Archive for the ‘Legalize Guns in Churches’ Category

I voted. Barely.

November 3, 2010

New Black Panthers cordon off entry to polling station in Georgia, while threatening to beat and rape anyone who attempts to cross.

I voted.

I voted even though I put my life in danger by breaking through a cabal of militant SEIU welfare addicts, Black Panther negro thugs, a zany pack of leftwing euroenvironmentaloids screatching about something or other,  a bunch of shiftless illegal immigrants who smelled suspiciously muslim, and a gaggle of disease-infested “men” I can only presume were members of some twisted gay-homosexual cult demanding sickening rights to fornicate out in the wide open nature!

I got pictures of all of it.  The terror we experienced as we voted was unspeakable!  The degree of voter intimidation would impress Hugo Chavez and any socialistic muslim fascist stalinist dictator throughout the world!

But once I got in there I went in there and did a good ol’ fashion foot stomp on the demonrats who have destroyed our Christian Culture and stolen the future of our grandchildren and Driven our Constitution and unbalanced budget off a cliff, and who seek to enslave our women and children in their despicable demagogic brand of atheism and demon altar-worship.

My only remaining concern was how all of the polling station workers seemed to be obviously trucked in off the immigrant welfare rolls, wearing the hijab and other death cult baubles, almost certainly foreshadowing the fraudulent vote counting sure to come.

If this election does not go PRECISELY as predicted by Fair and Balanced FOX News, we’ll know why.

I voted.  And I survived.  Barely.  And I got pictures.  Lot’s of pictures.

All Praise to God for delivering me Intact from this horrific mayhem and for delivering our Country Gov Rep Tom Tancredo, who will gain invaluable experience ruling Colorado with an iron fist before his ascension to the White House in 2012!!!

Obama plans include giveaway of foreclosed homes to illegal immigrants

October 29, 2010

Obama White House official personally escorts illegal immigrants w/anchor baby into conscripted, foreclosed property absconded from White Christian family.

Last night I received a deeply disturbing night time Vision from God.

In it, I witnessed a conversation in the White House Oval Office between the nigerian prince (Hussein Obama) and members of his inner circle, the kabal of kenyans.

In a colloquiol dialect I recognized as darija, one of his advisors argued,

“Sir, once everything settles down after we declare Marshal Law and suspend the congress on Nov 3, we’ll need to move to solve the immigration and home foreclosure problems, so that nobody will notice we have torn up the Constitution into a pile of nanoscale shreds.”

The Devious Tyrant had obviously thought this through and did not skip a beat in his response, declaring,

“I want you to take all those empty foreclosed homes the banks are holding and give them to the illegal immigrants.  I want you to kick out from their homes any White Christian homeowner who is more than one week behind on his payments.  And then I want you to put an anchor baby family in his home.  I want this done quietly, but quickly.  I want all the illegal immigrants in their homes by Christmas Morning, when we will announce they will not only receive free and clear title to those homes, but also US Citizenship.”

When I woke up in the morning I could not believe my eyes, as if I had just witnessed the Hugo Chavezigation of American with my very own ears! A cheap, Venezuelan political stunt!  So I dropped to my knees to Pray to God and ask if this were True.   He did not like the fact that I questioned His judgment or His vision and reminded me that His prophets were expendable, “All of my prophets!”

Then God said,

“It is true that this false leader and concubine of the Demon who has stolen the seat of power will do these things unless he is stopped by my people.”

So there you have it.  If we even have the election on Nov 2–because only a fool would think obama is above canceling an election he is sure to lose, or wouldn’t think twice about dismissing congress, locking up the Constitution, and suspending habeous corpus.

Tyranny does not sleep nor does it take the day to vote!  Wake up people!

Dream Act Banditos: Obamas mercenary protectorate guard

September 23, 2010

An obviously gay homosexual Swiss Guardsman use demonic magic and subversive mind control methods to subdue and destroy papal enemies

As if stealing from playbooks written by Marx, Lenin and Hitler weren’t enough, it looks like the kenyan konstitutional usurper is going to steal another play, but this time from the  playbook of the papist’s pope.

What the illegitimate president Obama hopes to achieve through this theft is a template to create a military vanguard for his own personal use, the equivalent of a Hugo Chavezian protectorate!  An American band of mercenaries modeled upon “The Swiss Guard” who are beholden to Obama’s every whim and desire and evil machination.

Most Christians are not aware that the Chief Idolator, the pope, surrounds himself with a cult of elitist homosexual euro/demon-ninja concubines called “The Swiss Guard.”   “The Swiss Guard” are mercenaries, which proves to us their gay homosexual proclivities, who are handsomely compensated to protect the pope.

They do so by deploying a variety of cunning defensive and offensive capabilities, ranging from mastery of pagan hand-to-hand combat, to expertise in high caliber weapons marksmenship and mine field deployment, to cyberwarfare and an array of demonic-based mind-control tactics.

You might ask yourself, “All I did was ask the intergoogle to tell me about the DREAM Act, what does this have to do with the DREAM Act?”

The DREAM Act is a piece of hobama legislation principally designed to pander to the coloreds vote, especially the light brown coloreds, and to drive a wedge between them and common sense Christian American voters.  This is because the DREAM Act as a paved road towards US citizenship for illegal mexicans who have infiltrated our borders. Rather than round them up and ship them back in cattle cars to their own burn God Foresaken land, Obama plans to pass out US Citizenship to these criminals like Christmas Candy, which will make them his lifelong voters.

That is what they want you to believe.

What is hidden in the fine print is this: The DREAM Act will pass out a US American Citizenship Card willy nilly to any Juan, Pedro or Ricardo that wanders along, just as if they were free passes to the FFA carcass hog contest.  And the more evil and nefarious and criminally-minded Juan, Pedro or Ricardo, the better.

Because all that Juan, Pedro and Ricardo have to agree to do is to sign on to serve four year hitches as highly-paid mercenaries, loyal only to the usurper who is now occupying the White House, and to no other person or entity.  In exchange for citizenship, they agree to be programmed to bid his every wish and desire, from late night runs to round up K-street tramps and wenches for impromptu West Wing orgy festivals, to conducting cross-Potomac raids on the Pentagon, to engage in search and destroy skirmishes against our brave Armed Forces stationed there.

Obama will also order these Dream Act Banditos to round up and imprison those he suspects of seditious acts including all Christians, all Conservatives, and anybody known to be or to have supported Republican or Republican Tea PartyCandidates in deed or in thought.

The only way we can stop this from happening is to prevent the DREAM Act from becoming law, which means we MUST elect a Conservative Christian Congress, as they are the only people willing to stand up to the kenyan usurper and his nigerian cronies.

Repealing 13th Amendment best possible solution for the immigration Crisis

August 17, 2010

When it comes to the illegal immigration crisis, Jesus is the final judge, jury and executioner

There has been much talk lately amongst Conservative Christian political leaders about the need to slightly modify what were the Founding Father’s intentions when crafting the 14th Amendment of our Sacred Constitution.

The 14th amendment currently gives the Sacred Right of American Citizenship to little mexican anchor babies.  Quickly, the swelled up mexican doe leaps across our border just in time to drop the baby (“hop and drop” to proclaim citizenship for their entire extended family.

I think we can all agree that no Founding Father worthy of that title and of reasonable mind or character would ever intend to give mexicans citizenship.  Indeed, mexicans were the sworn enemies of our Founding Fathers, who fought two bloody wars–The Spanish American War and the Mexican War–to make sure they stayed in their own burn countries and away from our borders.

So it is clear and nobody would argue that we need to simply repeal the 14th Amendment by a simple vote of acclamation and do so with very little additional discussion, which is unnecessary.  After that, the only people who will be granted citizenship will be American children, and the occasional brown skinned collaborator who earns it for helping us in our ongoing War against islam.

But will repealing the 14th Amendment do as much good as we hope?  That sounds like a stupid question, but it actually isn’t.   A repeal of the 14th Amendment will stop illegal fetal immigration, but it will not stop illegal immigration by the mexicans who are already across our borders and roaming about in our neighborhoods after dark, seeking  to steal our Women’s flowers and our yardwork equipment from our garages and sheds, and who are abusing our precious Healthcare Resources.

But there is a Repeal Solution that might just work against these savages.  We can repeal the 13th Amendment, which was heartlessly imposed upon the entire country after the War of Northern Aggression.  The 13th Amendment is the simplist and most simpleminded Amendment of our Constitution.  It simply outlaws slavery.  The amendment is so short, it is clear that the Founders were not at all enthusiastic about it.  Therefore, it is fair and reasonable to conclude that the Founders intended for the 13th Amendment not to pass, or if it did pass, not to be affirmed.  Or if it was affirmed, not to survive repeal initiatives.  Clearly, therefore, from this careful reading of history, in outlawing slavery, the Founders did not intend to outlaw slavery.

How can repealing the 13th Amendment solve our illegal immigration crisis?  That is a pretty stupid question.  The answer should be obvious.

Right now, the illegal mexicans have nothing to motivate them to return to their own burn country because the Federal government refuses to do its job of rounding them up and deporting them.

If Conservatives had them rounded up in a Legal Citizens Initiative, which is wholly in our rights, and then packed up on rail cars and shipped back across the border, then the lamestream media would have a field day taking pictures and producing videos with their hands reaching out and begging for food and water.  The net result is it would make us, the ones who are trying to save this Country as opposed to the libs who are tearing it apart, look like the bad guys.

Conservatives like myself don’t normally care one burn about political correctedness, but such newsreel would be pretty bad political correctedness publicity for us.

But if we repealed the outlawing of slavery, then anybody could take a slave whenever and whereever they wanted.  Quietly.  Man by man.

For example, you could drive down to the Home Depot, pretend you got a big job for them and pick up a whole truck full of them.  In fact, they’ll be jumping into your truck and you’ll have a hard time  not taking too many.

Once you get them to your home, you can make them your slaves and do all the hard work they’d normally do for you, but for free.  You could put them all in the shed at night and lock it up.  And then have them work for you the next day, and again and again and again.  Just like we used to do it in the old days.

Eventually they’ll figure it out and realize they are slaves.  If they escape, they’ll get picked up by other Americans, who will make them there slaves, too.

Before you know it, they’ll be too afraid to loiter about the Home Depot begging for work for fear of becoming a slave.  Eventually, they’ll get the message and before you know it again, they’ll be sneaking back across their border at night on their way home, trying to escape detection by Our Border Security teams, who would turn them into slaves if they caught them hopping the fences to the south.

Word will get back to all the mexican bucks back in mexico that American is not the Land of Opportunity for mexicans, that they will lose their freedoms and whatnot if they came here.

That would instantly solve the illegal immigration crisis.

I have plenty of commentators who come to this award winning interblog to tell me my ideas are stupid.  Do you think this one is stupid, too?

Well if you want permission to say that my idea is stupid, first  provide the name of one African negro who voluntarily came to the United States of America  prior to when the 13th Amendment was passed.

Just one name.

If Doe tags work for deer they can work for Anchor Babies!

August 13, 2010

Principles of deer herd management should be applied to the Anchor Baby Crisis

Not to sound like some uppity elitist game mangment warden, but you can put me square in the camp of folk who are greatful for Wild Life Mangment practices that cull the deer herd by taking out some female does.   I have a lot of friends who don’t like it when they can’t bag a buck.  And I’d rather get one with a rack myself.

But even they got to admit that taking out the does has made it more fun to hunt the bucks, because taking out the does is keeping the entire deer population down lower, leaving more food for the  bucks who get a lot bigger and a big buck is a better looking buck on the tailgate!

I got to thinking about this when the other day God asked me to go to the intertubes where he had just inspired the lamestream media to finally publish some new information on the Anchor Baby Crisis.

To make a long story short, pregnant mexican females are NOT crossing the border illegally just before spitting out a new baby like we all thought they was doing, but are mostly slipping into our Dominion as unpregnant mexicans.  Then, they get to copulating and get pregnant once they are secretly in Our Dominion and then evading law enforcement just long enough to spit out an anchor baby!!  And they are outproducing White Christian Americans  at an alarming rate!

What does this have to do with the new methods of Wild Life Mangment that are designed to keep deer populations at a healthy low level?

Are you a stupid for asking such an obvious question?

First, what it says is that My Proposals to improve border sharpshooter training so they recognize the pregnant ones may help stem the flood a little bit, but it is probably NOT a good solution for the Anchor Baby Crisis. This DOES NOT mean I am backing off from the Border Sharpshooter Training initiative.  I’m just saying we need to add a new wrinkle to the solution.

Second, it means that if we are going to effectively cull the mexican herd that is already here violating  Our laws, stealing Our precious tax dollar resources, and using Our healthcare, then we need to initiate an Effective Mexican Herd Management initiative that involves selectively culling the female mexican from United States lands.

This may mean that we might have fewer resources to keep pressure on lowering the mexican buck population, and the roaming packs of mexican rape squads that ensue, but we can get back to them later.

It is time to start approaching the illegal mexican population as if it is a wild animal herd!  If we apply PROVEN methods of Wild Life mangment to the mexican does and bucks who are already across our border, then we might have a chance at dealing with the Anchor Baby Crisis.

A simple proposal to stop islamo-fascist acts of air sky extremism

January 10, 2010

Shocking evidence of muslims hired to be TSA agents!!!

The Christmas Day terrorism event proves two things: 1) Hussein Obama is completely out of his league in terms of protecting or Dominion from evil-doers, 2) Nobody would have attacked the United States if the Tancredo/Palin Administration were in Charge, and 3) Muslims continue their unbroken string of being the only “people” throughout the history of flight committing air sky atrocities and acts of islamofascist airplane terror.

Despite all evidence to the contraryflying in commercial airliners has become the most dangerous mode of transportation imaginable for American Citizens, all because of these false-prophet-worshiping  freaks.   So dangerous, in fact, that even Prayer to God is now thought to be of little use to prevent calamity and disaster on an unimaginable scale.

Government bureaucrats and their liberal coddlers are now debating what measures can be taken to shore up the woefully inadequate safeguards.  Rather than allowing Christian’s to bear arms on their flights and thereby protecting themselves from jihadi militants who seek to destroy the Religion of God and all of us who Believe in Him, liberals are wringing their hands wondering if they would violate the rules of political correctness by actually putting muslims on notice that they ARE NOT WELCOME ON OUR JETLINERS!

Therefore, I offer a truely common sense solution.  Below is a convenient list of names of people who, when they show up at an airport to take a flight, can either be offered a refund for their ticket and directions to the nearest bus station, or they can be issued a boarding pass immediately after receiving a complementary but thorough full cavity search by an ENGLISH speaking CHRISTIAN TSA agent:

Abbas, Abd al-Haqq, Abd-al-Allah, Abd-al-Ati, Abd-al-Aziz, Abd-al-Fattah, Abd-al-Hadi Abd-al-Hakim Abd-al-Halim Abd-al-Hamid Abd-al-Jawwad Abd-al-Karim Abd-al-Latif Abd-al-Malik Abd-al-Mu’ti Abd-al-Qadir Abd-al-Rahim Abd-al-Rahman Abd-al-Raziq Abd-al-Razzaq Abd-al-Salam Abd-al-Wahab Abdullah Abir Abu Firuz Abu Zeid Abu-Bakr Adil Adnan AhmadAla Ahmed Akram Al Nedjari Al-Afdil Al-Kamil Al-Nasr Ali Amal Amin Amir Amjad Amr Anwar As’ad Ashraf Asim Aslam/n Atif Ayman Ayub Aziz Azizah Azizudeen Badr Baha Bahjat Bakr Basim Bouid Dawud Diya Fadi Fadil Fadl Fahd Faiz Fakhr-al-din Fakhri Farag Faraj Farid Faruq Fathi Fawzi Fayiz Faysal Fihr Fikri Fu’ad Ghalib Ghassan Ghayth Habib Hadi Hafiz Hakim Hamdi Hamet Hamid Hamza Hani Harith Hasan Hashim Hasim Hatim Haytham Hikmat Hisein Hisham Hosni Husam Husayn Huseyn Husni Hussain Ibrahim Ihab Ihsan Imam Isam Ishaq Ismail Ismat Izz-al-Din Jabir Jabr Jafar Jalal Jamal Jamil Jawdat Jhanda Jinan Kamal Kamil Karam Karim Khalid Khalifa Khalil Khayrat Khayri Ma’mun Mahir Mahmud Majdi Majid Makram Malik Mamduh Manal Manar Mangal Mansur Mas’ud Mazin Mu’tasim Mu’tazz Mubarak Muhammad Muhannad Muhsin Mukhtar Mun’im Munir Mus’ad Musa Mushtaq Mustafa Muzzammil Na’il Na’im Nabil Nadim Nadir Nahim Naji Najib Nasir Nasr Nizar Nur Qasim Qusay Ra’d Ra’fat Ra’uf Radwan Rafiq Raghid Raisul Rajab Ramadan Rashad Rashid Rida Rushdi Sa’d Sa’id Sabir Sabri Sadiq Sajid Sakhr Salah Salih Salim Salman Sami Samir Sarwat Sayyid Selim Sha’ban Shadi Shafiq Shakir Sharif Shukri Suhayl Sulayman Taha Tahir Talal Tamir Tariq Tawfiq Omar Osama Osman Uthman Wa’il Wagih Wahib Wajih Walid Wasim Ya’qub Yahya Yasin Yasir Yusri Yusuf Zahir Zaid Zaki Zayd Ziyad A’isha Abir Abla Afaf Afra Ahlam Aisha Alya Am(i)na Amal Amani Amira Arub Arwa Asma Awatif Ayda Aziza Azza Badr Bahiga Bahija Bahiyya Basimah Basma Budur Busayna Buthayna Dalal Dalia Dima Du’a Duha Fadia Fadila Fakhriyya Fardoos Farida Faridah Fatima Fathiyya Fatin Fawziya Fayruz Fayza Fidda Fikriyya Fizza Ghada Ghadir Ghufran Habiba Hadil Hadya Hafsa Hagir Hajar Hala Hana Hanan Haniyya Hayfa Hiba Hikmat Hind Huda Ibtisam Ihab Ihsan Iman Inam Inas Ismat Isra Itidal Jalila Jamal Jamila Jathibiyya Jawahir Jinan Karam Karima Khadija Khalida Khayriyya Lamya Lawahiz Layla Lina Lubna Lujayn Madiha Maha Mahasin Majida Malak Malikah Manal Manar Marwa Maryam Maysa Mayy Mirvat Muhayya Muhsina Muna Munira Na’ila Na’ima Nabila Nada Nadira Nadra Nadya Nagat Nagiba Nagla Nagwa Nahida Nahla Najah Najat Najiba Najila Najwa Nawal Ni’mat Nibal Nihad Nihal Nuha Nur Nura Rabab Radwa Raga Raghda Raja Rajya Rana Randa Ranya Rashida Rawiya Rida Rim Ruqayya Sabah Safa Safinaz Safiyya Sahar Salha Saliha Salma Salwa Samar Samiha Samira Samya Sana Saniyya Sara Sarab Sawsan Shadya Shafiqa Shahira Shahrazad Shahrizad Sharifa Shatha Shukriya Siham Sonya Su’ad Suha Suhad Suhair Surayya Taghrid Tahiyya Tarub Thana Thara Thheiba Thuhayba Thurayya Um-Kalthum Umayma Umniya Uzma Wafa Wahiba Widad Yasmin Yusra Yusriyya Zahrah Zakiya Zaynab Zuhair

Obama suspends development of Rapture Early Warning detection system

October 18, 2009

Displaying shameless and unfettered hostility towards Christians, the illegitimate Hussein Obama  Administration has quietly shelved Bush-era research and development programs to provide systems that will alert Believers of an imminent Rapture.  This Rapture R&D program had been modeled on several successfully deployed Early Warning Detection systems for Acts of a Vengeful God, including those for tsunamies, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and pestilence.

President George W. Bush supported a Rapture Early Warning detection system because he saw it as one of those very, very, very rare instances where free market capitalism was inadequate to fulfill highly sensitive national security needs  such that government intervention was needed to provide a greater general good.

During his first days in office, President George W. Bush ordered comprehensive a review of the federal Rapture Predictive Capability.  They found serious deficiencies in Our Nation’s preparedness, including the losses of Key Christian’s throughout all sectors of our government and economy that would occur as their spirits join those of the Elect.  The analysis further showed that, because of our Great Christian Tradition, the USA would be disadvantaged by the Seven Year Tribulation and likely emerge weaker than our benchmark competitor nations, such as Russia, all muslim countries, France and China.

The suspension of the Rapture Early Warning detection program follows on the heels of a string of anti-American, anti-Christian decisions made by his administration.   Together, these have reignited concerns that Nobelist Hussain Soeterro Obama is, in fact, the Beast of Revelation.  We at Dominionists for Tancredo have long since dispensed with the notion that he is simply not acting in the nation’s best interest.  At some point, you have to stop and  ask to what degree his Demonic presidential actions are inspired by the Demon himself.

*portions of this report were verified by unnamed administration sources, and by the Wisdom of God through the miracle of night time vision

Obamacare is a ruse entirely designed to steal your guns

October 15, 2009

The Love of Jesus and Gun Ownership is the bedrock of Christian Faith

The Love of Jesus and Gun Ownership is the bedrock of Christian Faith

Rather than defend himself with his weapons, Jesus chose to be renditioned and tortured under conditions so horrific they would be unsuitable for extracting intelligence from terrorist muslims.  Jesus died upon the Holy Cross for one reason: so that we could enjoy our 2nd Amendment Rights to Hold, Bear and, if necessary, shoot our Arms at muslims and other immigrants who are here in America to destroy our Christian Way of Life.

Now, our Constitutional Right to Armed Self Defense is  threatened as never before.  Hussein Obama and his jooish democrat Congressional puppets  have inserted language into the health care reform bill that will make it impossible for American Christians to simultaneously own firearms and enjoy access to the Best Medical System in the world.  They will be forced to choose one or the other.  This comes from an independent analysis of the Baucus Health care Reform bill by a non-partisan, completely objective watchdog think tank based up there somewhere.  Loyal interblog readers will know that I am not one to recklessly cite think tank output, seeing as how most of it carries a profoundly disturbing liberal bias.

Provisions in the Baucus health care bill call for the assessment of punitive, enormous taxes for individuals engaged in deadly lifestyle choices.  The bill goes on to define deadly lifestyle choices as 1) gun ownership, 2) living in a negro neighborhood.

Instructively, there is no mention whatsoever of the gay homosexual as one who leads a deadly lifestyle, providing all the proof one needs that the Baucus Health Care Bill was crafted by the cartel of hollywood-liberal-homosexual-elitists.

Although I am all for the disarmament of the negro, this provision clearly endangers law-abiding Christian gun lovers and will prevent them from adequately defending themselves from assaults by elements of the atheist conspiracy during Wednesday and Sunday worship services

This bill needs to be stopped or else you will be handing over your weapons to Obama.  Christians without weapons will be unable to defend themselves, their farm animals & equipment & dogs, their wives, their children or their property.

(x)Gov Mother Palin: Promote new bio as Walmart Greeter

September 30, 2009

Sarah Palin selling her book at Walmart

Sarah Palin selling her book at Walmart

I have just received Word from God in my night time visions, subsequently confirmed on the elite mainstream intergoogle media, that (x)Gov Mother Sarah Palin is having difficulty booking speaking engagments to promote her new book.

Apparently, the Czars and Socialist Liberals who run the  sort of venues that normally pay book authors and speakers $100,000 to visit and speak or read from their books  for 30 minuts or so are a balking and scheduling (x)Gov Mother Sarah Palin.

However, there is a better than good alternative.  (x)Gov Mother Sarah Palin could sell and sign her books by serving as a guest WalMart greeter every Saturday until all of them books are sold.  I’ve done the calculations.  If she sells just one of her books in every WalMart, she would be a best selling authoress!!!!

She would sell a lot there, I am sure, because the sort of folk who actually love (x)Gov Mother Sarah Palin are not exactly the type of people who would go to university and college lectures or to bookstores.

Barry Soetorro using code words to trigger race riots

July 23, 2009

raceriotIn his televised speeches last evening, the muslim immigrant pretender to the American Presidency, Sheikh Barry Soeterro,aka Hussein Obama, criticized the Cambridge MA police for their arrest of a buck negro, who they had arrested for burglarizing a home in a upper class white neighborhood.

In my town, if the sheriff finds a negro  roaming a white neighborhood, he puts an end to it right there.   By doing so, the sheriff is simply using our precious tax dollars the way we see fit.  If our sheriff finds a negro IN a home in the white neighborhood,  quite frankly, that negro is lucky to survive with his life.  That is simply the way it has always been.  Over the years, both the sheriff and the negroes have come to accept that this is the nature of our co-existence.

But on National TV, before an assemblage of the liberal elite mainstream media, President Sheikh Barry Soeterro called the arresting Cambridge City Police Officer a “stupid” for arresting the negro in that house.

Historically, here in the south, when a negro leader such as a minister or a teacher calls the sheriff or his deputies a ‘stupid’, we’ve come to learn that this is a secret code that negro leaders use to provoke their folk to  “assemble your molotov cocktails, grab some stones and bricks of throwable quality, and get prepared to  desecrate the white women folk and go about on a looting rampage downtown .  The rioting will commence at sundown.”

This is also the way it has always been.

Of course, the main stream liberal media, who have long ignored the devious character of the negro, have no idea what this man’s statements on the tv’s last night means.   Worse, they have no interest whatsoever calling experts such as my self to testify to this prognostication and provocation.

Does anybody still believe this man was legally elected to be our President?  Does anybody still believe this man is not dangerous and doesn’t seek to destroy our Christian-based Constitutional form of government?

If not, what further proof do you need?  The proof exists, you just have to believe in it.