian (Republican) tent.  That we may be asking for more than we are willing to endure.

A key element of this ongoing campaign has Conservative Christians pointing out to the negro that it was, in point of Historical Fact, the democrat party who was responsible for enslaving the negro and for all of the trouble the negro has endured in his long, miserable history.

Furthermore, much like today when the Nobama administration has no control over the waves of mexxican rape squads streaming over our borders, back in the day it was also a democrat administration’s failure to keep people in their proper places which caused all the race rioting in Sanctuary City, illicit drug bedlams,  and the epidemic of woman deflowering that ensued in the 1960’s—all owing to the dissatisfaction of the negro with his plight.

Furthermore, it was democrat administrations that started a war against the Vietnam chinamen, and then conscripted the negro, got him all addicted on the heroin (which back in the day was like meth), and then sent the negro over there to kill the Vietnam chinamen in an intoxicated opiate fog.  If the negro soldier wasn’t killed, he was shipped back home for life long enslavement in the democrat entitlement culture.

Furthermore, it is a Historical Fact that the KKK was an elite offshoot of the democrat party, and was originally founded in order to terrorize Republican Christians.   Indeed, in order to become a member of the KKK, one had to swore blood oaths to the democrat party and also to a long list of liberal progressive democrat principles and causes including but not limited to socialism, the New Deal, Planned Parenthood, Govt Schools and Education, the EPA, Clean Air legislation, Entitlements, Reparations, subsidies for the Hollywood Porno Film Industry, NPR, Evolution, Sharia Law, the Global Warming Scam, Pornographic Homosexuality, the proliferation of non-Christian religions such as momonism and papism, and any other Proclivities of Weakness not mentioned explicitly here.

The democrats and the KKK were such a powerful political force back in the day that they enacted Jim Crow laws, separate and not equal schools and facilities, and harassed the negro mercilessly.

And so today’s Conservative Christian campaign is merely pointing all this out to the negro so that he can understand that the history of anti-negro hate is a democrat party problem, not a Conservative Christian Republican problem.

However, there is a problem with this campaign, and that problem is, What do we do if it is successful?  If we bring all the negroes under our tent, are we not obligated, as Christians, to share our loaves of bread and hunks of fish to feed them?  And what do we do if so many come under the tent and we run out of bread and fish? All those negroes are going to demand their share of food!

Well, it isn’t difficult to see where this is going.  We’d have to raise taxes on small businesses and the job makers.  And they wouldn’t be happy about that at all, because raising taxes will destroy our economy and take money out of our pockets and redistribute the wealth: Which is socialism!!

The Wisdom of God has warned me that to invite the negro under our Conservative Christian Republican tent is to invite a culture of entitlement and socialism, which could turn us from being a Conservative Christian Republican party into something more like democrat party.  Because to invite the negro into our party involves inviting centuries worth of problems that are associated with it. Should it be the role of Conservative Christian Republicans to clean up yet another mess that was created by the democrat party?

Time for an all volunteer govt workforce, like our Army

March 14, 2011

Volunteer police searching anchor baby nests for illegal immigrants

As a Christian Nation, we are exhausted by the idea of govt workers living the high life on the taxpayer dole.  We are tired of having tax dollars extracted from OUR incomes to pay the excessive salaries and union pensions of govt workers, especially the hordes of amoral Godless liberal school teachers spouting as fact tenuous theories of evilution and the Demon’s numerology.  Other govt workers are just as bad, but teachers, because of their liberal proclivities, are the absolute worst offenders.

We are tired of paying the pensions of these people, who end their days on this earth living high on the hog, a lifetime of receiving compensation from OUR tax dollars for doing nothing but providing useless govt service.

But there is a solution, a solution that I have arrived at prayerfully, by opening my heart to hear the Word of God through the miracle of the Holy Night Time Visions that He visits upon me.

We need to remake the govt workforce in much the same way we remade the United States of America Armed Forces in the wake of the democrat capitulation the the communists in Vietnam.

The All Volunteer US Armed Forces has been an unquestioned success.  We have an abundance of patriots who would gladly volunteer to join the govt workforce, much the same way we’ve easily been able to attract volunteers to fight our wars against the muslims and hispanic speaking peoples throughout the world who seek to do us harm.

The use of an all volunteer govt workforce will dramatically lower the costs of govt operations, much the same way it has reduced the cost of waging wars, thereby allowing us to wage war whenever and where ever necessary.

There will be modest costs associated with an all volunteer govt workforce.  We will have to equip the volunteers with uniforms, much the same way we give uniforms to our all volunteer Armed soldiers.  But unlike for the latter, we won’t have to give govt workers field rifles and other expensive weapons.

Mostly, we need to change our culture of volunteerism, to get people thinking that it would be a privilege to volunteer to work for our govt, much the same way as it is a privilege to kill muslims and other evil-doers, by volunteering to serve in our Armed Forces.

If we had an army of volunteer govt workers to rival our Army of Volunteer Christian Soldiers, we’d have a much more efficient govt that operates at only a fraction of the cost it takes to pay govt workers.


Repealing 13th Amendment best possible solution for the immigration Crisis

August 17, 2010

When it comes to the illegal immigration crisis, Jesus is the final judge, jury and executioner

There has been much talk lately amongst Conservative Christian political leaders about the need to slightly modify what were the Founding Father’s intentions when crafting the 14th Amendment of our Sacred Constitution.

The 14th amendment currently gives the Sacred Right of American Citizenship to little mexican anchor babies.  Quickly, the swelled up mexican doe leaps across our border just in time to drop the baby (“hop and drop” to proclaim citizenship for their entire extended family.

I think we can all agree that no Founding Father worthy of that title and of reasonable mind or character would ever intend to give mexicans citizenship.  Indeed, mexicans were the sworn enemies of our Founding Fathers, who fought two bloody wars–The Spanish American War and the Mexican War–to make sure they stayed in their own burn countries and away from our borders.

So it is clear and nobody would argue that we need to simply repeal the 14th Amendment by a simple vote of acclamation and do so with very little additional discussion, which is unnecessary.  After that, the only people who will be granted citizenship will be American children, and the occasional brown skinned collaborator who earns it for helping us in our ongoing War against islam.

But will repealing the 14th Amendment do as much good as we hope?  That sounds like a stupid question, but it actually isn’t.   A repeal of the 14th Amendment will stop illegal fetal immigration, but it will not stop illegal immigration by the mexicans who are already across our borders and roaming about in our neighborhoods after dark, seeking  to steal our Women’s flowers and our yardwork equipment from our garages and sheds, and who are abusing our precious Healthcare Resources.

But there is a Repeal Solution that might just work against these savages.  We can repeal the 13th Amendment, which was heartlessly imposed upon the entire country after the War of Northern Aggression.  The 13th Amendment is the simplist and most simpleminded Amendment of our Constitution.  It simply outlaws slavery.  The amendment is so short, it is clear that the Founders were not at all enthusiastic about it.  Therefore, it is fair and reasonable to conclude that the Founders intended for the 13th Amendment not to pass, or if it did pass, not to be affirmed.  Or if it was affirmed, not to survive repeal initiatives.  Clearly, therefore, from this careful reading of history, in outlawing slavery, the Founders did not intend to outlaw slavery.

How can repealing the 13th Amendment solve our illegal immigration crisis?  That is a pretty stupid question.  The answer should be obvious.

Right now, the illegal mexicans have nothing to motivate them to return to their own burn country because the Federal government refuses to do its job of rounding them up and deporting them.

If Conservatives had them rounded up in a Legal Citizens Initiative, which is wholly in our rights, and then packed up on rail cars and shipped back across the border, then the lamestream media would have a field day taking pictures and producing videos with their hands reaching out and begging for food and water.  The net result is it would make us, the ones who are trying to save this Country as opposed to the libs who are tearing it apart, look like the bad guys.

Conservatives like myself don’t normally care one burn about political correctedness, but such newsreel would be pretty bad political correctedness publicity for us.

But if we repealed the outlawing of slavery, then anybody could take a slave whenever and whereever they wanted.  Quietly.  Man by man.

For example, you could drive down to the Home Depot, pretend you got a big job for them and pick up a whole truck full of them.  In fact, they’ll be jumping into your truck and you’ll have a hard time  not taking too many.

Once you get them to your home, you can make them your slaves and do all the hard work they’d normally do for you, but for free.  You could put them all in the shed at night and lock it up.  And then have them work for you the next day, and again and again and again.  Just like we used to do it in the old days.

Eventually they’ll figure it out and realize they are slaves.  If they escape, they’ll get picked up by other Americans, who will make them there slaves, too.

Before you know it, they’ll be too afraid to loiter about the Home Depot begging for work for fear of becoming a slave.  Eventually, they’ll get the message and before you know it again, they’ll be sneaking back across their border at night on their way home, trying to escape detection by Our Border Security teams, who would turn them into slaves if they caught them hopping the fences to the south.

Word will get back to all the mexican bucks back in mexico that American is not the Land of Opportunity for mexicans, that they will lose their freedoms and whatnot if they came here.

That would instantly solve the illegal immigration crisis.

I have plenty of commentators who come to this award winning interblog to tell me my ideas are stupid.  Do you think this one is stupid, too?

Well if you want permission to say that my idea is stupid, first  provide the name of one African negro who voluntarily came to the United States of America  prior to when the 13th Amendment was passed.

Just one name.

Would Jesus amend His Constitution?

August 16, 2010

Look very carefully to see photographic proof that Jesus inspired Our Founders and directed their pens

Serious Constitutional scholars, at least the only ones people should listen to, no longer debate the concept that the US Constitution is a living, breathing document Inspired by the Hand of God and his Son, baby Jesus.  These scholars now agree that our United States Dominion is a Christian nation because our Constitution was, if not written by God word for word, then certainly dictated by Him.  Are we a Christian Nation?  [looks cross-eyed] What a stupid question!

One doesn’t even need prayerful answers to that one.  Just look at world history in any book, even Secular Elitist world history and it will be as obvious as daylight:

At the time of our Founding, the rest of the world, Europe in particular, was sliding into the dark abyss in which it rests today, a cabal of socialist, communist-inspired governments ruled by atheist nazis and lice-infested royal families who ruthlessly taxed their subjects to redistribute their wealth to the poor, the lazy and the useless cripples of their society.  As such, it had become clear to Jesus that the Times called for a new safe haven for His people, who were being oppressed by the Shackles of Taxation.

Checking off his options by Looking towards other continents, He saw that Africa was not much different than it is today, populated by degenerate tribes of primitive negroes in the south, while roaming packs of cagey muslim thieves owned its north.  He saw Asia as a land infested with wild-eyed, incoherent nomadic mongols, whereas South America was crawling with peoples (I hesitate to call them even that, more like animals) of bizarre pagan cults who were so drug-addled from sucking on the leaves of toxic indigenous plants that they didn’t even realize they were naked all the time!  Since it was well known that Australia was no different then what it is today, a penal colony of euro-rapists, thieves, murderers and more horrifically even debt-welchers, Jesus didn’t even glance there when thinking about where to set up His Dominion.  Finally, he did not look to Antarctica, because at the time it was not clear Antarctica was even a continent.  Even to Jesus.

Thus, with essentially His only option remaining, He sought out Our Shores, its Good Christian People, and the brilliant Founding Fathers within to create a Christian Nation, His Kingdom upon His earth!

These are indisputable historical facts.

The question therefore always arises, “If Jesus wrote the Constitution, and the Constitution is His Words, and since His Words are immutable, than why in the blaze would He ever allow it to be Amended?”

Christians always get confused about this and ask, “Rev Hipple, why do we not treat the Constitution like we treat the Bible, as the Word of God, immutable, fixed for all eternity and inviolate?”

The best answer I can give to that is Jesus inspired Our Founders, and dictated certain sections of the Constitution so the Founders could write them down, but not all the words in the Constitution is the Word of God, per se.  Even though it is pretty darn close to it. So close, in fact, that Woe upon the sinner who does not consider the Constitution Sacred Text!

Still, Jesus let some of the words in the Constitution be Human Founding Father words rather than His words.  I believe the reason is that Jesus foresaw extremely serious problems and issues that our Founders could not fix at the time of our Constitutional Convention due to the political climate of the time.   This was complicated by the Fact that there was no other place in which to set up His Dominion.

Although all of the Founders were Christian, a few of them proved to be Faithless, with secular liberal tendencies and homosexual leanings.  Jesus knew what was in their Dark hearts.  Remember also, the atheistic euroenvironmentaloid culture had become extremely hostile ground for Christians, so Jesus was anxious to start up a New Dominion quickly, before it was too late, but not get blamed for it if it failed, which would tarnish His Omnipotent image.  I mean, Jesus knew even back than just how untrustworthy liberals and homos could be.  He placed His Faith and Trust in our Conservative Founding Fathers, like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and others knowing that they would see to His plan.

Jesus, in His Infinite Wisdom, saw the early Problems of our Nation as issues that could not be solved quickly enough.  They were not so serious as to destroy us at the outset, but He also could see that they would fester and boil throughout the early history of our Dominion and potentially destroy us and His Dominion from within if there were not a mechanism to one day address these issues.

And therefore, He empowered us with the Miraculous gift of Constitutional Amendments to repair these dark and foreboding problems at a point in time when we were best prepared to do so.   There is no debate whatsoever that the most divisive problem that Our Founders left for a later day was the corrosive effects on Her people of allowing the production, distribution and consumption of alcohol and other intoxicating beverages.  But Jesus foresaw that His people would eventually muster the political will to deal with that issue, and thus we have the 18th Amendment to the Constitution which made Sacred not only His Day, but every other day, too.

Today, we have arrived at the darkest Day in our Dominion’s history since before Prohibition.  Our Great Nation is being destroyed not from within, but by an illegitimate, unconstitutional “leader” who is NOT A NATURAL US Citizen, whose main support, whose only support, comes not from the Citizens of the United States, but from millions of millions of illegal immigrants who were paid handsomely to vote fraudulently in the last election, and who operates with the financial backing of rich arab sheiks who are hell bent on world islamic hegemony.

So I ask you, at this point in history would Jesus amend His Constitution?

Is that some sort of stupid question?

Of course Jesus would amend His Constitution.  The only serious question remaining in this Darkest Moment in our History is what amendments to the Constitution would Jesus NOT amend to put an end to our Constitutional Crisis??  Trust me, the 14th Amendment is not our only problem right now.  Not by a long shot.  Jesus sees problems that need amendments to address several of our amendments including but not limited to the 1st, 4th, 5th-8th, 10, 13th-16th, 21st and 24th Amendments.

Jesus wants you to vote for Rep Tom Tancredo to be our next President so that Rep Tom will call a new Constitutional Convention to pass multiple amendments to the amendments and to get this finished with all due haste by not inviting no blame liberals.

muslim plan: destroy our economy one intersection at a time

August 15, 2010

Six times a day trade and commerce in NYC come to a standstill as muslims spill out of their mosques to the streets

With their last words, the muslims who took down the World Trade Center vowing to destroy American enterprise and ingenuity, jealous of our Freedom and that We are God’s Chosen Nation and that we are an Unprecedented Economic Might.

Obviously, that mission failed because since 9/11 and up until the government was taken over by the nigerian prince and his kabal of kenyan kaliphates , the United States enjoyed unprecedented economic growth mostly as a result from trickle down effects of government investment in two extremely popular Wars Against Muslims.  Also, we have killed thousands of muslims in those wars–not enough–but a good start, for sure.  So it would seem that the WTC Conspiracy to Destroy our Sacred Way of Life was an abject failure.

Still, the muslims don’t give up.  And one doesn’t expect some backwater species who has lived like prehistoric animals for centuries and centuries to ever give up.  Largely due to their unquenchable will for destruction and because of our porous borders and because of the limp-wristed immigration policies, the muslims keep coming.  The Obama administration has basically opened the door to muslims and welcomed them with open arms.  As a result, they have flooded across our borders unchecked in unprecedented numbers.  And because of this, they are opening up new mosques faster than McDonalds can cook cheeseburgers.

And with this, their new plan to destroy our economy has come into focus.  They intend to buy properties to build mosques in busy cities using US government-backed loans supplemented with proceeds from terrorist organizations.  Next, six times a day, they plan to flood out of the mosques and in a profane act of idolatry, prostrate themselves towards the tomb of the false prophet of mecca right smack in the middle of the nearest intersection.  Obama has issued orders that police cannot stop these ‘prayer’ events because, “they are Constitutionally-protected acts of worship.” (Clearly, Obama was absent on the day at Law School that they required the students to actually read the Constitution.)  Of course, the net effect of these prayer-immitation demonstrations is to cause massive gridlock, completely disrupting all trade and commerce.  Six times a day.

As a result,  businesses will close, and their employees laid off, which will disproportionately affect Christian workers because no good American business would ever hire muslims, typically.

What is particularly sad is that the nigerian prince Obama and his kabal of kenyan kronies, is defending the practices of these muslims as a religious exercise protected by the 1st amendment, when, in fact, the authors of the 1st amendment only concerned themselves with providing unfettered freedom of religion to Christians and could never have conceived of the possibility that peoples of other religions, especially muslims and jews, would ever have been allowed into Her borders.

It will come to pass that about the only trade that one will be able to conduct in a major city is to purchase a falafel sandwich from a–you guessed it–government-licensed muslim food cart vendor.

Before long, the takeover of our Nation will be complete, and we will be renamed as the United Brotherhood of Muslim States in America.

None of this would have happened had Rep Tom Tancredo been elected President in 2008 in accordance to God’s PLAN.   Rep Tom Tancredo’s antiimmigration policies would have turned all the muslims and mexicans away at our gates.  He would have also inacted sweeping reforms in all municipal food cart vending licence regulations.  Finally, Rep Tom Tancredo would have enacted some sweeping Constitutional Amendment Reforms, including restrictions on muslim prayer practices, to more clearly spellout what Our Founders obviously had in mind when they wrote the burn document in the first place.

In the meantime, lets view the current muslim gridlock crisis as a learning opportunity.  The next time somebody like myself communicates to you God’s PLAN, perhaps you’ll take it more seriously?