Archive for the ‘War of Northern Aggression’ Category

Revelation of Herman Cain Temptresses Identity

November 6, 2011

Click on the rear end of this Jezebel to see the face behind the high tech lynching of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain

In my Nighttime Visions God commanded that I reveal the identity of the gold digging secretarial pool Tramp who is persecuting truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain.

God did not tell me exactly who is the little vixen, but He did indicate that I would know when I saw her.

So I asked the intergoogle searcher perhaps the most obvious question, “Which Sultry red haired vamp is responsible for attempting to destroy truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain by extracting his completely normal buck negro urgings?”

God has personally given me many, many, many challenges and Difficult Problems to solve.

As you can see from this SHOCKING Video, this was not one of them.

Truck Stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain sounds familiar

October 16, 2011

Truck Stop Pizza Mogul Hermain Cain chuckles when thinking how gullible Conservative Christian voters must be to buy into his failed immigration solutions

Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain now says he wants to build an electric border fence.

Where have we heard that before?

This is just more proof that Conservative Christian voters should be suspicious of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain. Who, in addition to his Heritage Problem, looks more and more like a  Complete Lightweight on the Cultural Miscegenation crisis brought about by the Kenyan Usurper and his “Open Arms, Open Border” program.

Because Anybody who has thought for a second about the roaming packs of mexican rape squad crisis would realize bullets and electric fences alone simply are not enough.  These are nothing but the tired solutions that have been offered time and again by a parade of “establishment” politicians, none of them who have done anything about the immigration problem.

Truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is saying these things because he thinks that is all Conservative Christian voters need to hear to get their votes.

But true Conservative Christian voters with Constitutional Conservative proclivities know we also need the following: an effective mine field deterrent, a Scientifically designed machine gun turret program, vicious border dogs, an anchor baby capture and release system modeled on best practices of deer herd management.  We know we must also deploy moats where applicable and swamps where practical and venomous snake pits where feasible.  We need to deploy the latest in sonic-based weaponry to protect our East and West Beaches from the waves of islamofascists crashing the shores.  Overhead, we cannot rest until we’ve installed a seamless web of steel and laser beams to trap Intruders from the skies!

What we don’t need are more bullets.  We got us plenty of bullets.

What we need is a comprehensive Arpaioization of our borders, north and south, east and west, overhead and subterranean.

And we need a Conservative Christian Presidential Candidate who has the single-minded Will to achieve this:  Rep Tom Tancredo!

What Soul Food Pizza could do for truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain

October 6, 2011

Selling Soul Food Pizza could help truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain win the negro vote

The candidacy of truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain is gaining renewed energy because of his recent promises to deliver all  “but the hopelessly brainwashed” negro voter to support Conservative Christian Republican candidates.

This brazen political promise raises a couple of important questions.

First, are there even any negroes out there who have not been hopelessly brainwashed by generations of cradle to grave govt handouts from socialistic democrat administrations?

Second, even if a few conservative Christian negroes actually do exist, does truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain have a record he can point to that demonstrates his attempts to cultivate the favor of his fellow negroes?

For example, has truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain ever sold pizzas with toppings that might attract negro customers?  One would suspect the negro, whether brainwashed or Conservative Christian, would find it difficult to resist pizza topped with delicious items like fried okra, collared greens, fried chicken, turnips or chitlins.

If truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain has any chance of winning the White House, he needs to corner the market on the negro vote because he is going to have a hard time with the Heritage vote. Selling  soul food pizza is the sort of innovative campaign strategy that can earn him the hearts and minds and stomachs and votes of the brainwashed American negro.

And what is even better, this will break their vicious cycle of govt entitlement because truck stop Pizza Mogul Herman Cain will be selling his soul food pizza for profit!  He is too much of a committed Christian Conservative to even think about giving it away.

Obama plans include giveaway of foreclosed homes to illegal immigrants

October 29, 2010

Obama White House official personally escorts illegal immigrants w/anchor baby into conscripted, foreclosed property absconded from White Christian family.

Last night I received a deeply disturbing night time Vision from God.

In it, I witnessed a conversation in the White House Oval Office between the nigerian prince (Hussein Obama) and members of his inner circle, the kabal of kenyans.

In a colloquiol dialect I recognized as darija, one of his advisors argued,

“Sir, once everything settles down after we declare Marshal Law and suspend the congress on Nov 3, we’ll need to move to solve the immigration and home foreclosure problems, so that nobody will notice we have torn up the Constitution into a pile of nanoscale shreds.”

The Devious Tyrant had obviously thought this through and did not skip a beat in his response, declaring,

“I want you to take all those empty foreclosed homes the banks are holding and give them to the illegal immigrants.  I want you to kick out from their homes any White Christian homeowner who is more than one week behind on his payments.  And then I want you to put an anchor baby family in his home.  I want this done quietly, but quickly.  I want all the illegal immigrants in their homes by Christmas Morning, when we will announce they will not only receive free and clear title to those homes, but also US Citizenship.”

When I woke up in the morning I could not believe my eyes, as if I had just witnessed the Hugo Chavezigation of American with my very own ears! A cheap, Venezuelan political stunt!  So I dropped to my knees to Pray to God and ask if this were True.   He did not like the fact that I questioned His judgment or His vision and reminded me that His prophets were expendable, “All of my prophets!”

Then God said,

“It is true that this false leader and concubine of the Demon who has stolen the seat of power will do these things unless he is stopped by my people.”

So there you have it.  If we even have the election on Nov 2–because only a fool would think obama is above canceling an election he is sure to lose, or wouldn’t think twice about dismissing congress, locking up the Constitution, and suspending habeous corpus.

Tyranny does not sleep nor does it take the day to vote!  Wake up people!

How to spot a muslim

October 26, 2010

Muslim dressed in traditional muslim warrior garb

As I’m sure you all know, the intergoogles are all atwitter lately over how a  socialist marxist radio station that exists only to serve as the propaganda arm of the elitist demoncrat party (NPR)  yet depends 100% upon govt handouts for its operations has just FIRED an extremely reasonable (although racially flawed) member of the commentariat.

This persecuted commentarian was fired merely because he expressed a completely rational fear of being on a jet airliner plane when it is boarded by muslims flouting their muslimhoodedness by wearing traditional muslim clothing, smack in the faces of horrified Chrisitians and other innocent potential terror victims.

Commentariate Member and mexican/negro half breed Juan Williams, who plays a Reasonable Conservative Christian on the NPR, while at the same time playing a Persecuted liberal Token Negro (Teagro) on the Fair and Balanced FOX News, expressed these extremely thoughtful remarks in an interview:

But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Of course he gets nervous!  Muslim is more like a death cult than like a religion.  Muslims who expect to “meet Allah” at any second wear traditional muslim garb because they mistakenly think that will purify their souls and don’t realize that the only pathway to a Purified Soul is by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Still, how would you feel if a member of a known death cult stepped onto an air jet liner moments before the door is closed, it pushes back from the gate and begins to taxi down the runway.  Typically, they closes their eyes and then begin to quietly whisper chants, asking their Demon to strengthen them before they push the button and blow up the whole lot!   It is perfectly natural to panic if you ever find yourself in such a situation.

But, unfortunately, things are much worse than this.  We now know that homicidal muslims  camouflage themselves in all manner of “normal” looking attire underneath their suicide vests, so as to blend in and not be noticed.

Fortunately, Conservative Christians throughout the intergoogles are now publishing helpful field guides that can be used to spot muslims.  We must all remain on high alert for these criminals, and continue to Pray for the Deliverance of Rep Tom Tancredo as our Elected President, who will protect us from muslims by slamming the borders tighter than a hermetically sealed pickled yam jar!

Christians don’t discriminate what sacred texts we burn!

September 7, 2010

Sometimes there are so many perverted versions of a Bible it is more cost-effective to burn the entire church down.

Just like how they blew the euro-cartoon story completely out of proportion, you can count on the mooselums to over react when they hear a Christian Minister’s plan to celebrate 9/11 this year by burning the koran.

And of course the liberal mainstream media won’t do its job and dig deeper into the story.  They will typically make the Christian Minister out to be the bad guy, and they will have the mooselum as the persecuted.  Rouge elements within the kenyan kaliphates administration have already begun drumming up sympathy for the mooselums and rage against the Christians.  We’ll just have to wait for Fair and Balanced Fox News to get the story right, eventually.

Or you can read about it from an Award Winning Interblogger.

And here is the truth:  Christians who burn the koran are out there burning Bibles too.  All the time.  We don’t descriminate just against the koran.  Our policy is to burn any perverted sacred text, especially if it is known or suspected to be tainted by the Demon.

Obviously, nobody will not recognize that the koran fits that bill.

But not many others will realize that there are an aweful lot of perverted Bibles out there.  You see, nobody in their right mind would ever take the words of Shakespeare or the Founding Fathers and rewrite them, right?  We’d all look at somebody who did that and call them crazy.

Well, it is not just crazy to rewrite the Bible to, but it is also downright Diabolical and you would NOT be wrong to suspect that a rewritten Bible is the Craftwork of the Demon, because that is precisely how the Demon Erodes our Love of God.    By rewriting His Word!

And so we need to be very careful in protecting His word and in doing that we have to root out all unapproved and unChristian revisions of the Bible.

I not only support the burning of the koran, but I also support the burning of the following Bible versions (conveniently arranged by year of publication) since all are perversions of the King James Version.  And bear in mind, these are just the English versions.  Don’t get me started on foreign perversions of His Word:

1653 A Paraphrase, and Annotations Upon all the Books of the New Testament; Henry Hammond.
1657 The Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible; Theodore Haak.
1685 New Testament with a paraphrase and notes; Richard Baxter.
1690 The Holy Bible; Samuel Clarke.
1703 Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament; Daniel Whitby.
1718 The New Testament; Cornelius Nary.
1724 The Common translation corrected, with a paraphrase and notes (NT); Edward Wells.
1729 The New Testament in Greek and English; Daniel Mace.
1730 Annotations on the New Testament of Jesus Christ; Robert Witham.
1730 The New Testament; William Webster.
1745 Primitive New Testament; William Whiston.
1752 Exposition of the New Testament in the form of a Paraphrase; John Guyse.
1755 Explanatory Notes on the New Testament; John Wesley.
1756 Family Expositor, or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament; Philip Doddridge.
1761 An Interpretation of the New Testament; John Heylin.
1764 A new and literal translation of all the books of the Old and New Testament; Anthony Purver.
1764 The New Testament: carefully collated with the Greek, and corrected; Richard Wynne.
1765 A New Translation of the New Testament; Samuel Palmer.
1765 Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament; John Wesley.
1768 A Liberal Translation of the New Testament; Edward Harwood.
1770 The New Testament or New Covenant of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; John Worsley.
1773 The Universal Family Bible; Henry Southwell.
1774 The Old Testament; Anselm Bayly.
1778 The Bible in Verse; John Fellows.
1791 A Translation of the New Testament; Gilbert Wakefield.
1795 A Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek; Thomas Haweis.
1795 The New Testament; Samuel Clarke and Thomas Pyle.
1796 The New Testament; William Newcome.
1798 A Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek; Nathaniel Scarlett.
1799 A Revised Translation and Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures; J.M. Ray.
1808 The Holy Bible containing The Old and New Covenant; Charles Thomson.
1808 The New Testament, in an improved version; Thomas Belsham.
1812 A modern, correct, and close translation of the New Testament; William Williams.
1816 The New Testament; William Thomson.
1817 A new family Bible, and improved version; Benjamin Boothroyd.
1822 The Holy Bible, Hebrew and English (OT); A. Alexander.
1823 The New Testament; Abner Kneeland.
1824 Revised Testament (NT); John Wilkins
1824 The Holy Bible; J. Watson.
1826 The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ (NT); Alexander Campbell.
1828 The Gospel of God’s Anointed (NT); Alexander Greaves.
1828 The New Testament in the Common Version; John Palfrey.
1833 The Holy Bible; Noah Webster.
1833 A New and Corrected Version of the New Testament Rodolphus Dickinson.
1834 The Holy Bible; George Townsend.
1835 The Holy Writings of the First Christians (NT) J.M. Caldecott.
1836 The Book of the New Covenant (NT); Granville Penn.
1840 The New Testament; Edgar Taylor.
1841 The Holy Bible; J.T. Conquest.
1842 The Holy Bible; A.C Kendrick (NT).
1844 The Holy Bible, T J Hussey.
1844 The Septuagint version of the Old Testament; Lancelot Brenton.
1848 The New Testament; Jonathan Morgan.
1849 The New Testament; J.W. Etheridge.
1849 The Good News of Our Lord Jesus, the Anointed; Nathan Wbiting.
1850 The New Testament; Spencer Cone and William Wyckoff.
1851 The New Testament; James Murdock.
1852 An Exposition of the New Testament; Hezekiah Woo¬druff.
1853 The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures (OT); Isaac Leeser.
1854 The Emphatic New Testament; John Taylor.
1857 The New Testament; John Bengel.
1857 The New Testament; J.A. Giles.
1858 The New Testament, Translated from the Original Greek; Leicester Sawyer
1858 The Old Testament Scriptures; Alexander Vance.
1860 The Holy Bible; Francis Kenrick.
1861 Jewish School and Family Bible (OT); A. Benisch.
1861 The New Testament; Leonard Thorn.
1862 The Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant (OT).
1862 A Revised Translation of the New Testament; H. Highton.
1863 The Holy Bible; Robert Young.
1864 An English Version of the New Testament; Herman Heinfetter.
1864 American Bible Union Version (NT).
1864 The Emphatic Diaglott (NT); Benjamin Wilson.
1864 The New Testament; Henry Anderson.
1865 The Holy Bible; Samuel Sharpe.
1865 The Twofold New Testament; Thomas Green.
1867 The Holy Scriptures; Joseph Smith.
1869 The New Testament: Authorized Version Revised; Henry Alford.
1869 The New Testament; George Noyes.
1869 The New Testament; Robert Ainslie.
1870 The Holy Bible; F.W. Gotch (OT), GA. Jacob (NT).
1870 The New Testament translated from the purest Greek; J. Bowes.
1873 The School and Children’s Bible.
1873 The Story of the Bible; Charles Foster.
1875 The New Testament; John McClellan.
1875 The New Testament; Samuel Davidson.
1876 The Holy Bible; Julia Smith.
1877 Revised English Bible.
1877 The New Testament; John Richter.
1880 The Holy Bible (OT); Hermann Gollancz.
1881 Revised Version.
1881 Jewish Family Bible (OT); Michael Friedlander.
1881 The New Testament Englished; William Crickmer.
1883 The New Testament; Cortes Jackson.
1884 The Englishman’s Bible; Thomas Newberry.
1885 The Teaching and Acts of Jesus of Nazareth and His Apostles (NT); W.D. Dillard.
1885 The New Covenant (NT); John Hanson.
1885 A New Translation; John Darby.
1885 A translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the original Hebrew; Helen Spurrell.
1893 Scriptures, Hebrew and Christian; John Peters and Edward Bartlett.
1892 Biblia Innocentium; John Mackail.
1897 The New Testament Emphasized; Horace Morrow.
1897 The New Dispensation (NT); Robert Weekes.
1898 American Revised Version.
1898 The Woman’s Bible.
1901 The Historical New Testament, James Moffatt.
1901 American Standard Version
1901 The Modem American Bible; Frank Ballentine
1902 Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek; W.B. Godbey.
1902 The Testament of our Lord (NT); James Cooper and A.J. MacLean.
1902 Twentieth Century New Testament.
1902 The Emphasized Bible; Joseph Rotherham.
1903 The Holy Bible: Marginal Readings Adopted.
1903 The New Testament in Modern Speech; Richard Wey¬mouth.
1903 The Holy Bible in Modern English; Ferrar Fenton.
1904 The Corrected English New Testament; Samuel Lloyd.
1904 The New Testament Revised and Translated; Adolphus Worrell.
1906 The New Testament; Thomas Lindsay.
1907 The Modern Reader’s Bible; Richard Moulton.
1908 The Holy Bible for Daily Reading; J.W. Genders.
1909 The University New Testament; S. Townsend Weaver.
1909 The Shorter Bible.
1909 The Bible in Modem English (NT); Frank Ballentine
1910 The Restored New Testament; James Pryse.
1911 The 1911 Tercentenary Commemoration Bible.
1912 The Holy Bible: An Improved Edition.
1913 The Literary Man’s New Testament, W.L. Courtney.
1913 The New Testament; Edward Clarke.
1914 The New Covenant (NT); Edward Cunnington.
1914 The New Testament from the Greek text as established by Bible Numerics; Ivan Panin.
1916 The Historical Bible; Charles Kent.
1916 The Twenty-Four Books of the Old Testament; Alexander Harkavy.
1917 The Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text (OT).
1918 The New Testament; Henry Anderson.
19l9 The Messages of the Bible; Frank Sanders and Charles Kent.
1919 The Adelphi New Testament; E.E. Cunnington.
1921 A Plain Translation of the New Testament; By a student.
1921 The Shorter Bible.
1922 The Children’s Bible; Henry Sherman and Charles Kent.
1922 A Plainer Bible (NT); Frank Ballentine.
1923 Simplified New Testament; D.A. Sommer.
1923 The Riverside New Testament; William Ballantine.
1924 Centenary Translation of the New Testament; Helen Montgomery.
1924 The Everyday Bible; Charles Sheldon.
1924 The Older Children’s Bible.
1924 The New Covenant: Labor Determinative Version (NT).
1925 The People’s New Covenant (NT); Arthur Overbury.
1926 The Holy Bible: A New Translation (NT); James Moffatt.
1926 Concordant Version (NT); A.E. Knoch.
1926 The Western New Testament; E.E. Cunningtan.
1927 The Student’s Old Testament; Charles Kent.
1928 The Student’s Greek Testament; A. Hamilton.
1928 The Christian’s Bible: New Testament; George LeFevre.
1928 The Living Bible; Bolton Hall.
1928 The Authentic Literature of Israel (CT); Elizabeth Czarnomska.
1928 The Cambridge Shorter Bible.
1929 The New Testament in blank verse; George Wolff
1929 A Homiletical and Exegetical Version of the Bible; Charles MacLean.
1931 The Complete Bible: An American Translation; J.M. Smith and Edgar Goodspeed.
1933 Short Bible; J.M. Smith and Edgar Goodspeed.
1934 The Documents of the New Testament; G.W. Wade.
1934 Old Testament in Colloquial English.
1934 The Child’s Story Bible; Catherine Vos.
1935 The Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures (NT)
1935 The New Testament; Fernand Faivre.
1936 The West China Union University Version (NT).
1936 The Aldine Bible: The New Testament; M.R. James and Delia Lyttelton.
1936 The Bible Designed to be Read as Living Literature; Ernest Bates.
1937 The New Testament in the Language of the People; Charles B. Williams.
1937 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Francis Spencer.
1937 The New Testament critically reconstructed and retranslated; William Martin.
1937 The New Testament A New Translation and Explanation; Johannes Greber.
1938 The Book of Books (NT); R. Mercer Wilson.
1938 The New Testament: A Translation; Clementson.
1939 The Book of Life (NT); Zed Copp.
1939 The New Testament Shortened; W.K. Clarke.
1940 The Bible (A Condensed Version); Howard Welsch.
1941 The Confraternity Version (NT).
1945 New Testament: A Translation, Harmony and Annota¬tions; Erwin Stringfellow.
1946 Pathways through the Bible (OT); Mortimer Cohen.
1947 The New Testament; George Swann.
1948 The Holy Bible Adapted for Young Christians.
1948 The Letchworth Version in Modern English; T.F. Ford and RE. Ford.
1949 The Bible in Basic English.
1950 The New Testament of our Messiah and Saviour Yahshua, A.B. Traina.
1950 The Dartmouth Bible.
1950 The Holy Bible for Young Readers (NT); J.W. Mackail.
1951 The Authentic Version (NT).
1951 Bible in Brief; Peter Ross.
1951 The Shorter Oxford Bible.
1951 The New Testament in Modern English Olaf Norlie.
1952 The New Testament: A New Translation in Plain English. Charles K. Williams.
1952 Olive Pell Bible; Olive Bible.
1952 The Living Bible; Robert Ballou.
1952 Revised Standard Version.
1953 The New Testament: A New, Independent, Individual Translation; George Moore.
1954 The New Testament Rendered From the Original Greek; James Kleist and Joseph Lilly.
1954 The New Testament in Cadenced Form; Morton Bradley.
1954 The Septuagint Bible (OT); C.A. Muses.
1955 The Authentic New Testament; Hugh Schonfield.
1955 The Holy Bible: A Translation from the Latin Vulgate; Ronald Knox.
1955 The Compact Bible; Margaret Nicholson.
1955 The Clarified New Testament; P.G. Parker.
1956 The Bible for Family Reading; Joseph Gaer and Chester McCown.
1957 The Holy Bible from Ancient Manuscripts; George Lamsa.
1958 The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Anointed; James Tomanek.
1958 A Beginner’s Bible; Margherita Fanchiotti.
1958 The New Testament in Modern English; J.B. Phillips.
1958 The Self-Interpreting; Ashley Johnson.
1959 The Holy Bible: The Berkeley Version in Modern English; Gerrit Verkuyl.
1960 The Children’s King James Bible: New Testament; Jay Green.
1960 A Critical Emphatic Paraphrase of the New Testament; Vincent Roth.
1961 The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; Fan Noli.
1961 New World Translation.
1961 The New Testament: An Expanded Translation; Kenneth Wuest.
1961 The Jesus People New Testament; Olaf Norlie.
1961 Simplified New Testament in Plain English; Olaf Norlie.
1962 Teen-age Version; Jay Green.
1962 Modem King James Version; Jay Green.
1962 The Children’s Version of the Holy Bible; Jay Green.
1963 The Holy Name Bible; A.B. Traina.
1963 The New Testament in the Language of Today; William Beck.
1965 The Amplified Bible.
1966 Jerusalem Bible.
1966 The Bible in Simplified English.
1966 The Living Scriptures; Jay Green.
1967 Bible for Young Christians (NT); AM. Cocaqnac and Rosemary Haughton.
1967 New World: The Heart of the New Testament in Plain English; Alan Dale.
1967 New Scofleld Reference Bible.
1967 The Christ Emphasis New Testament; Edward Craddock.
1969 The New Testament: A New Translation; William Barclay.
1969 The Children’s New Testament; Gleason Ledyard.
1969 Modern Language Bible; Gerrit Verkuyl.
1969 The Bible Reader.
1970 New American Bible.
1970 King James II Version; Jay Green.
1970 New Testament in Shorter Form.
1970 New English Bible.
1970 The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible.
1971 New American Standard Bible.
1971 The Living Bible; Kenneth Taylor.
1972 The New Testament in Modem English; J.B Phillips.
1972 The Bible in Living English; Steven Byington.
1973 A Child’s Bible; Anne Edwards and Shirley Steen.
1973 The Translator’s New Testament.
1973 Cotton Patch Version (NT); Clarence Jordan.
1973 Common Bible.
1973 The Better Version of the New Testament; Chester Estes.
1974 The New Testament in Everyday English; Do Klingen¬smith.
1975 The Word Made Fresh; Andrew Edington.
1976 An American Translation; William Beck.
1976 The Concise Jewish Bible (OT); Philip Birnbaum.
1976 Good News Bible.
1977 The Jerusalem Bible (OT); Harold Fisch.
1977 The Christian Counselor’s New Testament; Jay Adams.
1977 The Holy Bible for Children; Allan Johsmann.
1978 Holy Name Bible.
1978 New International Version.
1978 Simple English Bible (NT).
1979 The New Testament in Everyday English; Jay Adams.
1980 The Distilled Bible: New Testament; Roy Greenhill.
1981 The Sacred Scriptures.
1981 The Compact Bible (NT); Pat Excel.
1982 The Readers Digest Bible.
1982 The New Testament; Richard Lattimore.
1982 New King James Version.
1984 The New Accurate Translation (NT); Julian Anderson.
1985 Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (OT).
1985 The Recovery Version (NT).
1985 New Jerusalem Bible.
1985 Original New Testament; Hugh Schonfield.
1986 International Children’s Bible.
1986 New Life Version; Gleason Ledyard.
1987 Easy to Read Version.
1987 A Literal Translation of the Bible; Jay Green.
1987 English Version for Deaf.
1987 New Century Version.
1988 Revised New Testament: New American Bible.
1988 New Evangelical Translation.
1988 Christian Community Bible.
1988 The New Testament; Hugo McCord
1989 God’s New Covenant (NT); Heinz Cassirer.
1989 New Revised Standard Version.
1989 Jewish New Testament; David Stern.
1989 Revised English Bible.
1990 The New Translation (NT).
1990 Simplified Living Bible.
1990 Modern King James Version; Jay Green.
1991 21st Century King James Version (NT).
1991 Contemporary English Version (NT).

1994 The Clear Word Bible (Jack J. Blanco) paraphrase
1994 21st Century King James Version
1995 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
1996 ArtScroll Tanakh
1996 New International Reader’s Version (NIrV )
1996 New International Version Inclusive Language Edition (NIVI)
1999 American King James Version (Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite)
2000 King James 2000 Version (KJ2000) (Robert A. Couric)
2001 Easy Reading Edition Sword Bible KJV
2001 Analytical-Literal Translation Modern English (Gary F. Zeolla)
2002 The Message (MSG) (Eugene H. Peterson) paraphrase
2003 The Evidence Bible, King James Version (Ray Comfort)
2004 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
2005 The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with Apocrypha (David Norton)
2005 Today’s New International Version (TNIV)
2006 AV7 (New Authorized Version)
2007 Study New Testament for Lesbian,Gay’s,Bi, transgender (Ann Nyland)

If you have, or if you suspect that you have, any of the Bibles on this list, especially the last one, please bring it with you when you go to your Church this Saturday to watch the koran burning.

Repealing 13th Amendment best possible solution for the immigration Crisis

August 17, 2010

When it comes to the illegal immigration crisis, Jesus is the final judge, jury and executioner

There has been much talk lately amongst Conservative Christian political leaders about the need to slightly modify what were the Founding Father’s intentions when crafting the 14th Amendment of our Sacred Constitution.

The 14th amendment currently gives the Sacred Right of American Citizenship to little mexican anchor babies.  Quickly, the swelled up mexican doe leaps across our border just in time to drop the baby (“hop and drop” to proclaim citizenship for their entire extended family.

I think we can all agree that no Founding Father worthy of that title and of reasonable mind or character would ever intend to give mexicans citizenship.  Indeed, mexicans were the sworn enemies of our Founding Fathers, who fought two bloody wars–The Spanish American War and the Mexican War–to make sure they stayed in their own burn countries and away from our borders.

So it is clear and nobody would argue that we need to simply repeal the 14th Amendment by a simple vote of acclamation and do so with very little additional discussion, which is unnecessary.  After that, the only people who will be granted citizenship will be American children, and the occasional brown skinned collaborator who earns it for helping us in our ongoing War against islam.

But will repealing the 14th Amendment do as much good as we hope?  That sounds like a stupid question, but it actually isn’t.   A repeal of the 14th Amendment will stop illegal fetal immigration, but it will not stop illegal immigration by the mexicans who are already across our borders and roaming about in our neighborhoods after dark, seeking  to steal our Women’s flowers and our yardwork equipment from our garages and sheds, and who are abusing our precious Healthcare Resources.

But there is a Repeal Solution that might just work against these savages.  We can repeal the 13th Amendment, which was heartlessly imposed upon the entire country after the War of Northern Aggression.  The 13th Amendment is the simplist and most simpleminded Amendment of our Constitution.  It simply outlaws slavery.  The amendment is so short, it is clear that the Founders were not at all enthusiastic about it.  Therefore, it is fair and reasonable to conclude that the Founders intended for the 13th Amendment not to pass, or if it did pass, not to be affirmed.  Or if it was affirmed, not to survive repeal initiatives.  Clearly, therefore, from this careful reading of history, in outlawing slavery, the Founders did not intend to outlaw slavery.

How can repealing the 13th Amendment solve our illegal immigration crisis?  That is a pretty stupid question.  The answer should be obvious.

Right now, the illegal mexicans have nothing to motivate them to return to their own burn country because the Federal government refuses to do its job of rounding them up and deporting them.

If Conservatives had them rounded up in a Legal Citizens Initiative, which is wholly in our rights, and then packed up on rail cars and shipped back across the border, then the lamestream media would have a field day taking pictures and producing videos with their hands reaching out and begging for food and water.  The net result is it would make us, the ones who are trying to save this Country as opposed to the libs who are tearing it apart, look like the bad guys.

Conservatives like myself don’t normally care one burn about political correctedness, but such newsreel would be pretty bad political correctedness publicity for us.

But if we repealed the outlawing of slavery, then anybody could take a slave whenever and whereever they wanted.  Quietly.  Man by man.

For example, you could drive down to the Home Depot, pretend you got a big job for them and pick up a whole truck full of them.  In fact, they’ll be jumping into your truck and you’ll have a hard time  not taking too many.

Once you get them to your home, you can make them your slaves and do all the hard work they’d normally do for you, but for free.  You could put them all in the shed at night and lock it up.  And then have them work for you the next day, and again and again and again.  Just like we used to do it in the old days.

Eventually they’ll figure it out and realize they are slaves.  If they escape, they’ll get picked up by other Americans, who will make them there slaves, too.

Before you know it, they’ll be too afraid to loiter about the Home Depot begging for work for fear of becoming a slave.  Eventually, they’ll get the message and before you know it again, they’ll be sneaking back across their border at night on their way home, trying to escape detection by Our Border Security teams, who would turn them into slaves if they caught them hopping the fences to the south.

Word will get back to all the mexican bucks back in mexico that American is not the Land of Opportunity for mexicans, that they will lose their freedoms and whatnot if they came here.

That would instantly solve the illegal immigration crisis.

I have plenty of commentators who come to this award winning interblog to tell me my ideas are stupid.  Do you think this one is stupid, too?

Well if you want permission to say that my idea is stupid, first  provide the name of one African negro who voluntarily came to the United States of America  prior to when the 13th Amendment was passed.

Just one name.

If Doe tags work for deer they can work for Anchor Babies!

August 13, 2010

Principles of deer herd management should be applied to the Anchor Baby Crisis

Not to sound like some uppity elitist game mangment warden, but you can put me square in the camp of folk who are greatful for Wild Life Mangment practices that cull the deer herd by taking out some female does.   I have a lot of friends who don’t like it when they can’t bag a buck.  And I’d rather get one with a rack myself.

But even they got to admit that taking out the does has made it more fun to hunt the bucks, because taking out the does is keeping the entire deer population down lower, leaving more food for the  bucks who get a lot bigger and a big buck is a better looking buck on the tailgate!

I got to thinking about this when the other day God asked me to go to the intertubes where he had just inspired the lamestream media to finally publish some new information on the Anchor Baby Crisis.

To make a long story short, pregnant mexican females are NOT crossing the border illegally just before spitting out a new baby like we all thought they was doing, but are mostly slipping into our Dominion as unpregnant mexicans.  Then, they get to copulating and get pregnant once they are secretly in Our Dominion and then evading law enforcement just long enough to spit out an anchor baby!!  And they are outproducing White Christian Americans  at an alarming rate!

What does this have to do with the new methods of Wild Life Mangment that are designed to keep deer populations at a healthy low level?

Are you a stupid for asking such an obvious question?

First, what it says is that My Proposals to improve border sharpshooter training so they recognize the pregnant ones may help stem the flood a little bit, but it is probably NOT a good solution for the Anchor Baby Crisis. This DOES NOT mean I am backing off from the Border Sharpshooter Training initiative.  I’m just saying we need to add a new wrinkle to the solution.

Second, it means that if we are going to effectively cull the mexican herd that is already here violating  Our laws, stealing Our precious tax dollar resources, and using Our healthcare, then we need to initiate an Effective Mexican Herd Management initiative that involves selectively culling the female mexican from United States lands.

This may mean that we might have fewer resources to keep pressure on lowering the mexican buck population, and the roaming packs of mexican rape squads that ensue, but we can get back to them later.

It is time to start approaching the illegal mexican population as if it is a wild animal herd!  If we apply PROVEN methods of Wild Life mangment to the mexican does and bucks who are already across our border, then we might have a chance at dealing with the Anchor Baby Crisis.

Time to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of the United States!!!

July 16, 2010

Dominionists have never understood why the 9th largest Body of Water on God’s planet is called the Gulf of Mexico.  It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Almost all of the water in the Gulf of Mexico flows in from the United States, not from Mexico and not from any of those pathetic malaria-infested central american caliphates that are run by pox-marked despots.  And almost all of the land that borders the gulf is United States of America land.

And who is cleaning up the a gigantic oils spill that spilled in INTERNATIONAL WATERS and is NOT our responsibility??  You guessed it, the United of America.

So, lets go ahead and call a spade a spade and call the Gulf of United States by a name that makes a LOT more common sense than what it is currently being called.

Why is there an antiChrist but no antiMuhammed?

December 17, 2009

Hussein Obama, a muslim, is the antichrist of Christianity

When ever I get to preaching to the Youth Group from Daniel or Revelations, I oftentimes get this question: “Reverend Hipple, do those muslims have an antimuhammed the way we Christians have an antiChrist?”

The answer I always give is, “Son, why don’t just you and I go down to the basement rooms where we can be alone and I’ll explain why an antiMuhammed don’t make no burn sense.”

Jesus is the Handsome, peace-loving Messiah that God gives His people as a Gift of Love.  He is the Word of God, and who is beautiful and calm in all He is.  Jesus is Heaven on this earth.  Unimaginable beauty and the epitome of Love.

Therefore, the antichrist would have to be the polar opposite of Jesus.  And what is the polar opposite of Jesus?  Death, despair, destruction and an otherwise hollow existence bereft of any meaning or significance.

Sounds a lot like liberals and roaming packs of mexican rape squads, but it really is the Demon, isn’t it?  Exactly.

The antichrist is the Demon.  The antichrist is deceptive and tries to shave, dress and put on appearences as if he is the Chosen Son,  but The Elect among us can spot the Demon from a mile away.

In contrast,we know that the muslim religion is a false religion.  It is a religion of violence, destruction and world hegemony and unimaginable acts of desecration, perversion and perversity.  It is a religion that is bereft of any love or beauty whatsoever.

The first question I’d ask you is what purpose would be served by a religion that is already violent needing a violent antichrist?

And supposing it did, then it would have to be the polar opposite of everything that religion represents, and then what is the epitome of the polar opposite of this sort of depravity?

The Christian God, of course!

And is God the muslim antichrist?

What sort of stupid question is that!  Obviously, not.
