Archive for February, 2011

Death threats force Jesus to cancel Last Supper

February 7, 2011

Liberal Elitists seek to Crucify xGov Mother Sarah Palin

No!  Of course this did not happen.  You have to be pretty stupid to think The Bible has an error!

But that is the first thought that comes to my mind when I hear that xGov Mother Sarah Palin is forced to cancel yet another public appearance when threats of a highly credible nature are made upon her life.

In this instance, she has been forced to cancel an important charity fundraising event for Our Troops, who are sacrificing so much for our Dominion while deployed in harms way, fighting to preserve our way of life from the savage threats of muslims.  The least we could do to thank them for their sacrifice is to hold a Charity Fundraiser in their honor, and raise money in their names.  But threats from violent liberals and democratic party operatives and their mainstream media collaborators make this too dangerous of an event for her to attend.  And who benefits from the cancellation of this benefit?  The terrorists. Coincidence?

But, one does wonder does he not?  The often violent disrespect shown to xGov Mother Sarah Palin by a loose cabal of elite liberal mobsters suggests that Jesus very well might have canceled the Last Supper had he been subjected to their cynical brand of democratic party partisianship mind control that xGov Mother Sarah Palin endures on a daily basis.

As  history proves, and as verified by authentic Biblical Witnesses,  Jesus did not cancel the Last Supper.  We’ll never know whether he failed to act on good advice or bad, but we do know that as a direct consequence of holding His Last Supper, He was bushwhacked by a traitorous apostle. We now know that Judas was a greedy and despicable  Jew/Arab hybrid in possession of an  unquenchable thirst for power and a weakness for the Roman Denarius.  As a result of the Judasian Betrayal, Jesus ended up sacrificing His Body to a rendition and torture of such a horrible nature, we dare not even use such methods on terrorists we have captured in the recent muslim wars, even though they fully deserve it.

To be sure, because Jesus failed to cancel the Last Supper, the Sins of Christians are now purged of all Godly memory, and the Chosen among us are invited to walk in the bosom of God in Heaven for an eternity, after this meaningless corporeal existence of ours has ended.

The Christian Soul would have met a very different fate over the last 2000 year had Jesus instead been alerted to the same sorts of threats xGovMother Sarah Palin gets on a daily basis.  The prophesies would have gone unfulfilled, and we would have had to wait for another Messiah, and probably not a one as handsome as was Jesus the Christ owing to the miscegenation of Galilee since His time!

Fortunately, xGov Mother Sarah Palin escapes the fate of Jesus because she has a number of early warning detection systems that alert her to the threats lobbed at her from demon-inspired Obama-backing secularists.  She uses the intertwitter, Fair and Balanced Fox News, the interUTubes, her Facebookalytes, and so on to alert her when it is unsafe to render speeches.  Jesus’ fate was sealed because he did not have these tools.

When she cancels her speaking engagements, xGov Mother Sarah Palin does so only because Her time of the Ultimate Sacrifice is not upon us. Until that time comes, perhaps at some point after Trig is weaned from her bosom, a time which is between her and God, she (along with Rep Tom Tancredo) will remain His greatest gift to us, just as His Son Jesus was in His Greatest Gift to Us back in the Day.