Archive for the ‘Polar Prayer’ Category

Are Conservative Christian Republicans making a mistake by coddling the negro voter?

October 28, 2011

Democrat party terrorists subdue a frightened negro who futilely screams out for Conservative Christian Republicans to save him, but none are any where near.

In my Night Time Vision revelations last night, God asked me to write some caution words about the ongoing Conservative Christian campaign designed to create a wedge between the democrat apparatchik and the negro voter, who has been brainwashed to vote for democrats since the days of our Founding Fathers.

As His interblog emissary, God has reveled to me that great danger lurks by bringing the negro voter into the Conservative Christian (Republican) tent.  That we may be asking for more than we are willing to endure.

A key element of this ongoing campaign has Conservative Christians pointing out to the negro that it was, in point of Historical Fact, the democrat party who was responsible for enslaving the negro and for all of the trouble the negro has endured in his long, miserable history.

Furthermore, much like today when the Nobama administration has no control over the waves of mexxican rape squads streaming over our borders, back in the day it was also a democrat administration’s failure to keep people in their proper places which caused all the race rioting in Sanctuary City, illicit drug bedlams,  and the epidemic of woman deflowering that ensued in the 1960’s—all owing to the dissatisfaction of the negro with his plight.

Furthermore, it was democrat administrations that started a war against the Vietnam chinamen, and then conscripted the negro, got him all addicted on the heroin (which back in the day was like meth), and then sent the negro over there to kill the Vietnam chinamen in an intoxicated opiate fog.  If the negro soldier wasn’t killed, he was shipped back home for life long enslavement in the democrat entitlement culture.

Furthermore, it is a Historical Fact that the KKK was an elite offshoot of the democrat party, and was originally founded in order to terrorize Republican Christians.   Indeed, in order to become a member of the KKK, one had to swore blood oaths to the democrat party and also to a long list of liberal progressive democrat principles and causes including but not limited to socialism, the New Deal, Planned Parenthood, Govt Schools and Education, the EPA, Clean Air legislation, Entitlements, Reparations, subsidies for the Hollywood Porno Film Industry, NPR, Evolution, Sharia Law, the Global Warming Scam, Pornographic Homosexuality, the proliferation of non-Christian religions such as momonism and papism, and any other Proclivities of Weakness not mentioned explicitly here.

The democrats and the KKK were such a powerful political force back in the day that they enacted Jim Crow laws, separate and not equal schools and facilities, and harassed the negro mercilessly.

And so today’s Conservative Christian campaign is merely pointing all this out to the negro so that he can understand that the history of anti-negro hate is a democrat party problem, not a Conservative Christian Republican problem.

However, there is a problem with this campaign, and that problem is, What do we do if it is successful?  If we bring all the negroes under our tent, are we not obligated, as Christians, to share our loaves of bread and hunks of fish to feed them?  And what do we do if so many come under the tent and we run out of bread and fish? All those negroes are going to demand their share of food!

Well, it isn’t difficult to see where this is going.  We’d have to raise taxes on small businesses and the job makers.  And they wouldn’t be happy about that at all, because raising taxes will destroy our economy and take money out of our pockets and redistribute the wealth: Which is socialism!!

The Wisdom of God has warned me that to invite the negro under our Conservative Christian Republican tent is to invite a culture of entitlement and socialism, which could turn us from being a Conservative Christian Republican party into something more like democrat party.  Because to invite the negro into our party involves inviting centuries worth of problems that are associated with it. Should it be the role of Conservative Christian Republicans to clean up yet another mess that was created by the democrat party?

What Soul Food Pizza could do for truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain

October 6, 2011

Selling Soul Food Pizza could help truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain win the negro vote

The candidacy of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is gaining renewed energy because of his recent promises to deliver all  “but the hopelessly brainwashed” negro voter to support Conservative Christian Republican candidates.

This brazen political promise raises a couple of important questions.

First, are there even any negroes out there who have not been hopelessly brainwashed by generations of cradle to grave govt handouts from socialistic democrat administrations?

Second, even if a few conservative Christian negroes actually do exist, does truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain have a record he can point to that demonstrates his attempts to cultivate the favor of his fellow negroes?

For example, has truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain ever sold pizzas with toppings that might attract negro customers?  One would suspect the negro, whether brainwashed or Conservative Christian, would find it difficult to resist pizza topped with delicious items like fried okra, collared greens, fried chicken, turnips or chitlins.

If truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain has any chance of winning the White House, he needs to corner the market on the negro vote because he is going to have a hard time with the Heritage vote. Selling  soul food pizza is the sort of innovative campaign strategy that can earn him the hearts and minds and stomachs and votes of the brainwashed American negro.

And what is even better, this will break their vicious cycle of govt entitlement because truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain will be selling his soul food pizza for profit!  He is too much of a committed Christian Conservative to even think about giving it away.

Great Moments in Deficit Reduction: Moving from an all-volunteer to an all-slave armed forces

November 6, 2010

Illegal mexican bandito immigrant smiles eagerly after being offered an opportunity to wage war against muslims

With their out-of-control spending, the demonrats have destroyed our Christian Way of Life.  Fortunately, we have just elected a Christian Conservative Congress in a nick of time, and the Salvation of our Dominion remains a possibility.

The first objective of these Sacred Congressmen is to achieve a balanced budget by enacting massive economy-stimulating tax cuts.  They will also need to make some very difficult budget cutting decisions.  The Christian Conservative Congress also needs to deal with the illegal immigrant menace that has polluted our Great Nation and threatens the sanctity of our Chaste Women Resources.

In my Holy Night Time Visions last night, God has informed me that He has just come up with a Perfect Solution: An All-Slave army.

Currently, the military personnel costs to our Dominion Taxpayers are over $250 billion dollars annually.  Beyond the obvious fact that Dominion Taxpayers know how to spend their own personal $250 billion dollars far better than the govt, what are we taxpayers actually getting for that expense?  Well, since we are only killing ~2000 muslims each year, each dead muslim is costing us anywhere between $50-$100 million.

To reduce the per muslim killed cost, we can either start killing more muslims (which is obviously what we all would prefer to achieve) or we can reduce our personnel costs.

Or we can do both, which is the beauty of God’s Slave Army Initiative!

So God proposes that we round up all the illegal aliens and make them our soldiers.  This would allow us to cut back dramatically on the personnel costs of keeping US Christian American soldiers in harms way and on the Department of Defense payroll, and allow them to retire and return to their loving, supportive Christian families with whom they can finish their lives sharing a peaceful and dignified agrarian existence to heal the wounds caused by the horrific muslim atrocities they witnessed in wartime.

The illegal immigrants who replace our Christian American Soldiers will be instructed on how to kill muslims, but will not be paid for their services because they are foreign criminals without Constitutional Rights and therefore have NO LIBERTIES to be deprived of.  Including the right to being paid a wage for their soldiering. And they will not mind not being paid for their services because they are motivated far more by mayhem and carnage than by economic aspirations.

But, and here is the beauty of God’s Plan, rather than running about our streets in roaming packs terrorizing peaceful Americans and eroding Our Christian Culture, they will be shipped over and let loose in muslim lands to practice their blood thirsty ways.  They will show no mercy BECAUSE their Souls are dark, empty wastelands bereft of any human decency, and will therefore prove to be far more effective muslim-killing machines than our great US Christian Soldiers, who as I already mentioned, are pretty darn good at $100 million per sheik head.

You might be asking, “But Rev Hipple, what will we do with all these illegal immigrant conscripts when the war is over?”

What a stupid question!  If our Conservative Christian Congress is who we think we elected, the War againsts muslims will never end!  And if they don’t understand that, we will keep on electing Conservative Christian Congresses until we get one that never ends the war.  Obviously!

This is a win-win-win net-net situation and I urge you to prayerfully ask God to show His new Christian Congress the Way.


What to accomplish in 1st 100 Days of Christian Conservative Congressional Mandate

November 2, 2010

Christians quietly gather to celebrate the Fall of Tyranny on the night of Nov 2, 2010 AD

  • No Compromises!
  • Preserve our Constitution by Rolling Back all Constitutional Amendments that are inconsistent with Jeffersonian Constitutionalism
  • Finish Southern border fortifications and initiate Effective Mine Field Deterrent program; send shots across the bow of all Canadian ships to remind them we have NOT forgotten about them, too.
  • Authorize the gitmoization of Enemies of the State, beginning with recently deposed democrat congress critters, and anybody affiliated with or suspected affiliators of MSNBC
  • Put the “J” back in Jesus by deporting all individuals who pronounce their name as, “Hey!  Zeus!!”
  • (Pass a Constitutional Amendment outlawing the use of any language other than American English in commerce and in schools)
  • Rehabilitate Gov Rep Tom Tancredo
  • Stop ALL wasteful govt spending
  • Impeach!!!
  • Round up, inter and deport ALL Illegal Aliens, including Anchor babies and let their govt, the UN, deal with the legal repercussions
  • No Compromises!!
  • Criminalize gay homosexuality
  • Stop all govt activity until Price Water House & Cooper can complete a full audit of every last govt program
  • Marbleize and then Enshrine the Bush Tax Cuts!
  • President Gov Ronald Reagan!!!
  • Spread shoot-to-kill orders throughout our borders and in all immigration services outposts
  • Accept islam as a Public Health Problem:  Establish the Muslim-Free Zone/Death Cult Control program based upon scientifically established immunization “herd protection” principles
  • Operate a limited, one time only “Amnesty for Libs” campaign—ha!ha! j/k!  lol!! rickrolled!!!!
  • Close all Universities and public radio stations that slurp from the troth of public govt handout welfare!
  • Immediately Unseparate the separation of Church and state to allow Common Sense prayers in schools!
  • Roll back tariffs on lubricants!
  • Have this ALL accomplished in time for the next Birthday of Little Baby Jesus
  • Outlaw evolution in all forms and disguises
  • Establish the Department of Social Media and install as its first Secretary xGov Mother Sarah Palin
  • Force Immigration Compliance by ending all Federal Tax subsidies paid out to sanctuary cities
  • Apply a full out nuclear-tipped missle surgical assault to end the Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction program once and for all
  • Enforce Constitutional provisions that require Presidents of the USA to be Natural Born Citizens
  • Impeach!!!!!

Obama plans include giveaway of foreclosed homes to illegal immigrants

October 29, 2010

Obama White House official personally escorts illegal immigrants w/anchor baby into conscripted, foreclosed property absconded from White Christian family.

Last night I received a deeply disturbing night time Vision from God.

In it, I witnessed a conversation in the White House Oval Office between the nigerian prince (Hussein Obama) and members of his inner circle, the kabal of kenyans.

In a colloquiol dialect I recognized as darija, one of his advisors argued,

“Sir, once everything settles down after we declare Marshal Law and suspend the congress on Nov 3, we’ll need to move to solve the immigration and home foreclosure problems, so that nobody will notice we have torn up the Constitution into a pile of nanoscale shreds.”

The Devious Tyrant had obviously thought this through and did not skip a beat in his response, declaring,

“I want you to take all those empty foreclosed homes the banks are holding and give them to the illegal immigrants.  I want you to kick out from their homes any White Christian homeowner who is more than one week behind on his payments.  And then I want you to put an anchor baby family in his home.  I want this done quietly, but quickly.  I want all the illegal immigrants in their homes by Christmas Morning, when we will announce they will not only receive free and clear title to those homes, but also US Citizenship.”

When I woke up in the morning I could not believe my eyes, as if I had just witnessed the Hugo Chavezigation of American with my very own ears! A cheap, Venezuelan political stunt!  So I dropped to my knees to Pray to God and ask if this were True.   He did not like the fact that I questioned His judgment or His vision and reminded me that His prophets were expendable, “All of my prophets!”

Then God said,

“It is true that this false leader and concubine of the Demon who has stolen the seat of power will do these things unless he is stopped by my people.”

So there you have it.  If we even have the election on Nov 2–because only a fool would think obama is above canceling an election he is sure to lose, or wouldn’t think twice about dismissing congress, locking up the Constitution, and suspending habeous corpus.

Tyranny does not sleep nor does it take the day to vote!  Wake up people!

Dream Act Banditos: Obamas mercenary protectorate guard

September 23, 2010

An obviously gay homosexual Swiss Guardsman use demonic magic and subversive mind control methods to subdue and destroy papal enemies

As if stealing from playbooks written by Marx, Lenin and Hitler weren’t enough, it looks like the kenyan konstitutional usurper is going to steal another play, but this time from the  playbook of the papist’s pope.

What the illegitimate president Obama hopes to achieve through this theft is a template to create a military vanguard for his own personal use, the equivalent of a Hugo Chavezian protectorate!  An American band of mercenaries modeled upon “The Swiss Guard” who are beholden to Obama’s every whim and desire and evil machination.

Most Christians are not aware that the Chief Idolator, the pope, surrounds himself with a cult of elitist homosexual euro/demon-ninja concubines called “The Swiss Guard.”   “The Swiss Guard” are mercenaries, which proves to us their gay homosexual proclivities, who are handsomely compensated to protect the pope.

They do so by deploying a variety of cunning defensive and offensive capabilities, ranging from mastery of pagan hand-to-hand combat, to expertise in high caliber weapons marksmenship and mine field deployment, to cyberwarfare and an array of demonic-based mind-control tactics.

You might ask yourself, “All I did was ask the intergoogle to tell me about the DREAM Act, what does this have to do with the DREAM Act?”

The DREAM Act is a piece of hobama legislation principally designed to pander to the coloreds vote, especially the light brown coloreds, and to drive a wedge between them and common sense Christian American voters.  This is because the DREAM Act as a paved road towards US citizenship for illegal mexicans who have infiltrated our borders. Rather than round them up and ship them back in cattle cars to their own burn God Foresaken land, Obama plans to pass out US Citizenship to these criminals like Christmas Candy, which will make them his lifelong voters.

That is what they want you to believe.

What is hidden in the fine print is this: The DREAM Act will pass out a US American Citizenship Card willy nilly to any Juan, Pedro or Ricardo that wanders along, just as if they were free passes to the FFA carcass hog contest.  And the more evil and nefarious and criminally-minded Juan, Pedro or Ricardo, the better.

Because all that Juan, Pedro and Ricardo have to agree to do is to sign on to serve four year hitches as highly-paid mercenaries, loyal only to the usurper who is now occupying the White House, and to no other person or entity.  In exchange for citizenship, they agree to be programmed to bid his every wish and desire, from late night runs to round up K-street tramps and wenches for impromptu West Wing orgy festivals, to conducting cross-Potomac raids on the Pentagon, to engage in search and destroy skirmishes against our brave Armed Forces stationed there.

Obama will also order these Dream Act Banditos to round up and imprison those he suspects of seditious acts including all Christians, all Conservatives, and anybody known to be or to have supported Republican or Republican Tea PartyCandidates in deed or in thought.

The only way we can stop this from happening is to prevent the DREAM Act from becoming law, which means we MUST elect a Conservative Christian Congress, as they are the only people willing to stand up to the kenyan usurper and his nigerian cronies.

Christians don’t discriminate what sacred texts we burn!

September 7, 2010

Sometimes there are so many perverted versions of a Bible it is more cost-effective to burn the entire church down.

Just like how they blew the euro-cartoon story completely out of proportion, you can count on the mooselums to over react when they hear a Christian Minister’s plan to celebrate 9/11 this year by burning the koran.

And of course the liberal mainstream media won’t do its job and dig deeper into the story.  They will typically make the Christian Minister out to be the bad guy, and they will have the mooselum as the persecuted.  Rouge elements within the kenyan kaliphates administration have already begun drumming up sympathy for the mooselums and rage against the Christians.  We’ll just have to wait for Fair and Balanced Fox News to get the story right, eventually.

Or you can read about it from an Award Winning Interblogger.

And here is the truth:  Christians who burn the koran are out there burning Bibles too.  All the time.  We don’t descriminate just against the koran.  Our policy is to burn any perverted sacred text, especially if it is known or suspected to be tainted by the Demon.

Obviously, nobody will not recognize that the koran fits that bill.

But not many others will realize that there are an aweful lot of perverted Bibles out there.  You see, nobody in their right mind would ever take the words of Shakespeare or the Founding Fathers and rewrite them, right?  We’d all look at somebody who did that and call them crazy.

Well, it is not just crazy to rewrite the Bible to, but it is also downright Diabolical and you would NOT be wrong to suspect that a rewritten Bible is the Craftwork of the Demon, because that is precisely how the Demon Erodes our Love of God.    By rewriting His Word!

And so we need to be very careful in protecting His word and in doing that we have to root out all unapproved and unChristian revisions of the Bible.

I not only support the burning of the koran, but I also support the burning of the following Bible versions (conveniently arranged by year of publication) since all are perversions of the King James Version.  And bear in mind, these are just the English versions.  Don’t get me started on foreign perversions of His Word:

1653 A Paraphrase, and Annotations Upon all the Books of the New Testament; Henry Hammond.
1657 The Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible; Theodore Haak.
1685 New Testament with a paraphrase and notes; Richard Baxter.
1690 The Holy Bible; Samuel Clarke.
1703 Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament; Daniel Whitby.
1718 The New Testament; Cornelius Nary.
1724 The Common translation corrected, with a paraphrase and notes (NT); Edward Wells.
1729 The New Testament in Greek and English; Daniel Mace.
1730 Annotations on the New Testament of Jesus Christ; Robert Witham.
1730 The New Testament; William Webster.
1745 Primitive New Testament; William Whiston.
1752 Exposition of the New Testament in the form of a Paraphrase; John Guyse.
1755 Explanatory Notes on the New Testament; John Wesley.
1756 Family Expositor, or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament; Philip Doddridge.
1761 An Interpretation of the New Testament; John Heylin.
1764 A new and literal translation of all the books of the Old and New Testament; Anthony Purver.
1764 The New Testament: carefully collated with the Greek, and corrected; Richard Wynne.
1765 A New Translation of the New Testament; Samuel Palmer.
1765 Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament; John Wesley.
1768 A Liberal Translation of the New Testament; Edward Harwood.
1770 The New Testament or New Covenant of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; John Worsley.
1773 The Universal Family Bible; Henry Southwell.
1774 The Old Testament; Anselm Bayly.
1778 The Bible in Verse; John Fellows.
1791 A Translation of the New Testament; Gilbert Wakefield.
1795 A Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek; Thomas Haweis.
1795 The New Testament; Samuel Clarke and Thomas Pyle.
1796 The New Testament; William Newcome.
1798 A Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek; Nathaniel Scarlett.
1799 A Revised Translation and Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures; J.M. Ray.
1808 The Holy Bible containing The Old and New Covenant; Charles Thomson.
1808 The New Testament, in an improved version; Thomas Belsham.
1812 A modern, correct, and close translation of the New Testament; William Williams.
1816 The New Testament; William Thomson.
1817 A new family Bible, and improved version; Benjamin Boothroyd.
1822 The Holy Bible, Hebrew and English (OT); A. Alexander.
1823 The New Testament; Abner Kneeland.
1824 Revised Testament (NT); John Wilkins
1824 The Holy Bible; J. Watson.
1826 The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ (NT); Alexander Campbell.
1828 The Gospel of God’s Anointed (NT); Alexander Greaves.
1828 The New Testament in the Common Version; John Palfrey.
1833 The Holy Bible; Noah Webster.
1833 A New and Corrected Version of the New Testament Rodolphus Dickinson.
1834 The Holy Bible; George Townsend.
1835 The Holy Writings of the First Christians (NT) J.M. Caldecott.
1836 The Book of the New Covenant (NT); Granville Penn.
1840 The New Testament; Edgar Taylor.
1841 The Holy Bible; J.T. Conquest.
1842 The Holy Bible; A.C Kendrick (NT).
1844 The Holy Bible, T J Hussey.
1844 The Septuagint version of the Old Testament; Lancelot Brenton.
1848 The New Testament; Jonathan Morgan.
1849 The New Testament; J.W. Etheridge.
1849 The Good News of Our Lord Jesus, the Anointed; Nathan Wbiting.
1850 The New Testament; Spencer Cone and William Wyckoff.
1851 The New Testament; James Murdock.
1852 An Exposition of the New Testament; Hezekiah Woo¬druff.
1853 The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures (OT); Isaac Leeser.
1854 The Emphatic New Testament; John Taylor.
1857 The New Testament; John Bengel.
1857 The New Testament; J.A. Giles.
1858 The New Testament, Translated from the Original Greek; Leicester Sawyer
1858 The Old Testament Scriptures; Alexander Vance.
1860 The Holy Bible; Francis Kenrick.
1861 Jewish School and Family Bible (OT); A. Benisch.
1861 The New Testament; Leonard Thorn.
1862 The Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant (OT).
1862 A Revised Translation of the New Testament; H. Highton.
1863 The Holy Bible; Robert Young.
1864 An English Version of the New Testament; Herman Heinfetter.
1864 American Bible Union Version (NT).
1864 The Emphatic Diaglott (NT); Benjamin Wilson.
1864 The New Testament; Henry Anderson.
1865 The Holy Bible; Samuel Sharpe.
1865 The Twofold New Testament; Thomas Green.
1867 The Holy Scriptures; Joseph Smith.
1869 The New Testament: Authorized Version Revised; Henry Alford.
1869 The New Testament; George Noyes.
1869 The New Testament; Robert Ainslie.
1870 The Holy Bible; F.W. Gotch (OT), GA. Jacob (NT).
1870 The New Testament translated from the purest Greek; J. Bowes.
1873 The School and Children’s Bible.
1873 The Story of the Bible; Charles Foster.
1875 The New Testament; John McClellan.
1875 The New Testament; Samuel Davidson.
1876 The Holy Bible; Julia Smith.
1877 Revised English Bible.
1877 The New Testament; John Richter.
1880 The Holy Bible (OT); Hermann Gollancz.
1881 Revised Version.
1881 Jewish Family Bible (OT); Michael Friedlander.
1881 The New Testament Englished; William Crickmer.
1883 The New Testament; Cortes Jackson.
1884 The Englishman’s Bible; Thomas Newberry.
1885 The Teaching and Acts of Jesus of Nazareth and His Apostles (NT); W.D. Dillard.
1885 The New Covenant (NT); John Hanson.
1885 A New Translation; John Darby.
1885 A translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the original Hebrew; Helen Spurrell.
1893 Scriptures, Hebrew and Christian; John Peters and Edward Bartlett.
1892 Biblia Innocentium; John Mackail.
1897 The New Testament Emphasized; Horace Morrow.
1897 The New Dispensation (NT); Robert Weekes.
1898 American Revised Version.
1898 The Woman’s Bible.
1901 The Historical New Testament, James Moffatt.
1901 American Standard Version
1901 The Modem American Bible; Frank Ballentine
1902 Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek; W.B. Godbey.
1902 The Testament of our Lord (NT); James Cooper and A.J. MacLean.
1902 Twentieth Century New Testament.
1902 The Emphasized Bible; Joseph Rotherham.
1903 The Holy Bible: Marginal Readings Adopted.
1903 The New Testament in Modern Speech; Richard Wey¬mouth.
1903 The Holy Bible in Modern English; Ferrar Fenton.
1904 The Corrected English New Testament; Samuel Lloyd.
1904 The New Testament Revised and Translated; Adolphus Worrell.
1906 The New Testament; Thomas Lindsay.
1907 The Modern Reader’s Bible; Richard Moulton.
1908 The Holy Bible for Daily Reading; J.W. Genders.
1909 The University New Testament; S. Townsend Weaver.
1909 The Shorter Bible.
1909 The Bible in Modem English (NT); Frank Ballentine
1910 The Restored New Testament; James Pryse.
1911 The 1911 Tercentenary Commemoration Bible.
1912 The Holy Bible: An Improved Edition.
1913 The Literary Man’s New Testament, W.L. Courtney.
1913 The New Testament; Edward Clarke.
1914 The New Covenant (NT); Edward Cunnington.
1914 The New Testament from the Greek text as established by Bible Numerics; Ivan Panin.
1916 The Historical Bible; Charles Kent.
1916 The Twenty-Four Books of the Old Testament; Alexander Harkavy.
1917 The Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text (OT).
1918 The New Testament; Henry Anderson.
19l9 The Messages of the Bible; Frank Sanders and Charles Kent.
1919 The Adelphi New Testament; E.E. Cunnington.
1921 A Plain Translation of the New Testament; By a student.
1921 The Shorter Bible.
1922 The Children’s Bible; Henry Sherman and Charles Kent.
1922 A Plainer Bible (NT); Frank Ballentine.
1923 Simplified New Testament; D.A. Sommer.
1923 The Riverside New Testament; William Ballantine.
1924 Centenary Translation of the New Testament; Helen Montgomery.
1924 The Everyday Bible; Charles Sheldon.
1924 The Older Children’s Bible.
1924 The New Covenant: Labor Determinative Version (NT).
1925 The People’s New Covenant (NT); Arthur Overbury.
1926 The Holy Bible: A New Translation (NT); James Moffatt.
1926 Concordant Version (NT); A.E. Knoch.
1926 The Western New Testament; E.E. Cunningtan.
1927 The Student’s Old Testament; Charles Kent.
1928 The Student’s Greek Testament; A. Hamilton.
1928 The Christian’s Bible: New Testament; George LeFevre.
1928 The Living Bible; Bolton Hall.
1928 The Authentic Literature of Israel (CT); Elizabeth Czarnomska.
1928 The Cambridge Shorter Bible.
1929 The New Testament in blank verse; George Wolff
1929 A Homiletical and Exegetical Version of the Bible; Charles MacLean.
1931 The Complete Bible: An American Translation; J.M. Smith and Edgar Goodspeed.
1933 Short Bible; J.M. Smith and Edgar Goodspeed.
1934 The Documents of the New Testament; G.W. Wade.
1934 Old Testament in Colloquial English.
1934 The Child’s Story Bible; Catherine Vos.
1935 The Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures (NT)
1935 The New Testament; Fernand Faivre.
1936 The West China Union University Version (NT).
1936 The Aldine Bible: The New Testament; M.R. James and Delia Lyttelton.
1936 The Bible Designed to be Read as Living Literature; Ernest Bates.
1937 The New Testament in the Language of the People; Charles B. Williams.
1937 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Francis Spencer.
1937 The New Testament critically reconstructed and retranslated; William Martin.
1937 The New Testament A New Translation and Explanation; Johannes Greber.
1938 The Book of Books (NT); R. Mercer Wilson.
1938 The New Testament: A Translation; Clementson.
1939 The Book of Life (NT); Zed Copp.
1939 The New Testament Shortened; W.K. Clarke.
1940 The Bible (A Condensed Version); Howard Welsch.
1941 The Confraternity Version (NT).
1945 New Testament: A Translation, Harmony and Annota¬tions; Erwin Stringfellow.
1946 Pathways through the Bible (OT); Mortimer Cohen.
1947 The New Testament; George Swann.
1948 The Holy Bible Adapted for Young Christians.
1948 The Letchworth Version in Modern English; T.F. Ford and RE. Ford.
1949 The Bible in Basic English.
1950 The New Testament of our Messiah and Saviour Yahshua, A.B. Traina.
1950 The Dartmouth Bible.
1950 The Holy Bible for Young Readers (NT); J.W. Mackail.
1951 The Authentic Version (NT).
1951 Bible in Brief; Peter Ross.
1951 The Shorter Oxford Bible.
1951 The New Testament in Modern English Olaf Norlie.
1952 The New Testament: A New Translation in Plain English. Charles K. Williams.
1952 Olive Pell Bible; Olive Bible.
1952 The Living Bible; Robert Ballou.
1952 Revised Standard Version.
1953 The New Testament: A New, Independent, Individual Translation; George Moore.
1954 The New Testament Rendered From the Original Greek; James Kleist and Joseph Lilly.
1954 The New Testament in Cadenced Form; Morton Bradley.
1954 The Septuagint Bible (OT); C.A. Muses.
1955 The Authentic New Testament; Hugh Schonfield.
1955 The Holy Bible: A Translation from the Latin Vulgate; Ronald Knox.
1955 The Compact Bible; Margaret Nicholson.
1955 The Clarified New Testament; P.G. Parker.
1956 The Bible for Family Reading; Joseph Gaer and Chester McCown.
1957 The Holy Bible from Ancient Manuscripts; George Lamsa.
1958 The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Anointed; James Tomanek.
1958 A Beginner’s Bible; Margherita Fanchiotti.
1958 The New Testament in Modern English; J.B. Phillips.
1958 The Self-Interpreting; Ashley Johnson.
1959 The Holy Bible: The Berkeley Version in Modern English; Gerrit Verkuyl.
1960 The Children’s King James Bible: New Testament; Jay Green.
1960 A Critical Emphatic Paraphrase of the New Testament; Vincent Roth.
1961 The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; Fan Noli.
1961 New World Translation.
1961 The New Testament: An Expanded Translation; Kenneth Wuest.
1961 The Jesus People New Testament; Olaf Norlie.
1961 Simplified New Testament in Plain English; Olaf Norlie.
1962 Teen-age Version; Jay Green.
1962 Modem King James Version; Jay Green.
1962 The Children’s Version of the Holy Bible; Jay Green.
1963 The Holy Name Bible; A.B. Traina.
1963 The New Testament in the Language of Today; William Beck.
1965 The Amplified Bible.
1966 Jerusalem Bible.
1966 The Bible in Simplified English.
1966 The Living Scriptures; Jay Green.
1967 Bible for Young Christians (NT); AM. Cocaqnac and Rosemary Haughton.
1967 New World: The Heart of the New Testament in Plain English; Alan Dale.
1967 New Scofleld Reference Bible.
1967 The Christ Emphasis New Testament; Edward Craddock.
1969 The New Testament: A New Translation; William Barclay.
1969 The Children’s New Testament; Gleason Ledyard.
1969 Modern Language Bible; Gerrit Verkuyl.
1969 The Bible Reader.
1970 New American Bible.
1970 King James II Version; Jay Green.
1970 New Testament in Shorter Form.
1970 New English Bible.
1970 The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible.
1971 New American Standard Bible.
1971 The Living Bible; Kenneth Taylor.
1972 The New Testament in Modem English; J.B Phillips.
1972 The Bible in Living English; Steven Byington.
1973 A Child’s Bible; Anne Edwards and Shirley Steen.
1973 The Translator’s New Testament.
1973 Cotton Patch Version (NT); Clarence Jordan.
1973 Common Bible.
1973 The Better Version of the New Testament; Chester Estes.
1974 The New Testament in Everyday English; Do Klingen¬smith.
1975 The Word Made Fresh; Andrew Edington.
1976 An American Translation; William Beck.
1976 The Concise Jewish Bible (OT); Philip Birnbaum.
1976 Good News Bible.
1977 The Jerusalem Bible (OT); Harold Fisch.
1977 The Christian Counselor’s New Testament; Jay Adams.
1977 The Holy Bible for Children; Allan Johsmann.
1978 Holy Name Bible.
1978 New International Version.
1978 Simple English Bible (NT).
1979 The New Testament in Everyday English; Jay Adams.
1980 The Distilled Bible: New Testament; Roy Greenhill.
1981 The Sacred Scriptures.
1981 The Compact Bible (NT); Pat Excel.
1982 The Readers Digest Bible.
1982 The New Testament; Richard Lattimore.
1982 New King James Version.
1984 The New Accurate Translation (NT); Julian Anderson.
1985 Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (OT).
1985 The Recovery Version (NT).
1985 New Jerusalem Bible.
1985 Original New Testament; Hugh Schonfield.
1986 International Children’s Bible.
1986 New Life Version; Gleason Ledyard.
1987 Easy to Read Version.
1987 A Literal Translation of the Bible; Jay Green.
1987 English Version for Deaf.
1987 New Century Version.
1988 Revised New Testament: New American Bible.
1988 New Evangelical Translation.
1988 Christian Community Bible.
1988 The New Testament; Hugo McCord
1989 God’s New Covenant (NT); Heinz Cassirer.
1989 New Revised Standard Version.
1989 Jewish New Testament; David Stern.
1989 Revised English Bible.
1990 The New Translation (NT).
1990 Simplified Living Bible.
1990 Modern King James Version; Jay Green.
1991 21st Century King James Version (NT).
1991 Contemporary English Version (NT).

1994 The Clear Word Bible (Jack J. Blanco) paraphrase
1994 21st Century King James Version
1995 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
1996 ArtScroll Tanakh
1996 New International Reader’s Version (NIrV )
1996 New International Version Inclusive Language Edition (NIVI)
1999 American King James Version (Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite)
2000 King James 2000 Version (KJ2000) (Robert A. Couric)
2001 Easy Reading Edition Sword Bible KJV
2001 Analytical-Literal Translation Modern English (Gary F. Zeolla)
2002 The Message (MSG) (Eugene H. Peterson) paraphrase
2003 The Evidence Bible, King James Version (Ray Comfort)
2004 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
2005 The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with Apocrypha (David Norton)
2005 Today’s New International Version (TNIV)
2006 AV7 (New Authorized Version)
2007 Study New Testament for Lesbian,Gay’s,Bi, transgender (Ann Nyland)

If you have, or if you suspect that you have, any of the Bibles on this list, especially the last one, please bring it with you when you go to your Church this Saturday to watch the koran burning.

Great Moments in Christian Revelation: The True purpose underlying the Global Warming Extremist’s Crime Spree

December 18, 2009

Visual proof that global warming advocates seek to install a culture of eurocentric atheistoid-environmental extremism

Real Americans, those of us who truly love their God and their Country, have long suspected something is just flat out wrong with this global warming scare that smarty pants elitist academics and liberals have been promulgating for almost 3 decades.

What we understand intuitively is something they don’t seem to grasp at all.  That it just doesn’t make any sense that someone as humble as the human race could have any effect whatsoever on the vast planetary system of unimaginably infinite complexity that God clearly intelligently designed for our pleasure AND our Dominion.

But it took some time before we got the first solid evidence confirming our suspicions.  This came in the form of a deeply cynical Al Gore. In his humiliation and depression of spirit after being trounced by the Hon. Gov George W Bush in the 2000 presidential election, the marble-mouthed dethroned vice president crafted  a mamby-pamby powerpoint presentation of lies and half-baked conclusons called An Inconvenient Truth, profiting from gullible audiences the world over as if it were a papist-sponsored telethon for pathetic crippled and dying children.

This key evidence has most recently been confirmed in the notorious Climategate scandal, in which liberal climate scientists have been caught red-handed snuffing alternative theories and manipulating reams and reams of raw data in order to smooth out anomalies and other deviances.  These curve smoothing techniques, that they admit are “tricks,” are designed to hide evidence they uncover that happens to be inconsistent with their so-called inconvenient truths!

The climatologist’s Uberfuhrer, NASA’s Prof Dr James Hansen, has recently posted a detailed repudiation and confession of this horrific fraud on a mainstream elitist Global Warming extremist interblog (that is so horrific I only recommend you visit after deep prayerful reflection).

In fact, you don’t need to read any of it because I can summarize the content readily:  In it, Prof Dr James Hansen assumes all responsibility for the data-manipulation behavior of the entire climatological community.  He also confesses that he and his colleagues have in the past, and continue to make serious errors not only in data management, but also analysis and judgment!  He begs the Forgiveness of a Loving and All Powerful God who in all likelihood has no interest whatsoever in granting a whiff of mercy to these frauds and hucksters.

You would think after these stunning revelations that these people would just give up right here and now, and pay back Our Government for all of the research grant dollars that they have extorted from working, God-fearing US Taxpayers for personal enrichment.

You’d need to think again.  Hot on the heels of these crippling revelations the liberal mainstream atheist elite climatological interbloggeratorium are now making it clear they think the Global Warming Crime Spree has been one big joke.  They prove this by creating incredibly deceptive cartoons like the one I decided to post here on my award winning interblog only after deep and Prayerful Communion with God .

Through the Miracle of Night Time Visions, God has asked me to provide revelation and prophesy to you with a careful analysis of this cartoon.

What it reveals is the leftwings shocking central goal.

The cartoon shows they are using the fraudulent global warming scare to trick the United States of American Dominion into adopting a liberal euro-centric environmentaloid culture.

This represents the third leg of their three legged campaign to roll aside Our Christian Culture.  The other two legs of their campaign are to destroy the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman with same sex marriages and to use the ACLU to keep God out of our schools and to state-funded abortion infanticide to murder all of the unborn Christian baby boys and girls.

As you can see, Global Warming Extremists are not at all interested in a cooler planet.  If they truly wanted a cooler planet, they burn well know all they need to do is Pray to God and ask him to cool it.  What they really want is taxpayers to foot the bill for things like mass transit for negroes, hybrid cars for gay homosexuals and faggots, forest preserves for the granola munching tree-huggers, an out right ban on livestock farming and criminalization of meat consumption, etc and so forth.

And they want to pay for all of this with tax payer dollars and by increasing the deficit so as to burden our grandchildren with taxes so severe that they might question whether they can tithe at Church.

In short, the true meaning behind the Global Warming Extremist’s crime spree all along has been to destroy the Christian Culture of America!

We have a 2nd Amendment to our Constitution for a good reason, and it is burn time to think about using it before they take it away from us, too.

Obama wastes taxpayer dollars to install White House basketball court

October 12, 2009

We have uncovered fresh utubercle video evidence that  Spearchucker Sheik President Sen Nobelist Barry Soeterror Hussien Obama has no interest in restoring fiscal sanity to the White House, the House of Representatives, or any other House for that matter.  Watch the deeply disturbing video below which documents the new, state of the art $56.8 billion Negro-only basketball court that Obama has had built in the White House basement.

Barry Soetorro using code words to trigger race riots

July 23, 2009

raceriotIn his televised speeches last evening, the muslim immigrant pretender to the American Presidency, Sheikh Barry Soeterro,aka Hussein Obama, criticized the Cambridge MA police for their arrest of a buck negro, who they had arrested for burglarizing a home in a upper class white neighborhood.

In my town, if the sheriff finds a negro  roaming a white neighborhood, he puts an end to it right there.   By doing so, the sheriff is simply using our precious tax dollars the way we see fit.  If our sheriff finds a negro IN a home in the white neighborhood,  quite frankly, that negro is lucky to survive with his life.  That is simply the way it has always been.  Over the years, both the sheriff and the negroes have come to accept that this is the nature of our co-existence.

But on National TV, before an assemblage of the liberal elite mainstream media, President Sheikh Barry Soeterro called the arresting Cambridge City Police Officer a “stupid” for arresting the negro in that house.

Historically, here in the south, when a negro leader such as a minister or a teacher calls the sheriff or his deputies a ‘stupid’, we’ve come to learn that this is a secret code that negro leaders use to provoke their folk to  “assemble your molotov cocktails, grab some stones and bricks of throwable quality, and get prepared to  desecrate the white women folk and go about on a looting rampage downtown .  The rioting will commence at sundown.”

This is also the way it has always been.

Of course, the main stream liberal media, who have long ignored the devious character of the negro, have no idea what this man’s statements on the tv’s last night means.   Worse, they have no interest whatsoever calling experts such as my self to testify to this prognostication and provocation.

Does anybody still believe this man was legally elected to be our President?  Does anybody still believe this man is not dangerous and doesn’t seek to destroy our Christian-based Constitutional form of government?

If not, what further proof do you need?  The proof exists, you just have to believe in it.