Archive for the ‘Jesus loves Soul Food Pizza’ Category

Are Conservative Christian Republicans making a mistake by coddling the negro voter?

October 28, 2011

Democrat party terrorists subdue a frightened negro who futilely screams out for Conservative Christian Republicans to save him, but none are any where near.

In my Night Time Vision revelations last night, God asked me to write some caution words about the ongoing Conservative Christian campaign designed to create a wedge between the democrat apparatchik and the negro voter, who has been brainwashed to vote for democrats since the days of our Founding Fathers.

As His interblog emissary, God has reveled to me that great danger lurks by bringing the negro voter into the Conservative Christian (Republican) tent.  That we may be asking for more than we are willing to endure.

A key element of this ongoing campaign has Conservative Christians pointing out to the negro that it was, in point of Historical Fact, the democrat party who was responsible for enslaving the negro and for all of the trouble the negro has endured in his long, miserable history.

Furthermore, much like today when the Nobama administration has no control over the waves of mexxican rape squads streaming over our borders, back in the day it was also a democrat administration’s failure to keep people in their proper places which caused all the race rioting in Sanctuary City, illicit drug bedlams,  and the epidemic of woman deflowering that ensued in the 1960’s—all owing to the dissatisfaction of the negro with his plight.

Furthermore, it was democrat administrations that started a war against the Vietnam chinamen, and then conscripted the negro, got him all addicted on the heroin (which back in the day was like meth), and then sent the negro over there to kill the Vietnam chinamen in an intoxicated opiate fog.  If the negro soldier wasn’t killed, he was shipped back home for life long enslavement in the democrat entitlement culture.

Furthermore, it is a Historical Fact that the KKK was an elite offshoot of the democrat party, and was originally founded in order to terrorize Republican Christians.   Indeed, in order to become a member of the KKK, one had to swore blood oaths to the democrat party and also to a long list of liberal progressive democrat principles and causes including but not limited to socialism, the New Deal, Planned Parenthood, Govt Schools and Education, the EPA, Clean Air legislation, Entitlements, Reparations, subsidies for the Hollywood Porno Film Industry, NPR, Evolution, Sharia Law, the Global Warming Scam, Pornographic Homosexuality, the proliferation of non-Christian religions such as momonism and papism, and any other Proclivities of Weakness not mentioned explicitly here.

The democrats and the KKK were such a powerful political force back in the day that they enacted Jim Crow laws, separate and not equal schools and facilities, and harassed the negro mercilessly.

And so today’s Conservative Christian campaign is merely pointing all this out to the negro so that he can understand that the history of anti-negro hate is a democrat party problem, not a Conservative Christian Republican problem.

However, there is a problem with this campaign, and that problem is, What do we do if it is successful?  If we bring all the negroes under our tent, are we not obligated, as Christians, to share our loaves of bread and hunks of fish to feed them?  And what do we do if so many come under the tent and we run out of bread and fish? All those negroes are going to demand their share of food!

Well, it isn’t difficult to see where this is going.  We’d have to raise taxes on small businesses and the job makers.  And they wouldn’t be happy about that at all, because raising taxes will destroy our economy and take money out of our pockets and redistribute the wealth: Which is socialism!!

The Wisdom of God has warned me that to invite the negro under our Conservative Christian Republican tent is to invite a culture of entitlement and socialism, which could turn us from being a Conservative Christian Republican party into something more like democrat party.  Because to invite the negro into our party involves inviting centuries worth of problems that are associated with it. Should it be the role of Conservative Christian Republicans to clean up yet another mess that was created by the democrat party?

What Soul Food Pizza could do for truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain

October 6, 2011

Selling Soul Food Pizza could help truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain win the negro vote

The candidacy of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is gaining renewed energy because of his recent promises to deliver all  “but the hopelessly brainwashed” negro voter to support Conservative Christian Republican candidates.

This brazen political promise raises a couple of important questions.

First, are there even any negroes out there who have not been hopelessly brainwashed by generations of cradle to grave govt handouts from socialistic democrat administrations?

Second, even if a few conservative Christian negroes actually do exist, does truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain have a record he can point to that demonstrates his attempts to cultivate the favor of his fellow negroes?

For example, has truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain ever sold pizzas with toppings that might attract negro customers?  One would suspect the negro, whether brainwashed or Conservative Christian, would find it difficult to resist pizza topped with delicious items like fried okra, collared greens, fried chicken, turnips or chitlins.

If truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain has any chance of winning the White House, he needs to corner the market on the negro vote because he is going to have a hard time with the Heritage vote. Selling  soul food pizza is the sort of innovative campaign strategy that can earn him the hearts and minds and stomachs and votes of the brainwashed American negro.

And what is even better, this will break their vicious cycle of govt entitlement because truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain will be selling his soul food pizza for profit!  He is too much of a committed Christian Conservative to even think about giving it away.