Warning: Spreading Homosexual Cults Idolizing Mainstream Media Tramp

Upon parole from my illegal incarceration the other day, I’ve been trying to catch up with the goings on all over the intertubes as it relates to Rep. Tom Tancredo’s Divine Calling to move our Dominion upon its Righteous path.

Through what I can only assume was an act of Divine Revelation, I’ve recently come across a dangerous cult of homosexuals engaged with the mainstream media in a conspiracy to recruit, unaware, Christian men who venerate subservient Christian women into a decadent homosexual lifestyle.

The scam works something like this:  A mainstream media harlot and secret Democrat Party operative first falsely declares on the Intertube that she has been fired from her job.  Loyal readers become confused and outraged at “her loss” and just as quickly fall under the spell of this man, who is obviously a flaming homosexual pervert and goes by the ironically redundant code name “homofascist”.

This “homofascist” pervert then declares a war on the mainstream media outlet that allegedly fired the tramp, and opens up an interblog to recruit members to his ‘war’ in a collective he calls ‘homofascist’s army’ ostensibly to wage a pathetic and pointless boycott against a mainstream media outlet run by a notorious, megalomanic homosexual media magnate that nobody outside of the mainstream homosexual sanctuary cities pays attention to anyway.

But what is his real cause?  Is it to wage a righteous war on the mainstream media?  Are we to believe homosexuals wage war against each other?

Most certainly is not!

This sick character “homofascist” has done little but post article after article of gay homosexuals in alluring and seductive poses, obviously trying to trick unsuspecting Christian boys and men to the Dark Side of Homosexual atrocity and perversity.

This ‘homofascist’s army’ is clearly a Cult of secular, atheistic homosexuals seeking to recruit more people to their despicable and perverse lifestyle.  I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find illegal mexicans and islamofascist behind this trickery and deception.

But at the moment, my prayerful inquiry leads me to suspect that “homofascist” is none other than this Nick Denton.  These amoral secular humanists have no bottom to their deceptions and treachery.

18 Responses to “Warning: Spreading Homosexual Cults Idolizing Mainstream Media Tramp”

  1. nojo Says:

    You, sir, are a genius.

    Thank you Brother or Sister, but All praise is the Lord’s
    Award winning interblogger

  2. mw Says:

    Thank you for this warning. I got out just in time.

    This outcome warms my heart! Can we expect you at the 2nd Dominion Church this Sunday?
    Award winning interblogger

  3. lonbordin Says:

    ummnn, wow just wow. To think I was hoodwinked like the rest.

    the shame.

  4. Fresh Clichès Says:


    The MSM tramp in question is NOT Ann Coulter??

    Hoodwinked, indeed.

  5. LaDouche Says:

    oh noez!!!! now i has teh gayz!!!!!

  6. donzacatl Says:

    But…but…but…what if I AM a subservient Christian woman? Is THIS where all the unaware Christian men who are supposed to venerate me disappeared to? Oh, and since when is Gawker “mainstream media” anyway? A sad tale, but I think I will have to stick with the HFA – after all, how else am I supposed to get my rightful veneration?

  7. starbirdcanada Says:

    I must say those two boys in that picture look just FABULOUS!

  8. latenightmoneyshots Says:

    These evil-doers are possessed by satan… anyone ready to repent and find jeebus, come to our weekly Ex-Blogger-Ministries meeting. 11pm. 639 New York Ave NW. All are welcome.

  9. homofascist Says:

    The end is nigh, mother*gay incest pornographic obscenity deleted*. The end is nigh.

  10. Nabisco Says:

    All I did was offer them some snacks. Will I go to hell, and if so is there Wi-Fi?

  11. coozledad Says:

    I am cutting up my Camocard and personalized checks from Bank HFA right now, brother.
    In humbly yielding , and by no means lurid and nasty Christian love.


  12. Warrior Jodie Says:

    If there is ANY thing I can do to help stop the queers from spreading their lies as fast as they spread their disease just LET ME KNOW. The last thing we need is more blame florists and hair dressers.

  13. Hipple, Rev. Paul T. Says:

    Sister Warrior Jodie-
    Thank you so much. You certainly are a prayer answered!

    As you can see, I made one simple, innocent observation on the intertubes about secular gay homosexuality, and now I seem to have my hands full of them. Just another example of horrible anti-Christian persecution.

    I draw strength knowing that my Savior, Jesus, suffered on His cross, just as I suffer on mine and also knowing that Rep. Tom Tancredo will give these perverts their due once he is elected President of our Dominion.

    Please give my best to Mrs. TDG-C.

    Award winning interblogger
    Weblog Awards Finalist 2007
    (multiple categories)

  14. starbirdcanada Says:

    Thank you Rev. Glad we could help with the persecution. If we can be of further assistance, please holler.

  15. SpiritualChristian Says:

    NUMBER ONE: It’s because of **borderline profanity and unChristian persecution removed by mods such as yourselves that gay-pride parades exist!
    NUMBER TWO: “gay homosexuals in alluring and seductive poses, obviously trying to trick unsuspecting Christian boys and men to the Dark Side of Homosexual atrocity and perversity.”
    ….wow….just…wow…NEWSFLASH YOU **unChristian persecution deleted by mods**, I’m pretty sure individuals who feel sexual attraction towards members of their own gender have BETTER things to do than try to turn Jesus-lovers into “flamers”. Seriously, you aren’t that important.
    NUMBER THREE: “I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find illegal mexicans and islamofascist behind this trickery and deception.”
    THE ABOVE QUOTE WAS LATER FOLLOWED BY THE COMMENT: “As you can see, I made one simple, innocent observation on the intertubes about secular gay homosexuality, and now I seem to have my hands full of them. Just another example of horrible anti-Christian persecution.

    I draw strength knowing that my Savior, Jesus, suffered on His cross, just as I suffer on mine…”

    Horrible anti-Christian persecution? HORRIBLE ANTI-CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION? Hey buddy, listen up, when Jesus walked among humanity before he was crucified and rose from the dead, he hung out with tax collectors, prostitutes, and spoke out against the corruption of the Pharisees. He preached a message of love for your neighbor, and a hatred of the SIN, not the SINNER!
    It’s fine if you disagree with the lifestyle of another individual, but the bashing of homosexuals and even derogatory and snide comments of different ethnicities is not only**unChristian persecution of a Christian deleted by mods**
    If you truly loved our Lord and Savior, I would think that you would follow his teachings of love and acceptance. NOT try to bring the Crusades back into the 21st century.
    I’m not trying to be cynical or put down everything you stand for, I’m just saying that you should probably take a deep breath and take the plank out of your eye before you tell your brother about the speck of dust in his.

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